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Everything posted by Geo

  1. Hm... from my little experience, it's best to carve the neck before attaching the fingerboard. Twice a neck has back-bowed on me after carving. Without a fingerboard attached, you can easily plane or sand the top of the neck level again and then glue on the fingerboard. In your case I would probably plane the fingerboard level again. I would use a plane rather than a sanding block. Of course, if the board is already radiused, that may not work very well and a radiused sanding block, as suggested by guitar2005, would be better.
  2. I like the Rickenbacker! Cool stuff.
  3. An audio pot will sound linear, while a linear pot will seem to have all the adjustment at one end--basically like an on/off switch that you spin instead of flipping. Pots in guitars and amps are usually audio. If you want it to seem normal, go with audio.
  4. The fingerboard isn't done. But thanks for the info. Being dumb, I hadn't even thought of that!
  5. Wow, I LOVE that blue Strat! I vote for the black/gold/green.
  6. The grain on the back is beautiful! It fits the shape very well. Will this be a natural finish?
  7. Cool beans. Have you tried one of your electric cigar-boxes at high volume? It seems like you could do some crazy feedback.
  8. With coaxial (shielded) cable, use the central wire for the signal. Ground the braided outer conductor. You should ground it on one end only (whichever end is convenient) and tape off the other end to keep it from accidentally shorting something to ground.
  9. Dude, that's hilarious... Seriously, "The Truth" would be a great brand name for a guitar! It looks like your project turned out well. I have no experience in the trademark stuff, but I trust what the other guys say.
  10. Very cool work man. I don't know who couldn't care for little instruments like that! Do these get electric pickups like the last one? That could be a cool feedback machine.
  11. Aw, I like the smell! Poor you. Dude, that neck is beautiful. I want to try a rosewood neck some time. Now couldn't you leave the neck "unfinished" except for fingerboard oil? Or is that a bad idea? I think the unfinished neck might feel really cool.
  12. I wouldn't worry about the buzz. From my experience, it's normal for the guitar to buzz if you aren't touching the strings/bridge/ground circuit. But I play with my hand resting on the bridge, so I never have problems with the buzz "coming on". If something were miswired and you got shocked inside the cavity, it would shock you anyway if you touched the strings. 1/2 watt pots at 500k aren't enough to keep 120v AC off your bridge...
  13. I think you're right that it puts the preamp output out of phase with the input. But you can't control phase between guitar and amp so easily. You would have to have the guitar positioned the correct distance from the amp, etc., to say that the strings are in phase or out of phase with the speaker. My guess is that the phase button is included to give you two options in a live setting. If you're getting feedback, put the switch on the other setting (it makes no difference whether you're going in phase > out or out of phase > in, because who knows where you're standing). It might help reduce feedback. This is why we have solidbodies... All right, I'm biased, I don't like amplified acoustics.
  14. That sounds really cool. I'm guessing it might have the power of a humbucker but with more clarity?
  15. Thanks guys. I tried Russ's suggestion, and the fit is much improved. Of course, after sticking it in and out of the pocket a few times, it isn't quite so good any more, though still better than at first. I think I'll do the process once or twice more before I glue the neck.
  16. The guitar looks great... the dog is totally sweet!
  17. Thanks Russ. I wondered about using water, but I thought it would just shrink again when dry. I'll try it.
  18. Aha. They owe me about $20 for an out-of-stock refund. I've given up. I saved all the emails that I exchanged with an associate. He explained that the original owner had died and so the office was sort of in disarray. It doesn't bother me so much because it isn't much money. I'll delete this post if it's inappropriate. But just FYI for others...
  19. I routed the neck pocket. (This is a set-neck.) There's a gap maybe as thick as a piece of paper, and the neck slides out easily. It is not an exact match, as you can move the neck ever so slightly side-to-side. Any ideas how I should rectify this? My thought is to glue a piece of super-thin wood to the side of the neck tenon and then sand it away until the fit is satisfactory. Thanks.
  20. I love the wood in that lap steel man! Here's a thought... design and build a 12-string electric. Design and build your own pickups. That oughtta keep you occupied. Now get to work!
  21. I can only see problems with that, even if you drilled a hole at an angle. You're adding possibly two more points of contact for the string, as well as possibly a length of surface if the string decides to run right along the tunnel you drill for it.
  22. http://www.el34world.com/Forum/yabb2/nph-YaBB.pl That place will help you out with tube amps. It's a much smaller forum than this one, and guys don't mind sharing the same info again and again.
  23. Soldering irons are pretty cheap. If you buy one, you can fix it yourself AND you can do mods to guitars, amps, etc!
  24. It's definitely a cool idea. I wonder how nice it would sound, having so little wood?
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