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Everything posted by curtisa

  1. Set multimeter to ohms, plug a lead into the output socket and connect your probes to the tip and sleeve of the lead. Wind all volumes/tones to max and use your pickup selector switch to isolate each pickup. The measured ohms on the meter should show the difference between the two pickups assuming they're wound to different specs.
  2. You should sell them as an aftermarket upgrade to those hangers. You could call them "rock socks".
  3. Not in Creo, but I have done something similar in Fusion 360. I found this video and this one as well handy in working out how such junctions are performed. I don't know if Creo has similar functions, but the modeling philosophy may be similar enough to translate between the two.
  4. As @Bizman62 may well know, US 'humor' is also known to be vastly inferior to UK/EU 'humour'. The extra 'u' makes it far funnier.
  5. Ditto. My one and only attempt at milling my own tree into timber slabs resulted in a bunch of planks that split and checked like crazy.
  6. Historically Les Pauls were done with 500k pots and 0.022uF caps. The Pearly Gates should work just fine with those default values. Beyond that, there's nothing stopping you exploring the myriad of different wiring schemes that are floating around on the net. Seymour Duncan themselves have a good selection on their website which you can chose in a dropdown-configurator style format based on the number and type of pickups you have, and the number/types of controls you want.
  7. Very well done, Andy. Matt should be rightly chuffed to receive such a fine looking instrument. Will Titanic Brewery do home deliveries? Might be time for a pint.
  8. Only if he wants to lock me up, which he can't do anyway 'cause we're all already locked up. Anyway, didn't anybody tell you? I'm a teapot! Nurse! Nurse! He's at it again! Hmmmm...maybe it's not just me after all...
  9. Is it just me or does that tree trunk look like a pair of legs and a butt?
  10. You're still finding you're reaching the limit, even as of now? As far as I can tell you should have the same settings as Norris (amongst others). Let me know if it's still an issue for you.
  11. If you're referring to the spamming of the 'like' button you've just made against my posts, flattery will get you nowhere.
  12. You should've told him it needed to undergo a mandatory 14 day quarantine at your house before handing over
  13. Sure you can. Based on your earlier assessment, don't you have another 26.6% of perfection to chase yet?
  14. All - can you check you reactions quota and see if you can make more than five please? I have a feeling I may have found the issue and have bumped you all up to something a bit more realistic. Note: I don't know what might happen to those of you who may have already reached your quota in 24 hours. You may need to wait an additional 24 hours for your quotas to reset before you're able to test.
  15. Thanks Noz. Ok, so there's still something not quite right with the reactions quota for some accounts. Let me have a bit of a poke around and see if I can find where the hiccup lies...
  16. @Bizman62, @ADFinlayson, @mistermikev, @Norris, @ScottR - Can I get a quick check-in from you guys and see if you're still happy with the number of reactions you're able to make per day? Something Ash posted in another topic has got me thinking you're still running into the limit too early.
  17. I'll raise a toast to Aion as well. I've done their Blueshift, Aurora and Tempest builds. They're all permanent fixtures on my pedal board now.
  18. Did you hear the one about the wooden guitar? Wooden play... Bravo, Andy. You have to be happy with the way that turned out. I trust you'll be GOTM-ing this one?
  19. I haven't forgotten either. I'm patiently waiting for you to do a 3-year essay on the process so I know what mistakes to avoid when I'm ready to retire and do mine Approximately, of course.
  20. The former seems a bit slapdash and the latter seems somewhat destructive. Can't you just raise the height of the pickup on the bass side by winding the pickup adjustment screws on one side a few turns? You can do it with a linear dual gang pot, but the taper and feel might not be to your liking. The "correct" way to do it is use a dedicated blend pot like the one StewMac sells, which will give more consistent results. Both alternatives are wired the same way - StewMac has a wiring diagram on their website.
  21. Do you have loads of noise (hum/buzz) and no sound, or no noise and no sound? Total loss of signal with any pickup selected would indicate that the fault lies on the common parts of the circuit. That would be either the volume pot, selector switch or output jack. Visually everything looks OK, but I'd focus on these three areas. It's possible that you have a faulty volume pot. An internal short to the case could cause what you describe. An internal short in the selector switch would also cause this issue, but is less likely. It's unlikely that all three pickups are faulty in the same way and the tone pots should only be in circuit when the neck or middle pickups are selected, so you can disregard those for now. I will say that there appears to be an error on the selector switch where the two tone pots are connected, in that I can't see how it's possible that they could operate as intended. But that shouldn't be causing your lack of sound and is a separate issue altogether.
  22. Can you post a picture of the wiring on the input jack?
  23. Try the big box auto supply chains like SuperCheap Auto, AutoBarn or Repco.
  24. There's a certain angular Star Trek-iness about the way this is shaping up which I'm quite enjoying
  25. Only if the OP meant that the strings buzz against the first six frets when played open, which he/she didn't actually specify. S-shaped neck deformation, perhaps? Could explain why you're able to get a perfect fret leveling with the neck dead flat, but things go awry under tension with the trussrod starting to take the slack up. Fender neck hump caused by uneven, gappy contact in the neck pocket?
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