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Posts posted by Desopolis

  1. I do have one question maybe you guys could help me out. Regarding the slitting saw blades, I have read that some makers say you can use these and other who say you absolutely cannot. What is the deal? I have ordered one recently (have not gotten it yet and it was only five dollars) to see if I can use it, but has anyone given it a go and what were your results?

    the reason you see that is because people are trying to use them on there table saw. for that Id just get the stewmac blade, much more stable.

    if you've ever watched the "how its made" series on discovery youd see Godins uses a saw EXACTLY like what your talking about.

    but honestly, if your going to be making less then 10 a day, a fretsaw and Jig work just as fast.

    it took me 5 minutes to slot 3 boards. Using just the stewmac blade, and my jig.

  2. Im in, but I wont be able to start on the 15th, my "shop" has been put into a giant box and I need to either ship it, or wait untill the end of Jan to pick it up.

    but I'll definatly be done by august.


    2.PRS double


    I could do a explorer too, but Id prefer those.

    I think experiance should be a factor as well, Im in this less then a year.

    there are tons of quality on here for judges, Id say Setch, Perry are two I like alot, and of course Melvyn himself.

    +1 for Texas

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