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Posts posted by Desopolis

  1. So while going all out in getting my fret slotting jig, and corisponding fretboard holder, thingamabob.. all done I kinda just started slotting with no regards to depths.

    I know not to cut through the board obviously, and I also know that the board needs to have enough depth through the radius.

    BUT the nut depth is pretty deep as well as the slot depth... enough that if I fretted it now there would be a gap from the end of the tang to the bottom of the slot.

    Should I try and correct it? Perhapse by sanding the board down to a set level? or would it be ok with a bit of a gap?

    how deep should the nut slot be?

    I just bought a graphtech tusq and a graphite nut for the two guitars im building and I assume they are set at some standard depth.



  2. so far my favorite was a porter cable.

    slow start, easy replacement, good plung action and lock, had a trigger lock, loose depth guage and tons of other features..

    I regularly use a tool shop el cheapo, the depth guage is threaded, so its a pain in the ass.. not to mention it kinda sucks in the relm of correctness.

    the depth stops are little screws on a disc, that isnt flush, so when you hit them, it isnt the same every time..

    but Ive learned to overcome and gotten it to work pretty well..

    it has a locking trigger as well though..

  3. I basicly went to guitar center and played a variety of differnt types of guitars with differnt types of wood.

    then I went online and googled Tonewoods.

    a BC rich V I have was made of 4 differetn pieces of the same wood, the neck, 3 lams of mahagony.

    unless it says one piece, I assume its a few different ones..

    BTW the Author of that book has been trolling arround this site for a while, kinda freaks me out actually.

    and I take whatever Rich says as fact....

  4. go 4+2 its all the rage :D

    I often wonder why people cant use the 6 inline, it would just be ofset on the back right?

    I have a set of grover locking, and from what I can tell, it doesnt matter how they are mounted, they lock, and tune both ways.

    im going 4x2, so Ill try it.

  5. setch- I actually didnt mean the mods, most mods just change the thread to suite.

    its the 6 users that come into a thread, and ignore the topic, just the fact that he posted big pics. if it were that much of a bother they could just PM him.

    I respect the work and effort all the mods here put forth, and in most cases the quality of work from a mod far shadows that of what I do.


    can you post a pic of the dyed binding a bit better? it looks to me like it doesnt match, but that may just be the pictures.

  6. why stains?

    why not a laq or poly finish?

    you want to see the wood right? just dye the finishes, and between each color, spray a clear coat. let it cure then do the next color(and tape the edges)

    I dont see a way to avoid making a fuzzy line with stain..

    I could be wrong, but thats what I would do.

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