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Posts posted by Desopolis

  1. I used my jig saw and got fairly close the the edge, but I left enough room to use the sander or a block sander. it takes longer, uses alot of elbow grease, but turned out ok.

    Slotting is scarry, it has to be perfect, otherwise no matter how pretty your guitar is, it wont sound right. its like a ferrari that wont turn left.

    your using the stewmac jig right? looks good.

    as far is the inlay goes, its a bit rough on the edges, but probobly better then what I would do.

    for my inset pickuard I routed the channel then spent HOURS shaping the pickguard to inset. if I had done it in reverse I think it would of taken less time and been a tighter fit.

  2. wow.. I don’t know why I feel I have to validate my self, but..

    1. it was plywood

    2. I know what MDF is made of, and I also know what’s in cigarettes(witch, unlike MDF, are PROVEN to cause cancer).

    3. I wanted the radio, bright light, and warmth, NOT the TV. my roommate was watching TV.

    4. Many people on this board don’t wear respirators to sand a piece of maple, witch, in my experience, is more of a irritant then plywood. I wear a mask

    5. I’m more worried about my roommate eating ramen or 7 year old jelly then I am him being around plywood dust. Especially because he works in a hardware store and recently moved to Millwork.

    6. have you seen how much dust comes off a dremel? its not a table saw.

    You know, wood is dangerous, so is driving in your car. In fact, leaving your house is almost a guaranteed way of putting yourself in harm.

    see you guys later, Im on my way to a kindergarten class to juggle loaded pistols

  3. every wood I work with is toxic. and its actually plywood, my other templates are MDF or MDQ.

    im more woried about ebony dust then the dust from mdf.

    I have another set thats foam on the inside with thin lams of wood for faces.

  4. I did the same thing when I tried using a hand plain to joint my two pieces of swamp ash.

    said screw it, but then I went to a cabinet makers..

    we cut it in half, used a jointer, and blam.. you cant even see the line.

    in fact, I have to draw a line in pencil just to see the centerline..

    Id cut it in half and try again.

  5. I have my frankenstein strat and im currently building two more guitars. So far im almost 2k in special tools, parts, woods, hardware, and equipment.

    I have never had a left handed acoustic, but ive played alot of right handed ones upside down. But I really want one for when I just want to practice simple stuff, or take it out camping etc. Plus the sound is totaly different.

    Id love a nice taylor, martin, or hand made piece but honestly, for that kind of money and me being a new luthier, I only see myself getting angry for not trying to make it. Eventually I will, but I want to get a few things down, and Im a instant gratification kind of guy at this point.

    I've looked arround a bit, theres some cheap fenders that sound twangy, decent yamahas and some off names.

    the shop by me has a mahogony back/side/neck solid spruce top Alverez that I liked, but its made in china and that kinda put me off. But i look back at it, and as long as it sounded ok and lasted a year I wouldnt care.

    whats your opinion?

    have a brand recomendation?

  6. it was a 1/8th sanding bit, not a cutting.

    I was on my table, wearing gloves and goggles over the top of a plastic bag.

    besides using a plastic bag full of ebony chips to attempt to manage catching some of the dust becuase I didnt want to go outside to the garage where theres no chair/tv/radio to sit and sand a MDF insert, I see nothing wrong.

    as far as the rest of my tools go, I allways use a table, or concrete counter with my piece clamped down.

    or I use a cabinet makers shop..

    I often sand with two hands when using a dremel, especially when testing it to fit somewhere specific.

  7. i can only image scotty getting sucked into his router..

    today I was dremeling a insert to size a neck pocket, and I was doing it in my living room over a plastic bag I had used to hold the scraps from destroying a ebony fretboard..

    anyway, the dremel cought the edge of the bag.

    it was like a grenade went off.

    Ebony flying everywhere and the dremel snaking, trying to free itself from hand.

    my roommate happened to be walking by and took cover behind our couch...


    I could totaly see a router grabbing a long sleve shirt or somthing and yanking you to it..

  8. **smacks forehead**

    I ment, I LIKE the fact that THIS board has larger company names, and luthier celebs roaming the forums. makes me feel the information here is more sound.

    PG is almost like reading a book that never ends.. Every thread has a new chapter, it could be a one page question, a 12 page tutorial, or a 143 page discussion on a sustainer.

    honestly, PG is a tool that without, I probobly wouldnt even of started.

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