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Posts posted by Desopolis

  1. if 1/4" is for a smooth transition for like a carve it would be fine, but a edge like that would be a bit much.

    your fretboard started at 1/4" and it would be about that thick... get a fretboard blank, go to Guitar center, and put it on a body... see how it feels.

  2. its a MP GT-45 turbocharger, a brazilian company.. many guys at turbo mustangs swear by them, so I picked one up..

    the turbo is rated at 1000HP, I was planning 765WHP in a 351W but Im selling it now.. if it doesnt sell, it will go on a 6.0 ls1 based truck engine in a very, very, small car.

    Im saving up for a crotch rocket though.. 3k gets me a 11 second vehicle, just wont keep me dry in the rain.

    maybe if I get back to making TONS of money for a single college student again Ill hop back into the car stuff.

  3. I was unaware the reference was personal, and toys are toys..

    Im a poor student who lives off rammen but has nice stuff..

    my last big thing was cars with things like this:


    but I find guitar building to be a MUCH cheaper hobby, plus taking time on a guitar means patience, taking time on a car means lazyness.

  4. dont worry, hes just upset his LT1 is getting outdated by the LS2.

    j/k crafty

    and you guys would be sickened to learn how much those two cars share in common.

    even worse,

    look into a Nissan Pathfinder and a Nissan 300ZX. Engine/transmission/rear end/ most steering/wheels(hubs and spindles)/brakes/most brackets/electronics/etc...

    as far as this guitar goes, I dont see a reason to spend 6000 on it. I could have a 100% custom guitar with my name inlayed into the body done for cheaper.

  5. Ok so I've pretty much gathered all the details I need, but I just have a few questions I would like to ask.

    1: For the fingerboard wood, I am going to use (duh da da da!) Cocobolo. I've heard that since it is very oily it can be difficult to glue, so my question is: what special care do I need to take in gluing (should I wipe it down with something?) and what type of glue is best? Titebond? Gorilla Glue?

    Also, Cocobolo doesnt need a finish correct? I can just leave it as is?

    2: I know that my main neck wood is going to be maple, but I want to have laminate strips in it. What are some cool woods for laminates that arn't to expensive and sound good? I'm looking at purple heart and wenge right now. How much impact on tone do laminates have?

    3: Finally, (this relates to the maple) but I really love unfinished maple necks and so I was wondering what sort of oil you would reccomend to rub it down with.

    Thanks a bunch :D



    1. There was a thread on here about that, and it seamed that most people agreed that wiping it wasnt required. Second, I wouldnt use Gorila Glue for anything.. That stuffs insane, and takes forever to be 100%

    Id recomend Titebond I for anything wood/wood and CA for anything else.

    2. I like the look of wenge, but Padauk and purppleheart are prone to fading, so if your like me, it will be sitting against your couch.. and turn brown..

    I like the look of ebony veneers and wenge the most, maybe bloodwood or somthing.

    3. I plan on using tru-oil...

  6. I read alot about the wilkinson, and see that its not in the states because someone has a pattent on a similar design..


    I like how it doesnt take up as much body space as the floyds, witch is the only reason I dont use em...

    anyone know a decent alternitive?

  7. oh heres a funny story for you...

    So I have family from indiana, that I visit every summer.

    my second year up here Im sitting in the grass with my sister(from/lives in Indiana) and My foot is very close to a ant pile. So I look down and there are about 8 ants on my shoe, I leap up rip my shoe off my foot, throw it down the street yank off my socks and start doing the "invisible shower"(rubbing my legs) to make sure they're arnt any on me..

    meanwhile my sisters laughing HISTARICLY at the sight.

    shes like, "are you afraid of ants?"

    "uhhh, of course I am, ants are the devil"

    so she reaches down and picks a few up in her hand

    "ARE YOU INSANE?!?!"

    thats when I learned, from my then 10 year old sister, that not all Ants cary fire and brimstone in there teeth..

    im still weirded out, its somthing you cant unteach yourself, the first time I let a ant on me I was still weirded out...

    OH heres another one(besides the whole soda/pop/coke thing)

    I went to a mexican Resteraunt and they brought out chips and salsa.. Witch, any Texan is fully aware of different types and styles, and is also addicted.

    It was cambles tomato soup... seriously.. there is no doubt in my mind.

    So I was like, "uhhh can I have the hot?"

    they brought out Pico... ***....

    this thread has become WAY OT...

  8. no DPDT stands for double poll double throw. There are two sets of leads(6 total connectors, with 2 seperate circut switches) and the switch can only be in Pos 1 or Pos2.

    to make a off switch you'd simply let the hot connector simply not on the other end, or connect to ground so you dont get the fuz.

    he means with the pot thats attached to the switch, it sounds like your doing somthing with a active setup..

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