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Posts posted by RAI6

  1. I've been told to throw the guitar into the trash

    I break more strings on that guitar, and it must be because of that bridge.

    I had a Strat with that same bridge, and had the same problem you have...

    Breaking strings like crazy.

    That guitar went back to the shop in no time.

    Got myself an Ibanez instead.

    Problem solved.

  2. Did you ever figure this one out? Those screws look like pickguard screws...

    Nope, never did. But I'm PRETTY sure that they have nothing to do with the actual ferrules. :D

    Could it be that those ferrules are supposed to go with a string-through flat-mount bridge, and that those are the screws that hold the bridge?

    That's my guess........


  3. My friends Ibanez with a Floyd he has to have a guitar tech restring it and he mentioned that you have to cut the ends of the strings (the side with the rings) off. Also it a pain to tune. it just sounds like a pain in the ass. im not saying prs is perfect at all i was just using an example of a different solution. i honestly have no idea what the benifit of a flyod is. and i dont like the way they look with the extra crap on the trem and the locking nut.




  4. It looks like i should chizel a deeper neck pocket but i was wondering if there might be somehting i have over looked,

    Any help would be great



    No, you haven't overlooked anything.

    The heel and the pocket...

    Those are the two things you have to look at.

    Since you probably don't want to mess with the heel, the pocket is where you have to make your adjustments.

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