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Everything posted by BeAR

  1. Try this.... www.yahoo.com Goto Briefcase....... Login - bearsfiles Pass - password I Repainted it with 2 pac auto paint.
  2. Come on guys, theres got to be someone else who has recorded something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im feelin' lonely
  3. I cant praise OLP highly enough. They really are great value for money. And th p/ups sound just great for a budget axe, although santa might be bringing a couple of dimarzios here for christmas (gotta let my wife read this). The J station has alot to do with the tone I get when recording. It has some fantastic amp sims. Especially the Rectifier one, tuned down a little. Mee thinks santa better bring me a 7 string too. hehe. Youll notice a slight fuzz at the silent part of the start, thats the Peavey XXX amp. The johnson is SILENT. I just thought Id use the Peavey because a friend left it here after practice one day....its not mine
  4. Whos Metallica??????? hehe, not really tho. Ill put some photos of the axe in the folder too.
  5. I changed the last post, try the login and password to D/L the mp3.
  6. Hows this? Excuse the low bitrate, Yahoo briefcase has a fit when I try uploading big files. But even at 80kbs, you should get the general idea. www.yahoo.com Click on briefcase and use these : name : bearsfiles Pass: password I called it BeARs song. Recorded in Logic Audio Platinum, with DSP24/96 Sound card. Rhythm guitars done with Johnson J Station direct, Lead using Sure Beta of axis on a Peavey Tripple XXX head and celestion quad box w/crybaby. Guitar was the OLP MM1 that I fitted the Floyd Rose to. Drums care of some sample robbery and cut'n'paste. Dont tell any one.
  7. Good idea. Ill upload something soon.
  8. Sound like a useful idea, BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Looks good, Im interested. Not fussed which one, as long as its a primed body with the 6 screw noles for a vintage style trem. ( and not too banged up...scratches are cool tho). Swimming pool or standard rout, doesnt matter. Do you want me to make an offer? or can you give me a price via email? gazt@bigpond.net.au Ill need it shipped to Australia if you can include freight in your quote. Thanks alot, BeAR.
  10. Thats cool. There isnt really anyhere else to post links like these so I figured this was as good a place as any.
  11. I tried the POD and V-Amp along with the J Station when I was looking for a modeling unit and thought the Johnson unit kicked butt over the other two. I thought it would be a good idea to mabe start 3 threads, one for each unit if they are popular. Just to share patches and programming ideas. I guess it depends on the amount of people who use modeling units.
  12. I have the software version, and I love it. Great for mastering a track with, but I fail to see the use in a live rig. Surely you can get the same results with a compressor and some EQ tweaking on your amp? Any thoughts?
  13. Actually Im not trying to win anything, just posting some helpful sites. If they're wrong, so be it. Just trying to help.
  14. ......must sleep again. Wake me when its over. hehe.
  15. http://www.netspeed.com.au/gillian.alcock/ Last time i checked, a Dulcimer was an acoustic stringed instrument or am I streching the boundaries of this months competition?????
  16. http://my.execpc.com/~nostberg/index.html and four.........classical guitar construction.
  17. http://www.milburnguitars.com/fpbannerframes.html French polishing for those who could be bothered...........
  18. http://www.diynet.com/DIY/article/0,2058,6572,FF.html and two...........everyone needs sharp tools to build guitars dont they?
  19. http://members.tripod.com/%7ebanjoist/inlaying.htm and one........
  20. ftp://mimf.com/pub/wfret.zip And a fret calculator.
  21. http://greenfield.fortunecity.com/flytrap/.../518/dobro.html How about a Bar-B-Que Dobro.........yes im serious. Some people just have too much time on their hands.
  22. http://www.guttenberg.k12.ia.us/dikkers_st.../KitGuitar.html Another guide to kit acoustic guitars......
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