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Everything posted by BeAR

  1. Oh man I hear ya!!! Thats my biggest problem too, just wanting to get the body/neck/what ever Im working on, finished. Ive ruined many hour of labour rushing things and only now am I starting to learn from my mistakes. You really have to be prepared to just spray one light coat and walk away for a day or two. Brush on one layer and walk away. What ever it is you are doing if it isnt polyurithane, its gonna take time to get it right. If the paint recomends 8 hours between sanded coats, leave it 16. At the end of the day, its only gonna look as good as the effort you put in to it. And that effort includes having enough restraint to 'walk away'. In a months time when your playing you shiny new look guitar youll forget all about the hard work, so trust me its worth it. Good luck.
  2. Thanks for the tips. I sanded off the logo because It was just a trial to see how it looked. Dont worry there is another going on before I respray the neck. Ill stain the wood slightly before I spray with the slightly tinted poly. I wanted a tough durable finish and dont mind the sticky feel of gloss poly. Im really into re-issue type guitars, but cant handle the whole relic scene. I like a guitar to look new and shiny not beat up and cracked, but each to their own. I know some purists may turn up their nose at anything other than nitro especially on a neck, but I dont care. Poly is damn tough and will always look new. Might want to PM me in regards to that logo of yours.
  3. Im in the process of re-finishing the neck. That decal got sanded off and the whole neck rubbed down. Ive filled the holes from the Gotoh tuners with maple pieces and have purchased a set of Fender/Gotoh Kluson style vintage tuners. All Parts sell collars to allow you to use Klusons with modern size machine head holes and they look really good. Im going to re do the neck in amber polyurithane. Once the finish is flowed on over the entire neck and frets Ill give it a week or so to dry, clean and polish the frets and re assemble the guitar. Ill post some pics when its done.
  4. No drugs, just the love of a good woman.
  5. nah...it aint so cool. Trust me after a while it gets real boring. All the girls are like, you know screaming and stuff, just wanting you to lay your magic steady hands on them..........and you'll be like HEY!! leave me alone , Im an artist, and they're like but your so good, and Im like dont touch me down there and they're like show me your brush baby. Fame really isnt all its cracked up to be. Sometimes I just want to be left alone. I can really tell how Elvis felt. It a lonely existence, trust!!!
  6. If you really want to thank me, please donate something to this site. Even $5 would be a great help to enable Brian to keep this place up and running. Web space isnt free! The way I figure it, even if you only get one tip that helps you in some way and saves you money from this site, you should say thanks. .......you'll even get a nifty little tag under your name that says your a site supporter. P.S. Im in no way affiliated with this place. Just greatful for the collective knowledge.
  7. www.yahoo.com Goto Briefecase, Login - fenderlogo Pass - password D/L Zip file and unzip.
  8. Oh yeah and do you have a broadband connection? I just had a closer listen. A jehlecaster tuned down to D................man you rock!!!!! hehehehehe!
  9. Hey Jehle, you wanna colaberate on some stuff? Im a Logic Audio man myself, what are you using?
  10. Shoot me an email fenderboy@mbox.com.au
  11. It was more just a Fender rant..........sorry for venting. Basically it boils down to this..........if you can get some Vintage Noisless covers from Fender, Ill buy them from you. I wouldnt expect you to dog them when your just getting started, sorry to make it sound that way. Thanks again for taking the time to read my crap
  12. Hey Scott, congrats. Maybe you can help me with a fender problem Ive got. I bought a set of Vintage noisless pickups from Fender..........but after 2 months, the gold logo has all but worn of the pickups. They look crap now and Fender wont sell me a replacement set. They were telling me that you shouldnt remove the covers from the pickups because they are so delicate and will harm the windings.....PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! Their solution was to sell me some standard pickup covers. Which Im certainly not going to do. I even offered to send the old covers back, but still no good. I bought these because of the sound AND the look of them. Sorry about the rant. If you get a chance while talking to the brain surgeons at Fender, could you maybe ask for me?????????? Id be happy to make it worth your while. Thanks mate, Gary.
  13. Now Isee there are 2 different types of inputs.................. Take your pick
  14. Unfortunately the resolution is too low Higher Resolution means a better finished product. Yours needs to be much much higher to make it work. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Basically if you can zoom in on the image and still see jagged lines it wont work too well. I suggest you PM me if you want some help
  15. Nice Axe. Which one? Colour? Special, Standard, Hardtail, Floyd and Drop D tuna, Carved top, flat top??????????????????? Give us pics man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Preferably in pieces. Thats not something one gets to see too often A naked Wolfie!!!! Im Jealous. Just a small side note, the necks on the Wolfies and laser eched to simulate the wear of Eddies prototype neck. I **** you not. Look at the headstock where he normally puts his cigarette............................there is a damn burn mark in the wood. At least there was on the last 3-4 I looked at. Freaky.
  16. Jems and high end ibanez guitars have a reversed input jack, check the Jem conversion tutorial section for pics of how to do it. .........care of our fearless leader Brian. Any RG higher than an RG550 has the same rear routing as the Jems etc, so converting the jack socket is as easy as plugging the old hole and drilling a new one into the same cavety. I guess you could plug the holes and drill new ones but that depends how 'pro' you want the finished product to be. If its just a beater, sure go ahead and plug em, but if it was my guitar Id retop it. It wont take more than a weekend to do and at least its done properly. Ive taken the quick and easy way out too many times, so trust me ....................youll be kicking yourself later for not spending the extra time to do it right.
  17. I did this myself a few years ago. The place where I was working had a huge wood shop with some great machinery. This one particular machine had a conveyor belt that pulled timber into it where a belt sander ran over the timber. You could basically dial in how much timber you wanted removed as accurate as 1/64th of an inch. I got a 1/8 maple bookmatched cap, and machined the body to suit. Once the top was fitted, just run around the new top with a router fitted with the right radius bit. Sounds simpler that it really was, but it worked and looked fantastic with a black burst to cover up the joint. Id prolly use a thinner veneer and follow the tutorial for the bookmatched top. Any decent machine shop should be able to skim a couple of mm from the face of the body in a couple of minutes. Beauty of this is that you wont have to be as accurate with the pickup and cavity holes as they get covered by the pickguard. There might be an easier way, hopefully if there is someone here will let you know.
  18. Dave, the material is printed onto a ultra thin clear layer, which is stuck to a paper backing for use in the laser printer. Soaking it in water loosens the glue allowing the image to 'float' away from the paper. Once slid onto the new surface, the glue dries and hold the image in place.
  19. There is no reason why that wouldnt work, Titebond and tooth picks have worked for so many others
  20. Ive managed to get the 'real' decal method to work now. Yeah Baby!!!!! You can buy the A4 sheets for a couple of dollars a piece all over the net. Make up your image, and print it onto the decal sheet with a colour Laser printer. Must be a laser printer!!!!! So the ink wont run. And thats it. Cut it out, float it in water and slide it onto the surface you want to cover. A little bit of laquer and hey presto I havent laquered this yet, just soaked it in water and slid the image onto the headstock. Makes me grin just looking at it.
  21. Great Guitars!!! Just remember there are a few thing different about them tho. They have the reversed Jem style input jack and the pots and 5 way switch are also in a different spot too. Youll need to do a re-top of the body......no big deal I guess, just follow the tutorial page. A good place to start would be with an RG 570. You may have to find a left handed RG neck as well.
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