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Everything posted by demonx

  1. I still think 50 is fair. If it were "elitist" as suggested it'd be 1000 posts - 50 is not unreasonable. About the IP thing you say making it easy to spot multiple accounts that way. Doesn't work like that. In the old days yes, these days no. If a person logs in on a mobile device, it's a different IP every time I've been told (when we were having problems with another forum). So you cannot track or rely on that. It's also way too easy these days to surf the net under a false IP. Theres websites dedicated to assisting the noob to do this. Another thing I learned whilst having trouble running another forum. The simplest measure is to make it a higher post count. Since the count has been bumped to 10 there's already been a few simple/spam posts going on. 10 is easily achievable. 50 is a lot of effort and not as easy to hide.
  2. Not exactly guitar related, but I just finished installing this wood heater in the workshop. No more cold winters! Pitty we've been having 37 degree celcius days or I'd crank it, but I guess summer is the cheapest time to buy a heater! Now I justr have to wait till winter to find a cheap airconditioner!
  3. I like that flame top. Very classy.
  4. RAD: your use of Bocote inspired my to bring some in from the USA and Im currently working with two Bocote boards and a third is in my "personal stash". Absolutely beautiful stuff. Not as hard as I'd have thought, but I've been working with some ridiculously hard timbers lately
  5. Taking guitar pics: I was told years ago by a photographer a few tips that make pics easy. Outdoors. Shoot in the shade or on a shady overcast day. My pics aren't the best, but they're certainly not not worst either. I don't own a fancy camera, I don't even photoshop them other than a simple crop. iPhone is my camera. The sun is my lighting. If you go to a studio you'll find they reflect light so that it's not shining directly on the subject creating glare. This is how the sun in our atmosphere works and why outdoor pics are easier than indoor. Taking the pics in slight shade simply reduces glare again and means that every pic will turn out. Then it only relies on your ability to choose a good angle and frame the photo!
  6. I reckon 50 posts would be more reasonable. It's easy for a fake ID to come in and make 10 posts, but 50 or 100 will easily become obvious its a post spam account. Anyone who's a genuine member here will easily make 50 or 100 posts by participating in the forum. Many guitar forums have a minimum 50 post count to be able to list something for sale. I guess this is similar.
  7. Ha! You and I are inso much the same spot! I was just thinking the other day about cordless screwdrivers. I just bought a second hand wood heater which I have to install before winter and Im also looking at second hand aircon!
  8. When I wanted to buy a new rasp a couple months ago I decided on Liogier ones aftrer being told they are the best of the best. I got onto their website and there was too many options so I though I'd do a bit of research so I was buying the right one. I ended out just buying a dragon rasp as they were cheaper and I'd read they hack out more wood than a liogier but leave a messier finish. Well considering I use a rasp for hacking off wood this sounded ideal. The pain in the butt about the dragon rasp is having to go get your own handle. Other than that, I've found it to be excellent. In fact I have learned to be carefull with it as it does actually cut through the wood really fast if not used at an angle!
  9. I dont even know what Micromesh is! I know people buy it from Stewmac, but I just walk into my local auto paint place and ask for a 3000 pad. It is about quarter inch thick and made to fit onto an round orbital sander, but I just fold it up and use it by hand.
  10. The 3000 is a pad. Doesn't come as paper. Too fine
  11. Maybe you're using too much water? Could be the tape you're using. I always use green tape. But if the tape is covered in clear then it'd be waterproof. The water is only used a lubricant, so you don't need bucketloads on there. I get a large bowl of water, let the sandpaper soak in the water and use it wet from the tub. When it's starting to dry out I dip it back in the tub so it's wet again. That's all the water that's needed if you're doing it by hand. I do all my wet sanding by hand starting at 2000 followed by 3000
  12. Just use your 13 degree. Pretty much every guitar I build is trem and I only use 12 degree.
  13. I never get a wet board. What stops this is I mask the board surface and spray the clear. When im wet sanding the clear is sealed to the tape and the overspray ensures it's sealed around the edge. So the water doesn't get in After polishing I remove the tape and razor blade the paint edge smooth.
  14. Theres hundreds of thousands of guitars all over Australia made using blackwood! Maton use it. Cole Clarke use it. I've used it on at least half a dozen guitars. I've just finished an all Aussie timber 7 string thats mostly blackwood and I've got in paint stages at the moment an all Aussie timber 8 string that has a blackwood top. If you find my build thread or facebook page you'll see both of these.
  15. I just ordered a new brad set. I cannot even remember the brand but the guy at the ship never steers me stray and he said these German made ones are the best he can get me. I'm VERY envious of your drill press. After I upgrade my bandsaw in a year or two, drill press upgrade is on the menu!
  16. I don't reccomend Vic ash/tas oak. Horrible stuff for guitar making. I used it once years ago and said never again. A couple months ago I bought a plank that looked really tight/dense grained, I thought it'd make a difference. Nope. Still sucks to work with. Blackwood is great but it kills your bandsaw blades and router bits very quickly. It also makes a very heavy instrument so you need to plan weight loss in the body area in advance of the build. I forgot carbatec sold titebond. I buy tools and things from carbatec often.
  17. Biggest GOTM we've had for a long time and a great display of the variety and talent that is on this forum. Every entry should be so proud of their work as they are all top shelf and proof that us little guys working from our sheds at home can produce a world class instrument.
  18. I just used a set of Bareknuckles with this same finish. They call it "camo" - they look awesome in the right guitar. Even sitting them in the plain woodgrain they looked good. Versatile finish. Awesome work as always RAD.
  19. I've had a very busy day... TWO happy customers! #1 Warbird got it's approval today: The second guitar was a bolt on blackwood/clear timber thing that I freighted a few days ago to its new owner and I recieved tonight a very cool email saying how much he likes it and how it's better than some other USA custom he's recently bought. Good feedback is always great to hear! Heres a couple more pics I tool today of the Warbird SS6
  20. You can buy Titebond from ALS in QLD. I use F9 from a local joinery supplies. http://luthiersupplies.com.au/
  21. First of all - thanks to Perry. The jack wires were back to front. Also found one of the connectors on my tone pot was very loose - so loose I'm amazed I didnt notice whilst soldering. All good now - I was very pissed off about this as the customer is hanging to see his "custom" guitar and I've been stalling! Thanks again. I really need to learn electronics but with so much else to learn it on towards the end of my list!
  22. I had a Marlin Duplicarver - they're considered the best of the best. It owed me a couple thousand dollars once freight etc was paid. I sold it. My $50.00 Dragon rasp from stewmac was a better investment.
  23. Today I found myself in a similar situation to RAD. Questioning my bandsaw. I recieved the other day a package with some Camphor burl and some beautiful Shedua and Bocote and I just don't trust my bandsaw to bookmatch it, so I enlisted the help of a local luthier with a much more worthy bandsaw. Enter Master Luthier (and I don't use those terms often) Sandy Richards of Richards Guitars (check out his website: http://www.richardsguitars.com.au/)
  24. Whatever you did worked - so now I have to learn the forum again! Cheers!
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