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Everything posted by demonx

  1. @prostheta: really? Anytime I've seen projects in there I've considered them cheats. Maybe there should be a sub GOTM for projects to keep them seperate from the full builds. Might help motivate a few of the younger members to enter their mod/refurb guitars as they won't feel as intimidated going up against the likes of multiple winners like andyt and shad peters and the likes.
  2. Mycurrent GOTM entry is a tele with a thin rosewood cap over Mahogany - take a look at the pics and make your own mind up. Out of your options I'd go basswood or maple.
  3. Why doesn't this kid just start a build thread on here and we'll see what he's made of. Then we'll go back to the GET A BLOODY JOB advice as even if he's a a freakishly gifted luthier prodigy, he needs a freaking job to establish any future. Maybe is he actually tries building guitars this fantasy he's built up in his head might fall apart pretty quick. Sure in the original post he has said he's been building, but from my experiences most kids think building is buying a body and neck off ebay and screwing some parts into it and their idea of a repeair is adjusting the pickup height! So really - we need to establish a skill base here and then we can comment further. Until then, get a job is my advice! Has anyone said that yet?
  4. Clancy (the customer) was here yesterday and dropped off his design for the body profile. So I was then able to start finalizing the body laminations Yesterday - Padauk top to the Mahogany back: Today after planing I added a thin maple stripe, then a stringer of padauk on mahogany followed by a thick maple stringer
  5. I never used to use sanding sealer, but I do these days. Makes for a better finish and helps reduce sink back as does grain filling of some description.
  6. Oil? Blasphemy! It's getting ebony grain filler, a very light coat of trans black candy and a very slight black burst.
  7. Here is me, radiusing the boards ready for fretwork today. One done before lunch, another to do after:
  8. All looking good. Your necks always do!
  9. Then bust your arse and do it. Don't think about it, just do it.! I wish you all the best on your endevour. MK That along with the advice of get a real job. The reality is pretty much every kid who plays guitar either wants to be a rock star or a luthier. The reality is get a real job and build as a hobby on the side selling what you can. If the hobby takes off, good for you. But you're not going to get anywhere in life if you dont have a job to start off with.
  10. When I do truss rods I put a small bead of silicone under each end of the truss rod before pushing it into the slot. This will ensure that twenty thirty years down the track if the wood has ever moved, expanded or whatever that there will be no truss rod rattle. I also wipe a bead of silicone over both ends, which stops the glue from squeezing down into the threads and hindering the rod. Be aware of how much you squeeze in as if the silicone spreads all over the place it will stop the wood glue from fixing the fingerboard, so you only want the bare minimum and try not to wipe it over the timber surface like I accidentally did a tiny bit in this pic and had to clean up!
  11. Tip when drilling holes. If yuou're drilling a steep angle from a pocket you dont want the drill to touch the edge, simple tape a bit of metal across the edge and if the drill bumps it, the project wont get damaged. Some people put a bit of tube over the drill bit for the same effect but I find that hinders my angle at times.
  12. I really dont see it being a problem. As noted above by Wes, Conklin and others have been doing it for years. Besides, if it's not good enough for a neck .... The guitar will be cleared, so theres a chance I might have to clear the board to color match the rest of the guitar.
  13. Multi lam neck with matching fingerboard. Can't do much more to the board as I'm waiting for the customer to supply some special binding he has ordered and insists on. Also with the body, waiting on the customer to come and get the shape "locked in" and organised as he wants his own design.
  14. Looks great! The colors really work well together. How do you find the graphtec nut? I've been thinking about trying them.
  15. After in a recent build, drilling through the top of the guitar by accident in attempt to drill the electronics hole from the cavity to the neck pickup, I devised the idea thinking I was a pure genius only to find out its been done before, of pre routing a channel in the wing before glue up, so that when routed the channel meets with the pickup cavities.
  16. @ Tyler You asked about mulitple piece laminations and how I do it, so I snapped these pics today for you. First I get the laminations in place with a couple of quick clamps, then drill two holes far on the outside where they'll be cut off. I dont drill completely through the last piece as it leaves a cup for the dowel to sit in: Using the two holes with a bit of dowel sitting in them I make a big timber kebab: Then clamp the hell out of it:
  17. Hahahaha - I'll get around to it one day!
  18. Looks quite interesting so far. Should make for a great finished product!
  19. On most routes no, on this route yes. Something like mahogany cuts like butter, this Wenge in the video was putting up a fight as you probably tell. It's pretty hard timber.
  20. In build threads I see people using all sorts of templates and jigs to do truss rod slots. I used to do it the hard way with a jig, however now I use a router table. I find it much faster, way less setup time and it is very accurate and easliy adjustable. Heres a short video showing the layout stage (using existing center line) and the actual cut of the truss rod slot using a router table with a spiral upcut bit: http://youtu.be/BgB4tjw_ryA
  21. Thanks. I've only ever built two teles, this is the second. I reckon there'll be more in the future and I reckon I'll have to try out stage this one somehow!
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