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Everything posted by demonx

  1. It's definitely solid compared to my last setup, I can make it flex, but I have to really try. It'll be perfect for slotting boards. Took me a while to free everything up as it'd been sitting around for years. The motor is fine, it was just all the moving sliding and adjusting parts were full of old dryed up saw dust, needed a bit of inox to get them moving smooth, now it moves freely without effort. It also required a new power cable as the old one had split insulation.
  2. I just had another look at your pics, just looks like you've copied the import shape, at least its not the fat, squished bass shape! You're lucky it's not one of the uglier really messed up import shapes, it at least retains a bit of integrity Don't stress, unless someone is a massive BCR fan they'll never know
  3. There definitely are differences, there's the older USA handmade (correct) shape which is the best looking one, then the bass shape looks like its been squeezed and squished and gone fat, then there's the Chinese shape that looks like a cheap piece of shite, which is a bit smaller and changes all the angles lines which is all the modern ones. Then several variations of the shite shape. When someone says they're going to build a warlock I'd instantly assume they'd use the USA shape, but...
  4. No guitar progress pics yet but I did put together a new fret slotting rig today. I Started off with this second hand radial arm saw: Removed the old chipboard bench and threw on some stuff I had left over from building my kitchen. I then added my stewmac slotting jig which I've hacked away at a fair bit to create clearance. I also added some runners, so that when the template is at is ends, its always flat.
  5. After our conversation about Radial vs Sliding Mitre for the fret slotting setup, I was in a local store today picking up some other stuff and asked the guy to keep out an eye for a decent radial, he said he had one out the back that keeps getting in his way. It's now mine. Dewalt, size is a bit overkill for fret slots, but it's a way better rig. I pick it up tomorrow as he has to put a new power lead on it, the existing one is split, but I was still able to test etc. So if that locks in your Radial Vs Sliding Mitre concerns, I have put my money where my mouth is!
  6. I was looking at similar type mounted buffer options (local, stewmac, homemade etc) for a long time before I ended out with the handheld buffer I use now. No regrets either. Hope it works out for you. It's funny, you're moving back to spray finishes and I'm looking at going back to oil finishes (on a few builds anyway)
  7. No guitar updates today, its Sunday, my day off, but here is a new timber pic ... this is slabs from an Ash tree that was cut down at the property where I grew up. It's not quite ready to be used, but it'll sit around and look good in the workshop until it is! Not the most exciting timber, but I used to climb this tree as a kid and one day I'll be able to play it as a guitar!
  8. Customer just wants a kill switch. I've made a few like that by request.
  9. Crank your stereo cause here's the next installment with a bit of Aussie metal over the top! PART 5: http://youtu.be/wLDpWwwaZA0
  10. If it comes down to it, at least you know someone with a CNC to machine you some replacement parts!
  11. Don't get me wrong, I've got a larger sliding mitre saw that gets used quite often, but only for docking. I've got the panel saw which I use quite often. Both are money well spent, however I wish I went radial rather than compound when I put together the slotting setup. I've just been in eBay after my last post and still, nothing affordable within an hours drive. If yours didn't used to wobble and it does now, it should be fixable. Something loose or something worn?
  12. Do not go the compound mitre saw. Thats what I use and I want to upgrade to an old Radial arm saw! Too much flex in the mitre saws and you'll regret the purchase. If you watch my video you'll see how fast I pull it through the fingerboard. This is so I get a straight smnooth cut. If you pull it through slow, the slot will be buggered. At the speed I do it they're slotted great, but its dangerous. I will be changing saws when it fits into my budget (when one close pops up on ebay)
  13. I'm curious Seeing the west system epoxy in the background with the pump, do you clean out the pump after every use or just leave it. I've never been game to leave it in case it all clogs up so I always flush the pump with a weak multipurpose thinner and then pump till its dry after use, but in the process I tend to waste a fair bit of epoxy.
  14. Mate, these are just filmed on my iphone and then I crop them in the free windows movie maker. I dont own a video camera or any special equipment or programs. I have no idea how to anything fancy, these clips are just thrown together. If you look, every angle is flat as my mobile phone is just sitting on a bench or trolley. It's not even on a tripod! I bought a iphone tripod mount on ebay for $2.00 after the first day of the build hoping it'd get here quickly. I'll prob be finished the build before I get to use it!
  15. A hell of a lot of messing around but it looks pretty darn cool. Great work
  16. Too expensive. Cut with a hacksaw only takes half a minute as brass cuts quick, then bastard file it back takes about ten seconds. The holes are already drilled which means you have no alignment problems, just need to be tapped (if its cut deeper than the tap, I think Gotoh blocks are tapped all the way through or at least deep enough to still be usable, from memory the genuine floyd ones are not. EDIT: I just did a search as its been years since I'd tried to source a trem block, they are about a third of the price I remembered them being.
  17. First time I've looked at this thread and that guitar is looking classy as hell. Personally I'd have left it clear/natural, but red is good too. Great work!
  18. A lot if Bernie Rico Jr guitars have had alternating binding as have a few European brands. Looking good so far.
  19. Challenge accepted. I didn't even bother hitting google, first place I looked at was a folder on my computer called USA Warlock. Heres the first few I found: You haven't mentioned what bridge you're using. If its a floyd on a slimline guitar, you'll want to plan either a non recessed above the body mount with lots of neck angle, or you'll have to cut the floyd block right back and retap the thread holes, which is what I did when I built myself a slimline Neckthru Warlock with recessed floyd several years ago.
  20. Welcome to PG. I'm sure you'll have a pleasant stay!
  21. Side cutters and a small file, but it'll take you s long time and it can create non consistent edges underneath. There's a reason everyone eventually pays the price of the stewmac clippers
  22. Andrews SS6 PART 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A4TJq-lHtY&feature=youtu.be
  23. I used to be **** about adjusting it every cut and then somehow without me even noticing it just stopped happening. This bandsaw is so cheap/shite it doesn't make much difference, on a real bandsaw its a different story
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