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Everything posted by demonx

  1. Looks like it needs some sawdust spread around the place! I've got a similar sized workshop and if you're anything like me it won't be long till you find it getting cramped, especially when theres more than one person working in there, but like you, it was a massive improvement from the smaller one I had beforehand. Congrats on the new space, look great and very organised. Also had a flip through your other builds on facebook, some cool looking guitars.
  2. Todays group shot: #4 and #5 are rough cut, the rest in clamps.
  3. No, I started these ones as a stock run hoping to have them sold before their finished. Have a couple of interested parties, no deposits as yet.
  4. First of all, welcome to the forum. Sounds like you're using rattle can finishes of some type, I dont have a whole lot of experience with those so I'll leave that for the guys who have, however, 400 grit sounds pretty harsh to be sanding back paint.
  5. Fingerboards profiled and truss rod slots routed: Starting on bodies. All will be African Mahogany in exception of #5 which is Black Wanlut (Thinking of keeping this one for myself as I dont have a demo guitar here!)
  6. This morning I drew up a new template, basically the same headstock but with the angles changed slightly. Headstocks cut: Scarf joints cut and glued up:
  7. I've started a journal myself on this batch of 5 I'm doing.
  8. Ok, fretwork is fretwork no matter what the angle. The angle is in relation to the bridge height. Higher bridge, more angle. A lot of people recess the bridge to have less angle, I myself prefer more angle, it makes the guitar feel more comfortable and less cheapo Chinese. A guitar with more angle tends to wrap around your body a bit better and just feel more comfortable. The neck doesn't feel like its hanging out flapping in the wind. With that said thought, after playing a no angle neck for a few minutes you adjust pretty quick.
  9. Same boards, its just that they've been slotted and in a different order. The surface is the same as in the first pic they were fresh from the drum sander. Only change is the slots and the camera angle.
  10. A lot of the time I feel like I'm dragging my feet and should be working a lot faster!
  11. A better look at the fingerboards. All 24 fret Scales Left to right: 26.125", 27", 26.125", 25.5", 25.5"
  12. I planned on having all five headstocks scarf jointed today and the fingerboards cut and slotted, but I spent more time stuffing around with the new drum sander trying to get it setup than I did doing woodwork today. The paper I bought for it is crap, keeps clogging up with the rosewood and the two drums weren't horizontal which took me a long time to mess around with. It's still not right yet. Long story short I had to drum sand the fingerboards with my old drum sander which really pissed me off that this new $2800 retail sander is jerking me around. Need to set aside a day to just set it up right. I'm guessing the previous owner played and had no idea what he was fiddling with then took it back for a refund. 4x Rosewood and 1x Ebony.
  13. Building a guitar as a present, great idea and very rewarding. Hope this build goes flawlessly for you.
  14. Anyone that watched the video's know that on smaller laminations I use my fingers, but when doing larger ones, I use a roller. I started a small run of superstrats today, these have three piece necks and this lamination will yield five neck blanks with minimal timber waste. Here are the glue up pics:
  15. Bigger machines means bigger dust extraction. Started putting this one together today: Here is is between the thicknesser and drum sander about to be taken for it's first drive:
  16. Huh? My earliest builds were around those kind of figures, but I then got them down around 50 and less fir a full custom. I've estimated my current build may be approx 20 hrs by the time its finished as I haven't had to do a lot of extra things on it, like paint or inlay. Its just a oil finish. I'm currently looking for ways I can get that down to 10-15 hours! There's always room to squeeze a but more if you keep looking. Just keep squeezing! You may want to do a time journal and see where you need to improve your methods. Ill be doing yet another one on my next builds as I have new machinery and a few different methods and I want to see the time difference.
  17. Nah, I do have some self esteem! I don't think ill ever own anything like that!
  18. Nope - I need airconditioning!!! If customers saw me carving necks wearing only underwear and shoes on the mid 40 deg cel days (where its hotter in the workshop) they would only buy guitars in winter! With that said though, I've fixed one of the ceiling fans which has been stuffed for years and now I've got two massive air filters, so I'll have air flow now. Should be WAY more bearable in there.
  19. I may or may not have just bought a 3hp, 2200cfm twin bag dust extractor today. Got yet another deal too good to be true. Walked into my tool shop to buy more sandpaper and was asking about a certain dust extractor I'd been looking at and he came back with: he can get me one cheaper and more powerful. Then follows up with he has one out the back that he has to send back as it's got a wrong length pole in it (to hold the bag) and the body of it is all twisted. I looked it over, nothing I cannot fix easily and asked how much. He gave it to me at cost price as it's cheaper for him to sell to me at cost than it is to freight it back. Just need to find the time to put it together now as it's un assembled. Looks like this though:
  20. I tried to convince him Natural, but it's his guitar. Still looks cool. Just means I'll have to build a natural proto now for photos. More oil:
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