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Everything posted by demonx

  1. I wouldn't try to pop it with any stain . Clear on its own will do a good enough job of that
  2. That goal got changed last night when a different customer moved his pickup time forward substantially as he now wants the guitar to record rather than a Xmas pickup, so I have to get that assembled and setup, then fret as much of the others as I can. No stress. These things happen. It's just a shuffle of priorities. On a side note, I think guitar assembly and setup is one of my most hated jobs in the whole building process. I much prefer the woodwork side of things
  3. This weeks goal is to get the fretwork done - started on #1 today:
  4. Didn't get much work done building guitars as I was bookmatching everything I could get my hands on! Loving this new bandsaw! Great saw. Great blade. Very happy. A few snaps from today: Brazilian Walnut: Spalted Sassafras: Zebrawood: Rimu: There was lots lots more, but you get the drift!
  5. I clean the filters with an airhose from the inside out. Same as any filter should be cleaned.
  6. Parts of a workshop you rarely see: The dust filter after carving a few necks. I'm regularly blowing these things out. It's blue if you couldn't tell!
  7. Test fitting pickups! Bareknuckle Aftermaths in #2
  8. I couldn't have something like that sitting for months, that would eat away at me!
  9. Hey RAD - look familiar? Laguna 14SUV Bandsaw. My new toy. Arrived today. This pic taken after I pulled it out of the crate: After Assembly: Big pain in the butt is that this thing has finally come into the country, but the blades are on backorder! So I have this awesome bandsaw and no blade! What a tease!
  10. I've asked the pool cue owner for pics but whether I get them or not. He's a bit slack
  11. To describe the use of Redgum to someone not familiar to it, it's usually purposed as fence posts, heavy furniture like slab table tops etc., flooring, railway sleepers, garden borders, retaining walls
  12. I've worked with Redgum but never in a guitar . Its heavy. very heavy. Its hard. If you're a "tone wood " guy I'm guessing it'd be a very dull timber. Only a guess though. Maybe I should make a Redgum body one day just to see what happens. I reckon I'd need physio on my back though if playing it long periods of time
  13. I'm not expecting to find what I'm after, hense why I have a backup plan, yet I'm still putting it out there as you never know. The emails I sent out are a more formal wording of my post here and anz. Short and to the point, not rude. I havent followed up as I've already emailed them once. It's their turn. I'll ask this pool cue customer for a pic of the ebony in his cue as a reference so you guy can see what I'm drewling over.
  14. Last fingerboard to see glue and clamps in this run - here is #5 All guitars in this run are now sold. I can focus on just building them now instead of trying to plug them. I'll still be keeping all the customers updated of course! If you look close you'll see one of the new clamping cauls I made myself. Bit better view for me when I lay it out that the old necks I was using! Also cut these to various scale lengths so the holes Ive drilled for the pin/nail placement actually line up in convenient positions for a change.
  15. PanKara - thanks for the link. That looks like "Striped Ebony" I have both Macassar and Striped Ebony in stock. It's not quite what I'm looking for, although Macassar is the fall back plan as the neck and headstock will be Macassar. So Plan "B" is no cap and just leave it as a plain boring old Macassar headstock! Which isn't all bad. I just wanted the Burled Ebony Still looking! I've sent out Email to several suppliers, still no replies. What is it with customer service these days?
  16. I saw some a couple weeks ago. A guitar customer brought around a custom made pool cue he had made for him in England (cost about $4000.00) and it had some ebony burl in the handle. I havent been able to get it out of my mind since. Ive contacted the guy who made the pool cue, no reply.
  17. Hi guys, I'm looking for a Burled Ebony headstock cap (or something else similar color) that I can give to a luthier who is making an Acoustic guitar for me. I want it to be more black than brown with tight burl figuring. Minumum dimensions: 190mm x 95mm x 2mm I'm really hoping someone has something stashed away or knows where theres something hiding. Cheers Allan
  18. Thanks for the link Bob, I'm looking specifically for a dark and tight burl. I saw some a week ago in a $4000.00 pool cue and Ive decided thats what I want. I've contacted the pool cue maker and no response. I just put a wanted ad in the buy/sell secton on this site Anyway, these chunks of wood are starting to look like guitars now the fingerboards are getting glue. Here is #1 sitting on a 2.5m long Redgum bar top I've been working on for a customer. The bartop has been drum sanded and now I'm filling bits and pieces of it with epoxy before its sanded back smooth and sprayed. The customer is doing the spraying himself as he's an ex smash repairer/spray painter, I'm just doing the woodwork for him.
  19. I'm also looking forward to this acoustic. I'm trying to hunt down a really nice Burled Ebony headstock cap for it but do you think I can find one? No
  20. It won't be me bending it, will be an expert
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