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Everything posted by demonx

  1. Thanks. I'll check it in a couple hours when I'm on a PC rather than mobile
  2. Thanks. I'll check it in a couple hours when I'm on a PC rather than mobile
  3. I'm in firefox - but I just tried explorer as well I've found the paintbrush - its there when I'm NOT logged in, but when I'm logged in its not there for me to adjust!
  4. I'm not the most computer savvy person in the world - but I'm not seeing a paintbrush!
  5. I doubt it's the pickups. It's a brand new set of bareknuckles. I'll have to pull it down tomorrow
  6. Thankyou for responding. I'm at work now, so I won't get a chance to look at this again till tomorrow, but wouldn't it simply not work with the jack reversed? I'll try it anyhow.
  7. Cannot see a paint brush Across the top there is: mail, notifications, profile, sign out under that: search etc under that: view content, quick nav Thats all I can see!
  8. I had to log into the forum today - but before I did I noticed that it looks completely different when I am and am not logged in. Where are the settings to change this as it looked way better before I logged in that after! Cheers
  9. I'm a self confessed electonic idiot. I can build a guitar, follow a diagram, but when it comes to trouble shooting I'm lost. This is something I'm working on and learning very slowly. I've got a lefty guitar here. I've wired it up with my usual diagram. I've swapped the top/bottom tabs on the pots so they turn the correct way for a lefty. The problem is the tone knob. Turned to zero the sound is ok. Turn it up a tad and theres an ear piercing high frequency squeal. - The function of all the pickups, selector switch, coil split, volume and tone all work as they should. - There is lots of earth hum wheres usually this circuit is silent - Touching the bridge/knobs etc the earth hum gets louder - Moving the pickup selector has no difference on the hum/squeal, only the tone knob I've gone and resouldered all the earths to make sure they're right. The bridge is earthed. I've replaced the cap in case that was an issue. I'm lost - don't know what to check or look for. I've never had problems with this circuit before. I always wire and it works first time!
  10. That black limbs looks very nice. I've wanted to work with something like that for a long time but just cannot get it here. You seem to be very lucky with wherever you get your timbers from!
  11. Wet sanding and polishing today. This new 3" polisher is worth its weight in gold - I can't believe I've gone this long without one! Started cleaning up the fingerboard on the tribute SS6 as well.
  12. Another happy customer. Andrew drove from NSW to VIC to pick up this guitar (thats a 20hr round trip) - I'm glad he liked the guitar! It's always a bit nerve racking when you're having someone pick up a guitar they've seen photos of but havent played yet. You know it's good, they expect it to be the best guitar they've ever played, you just sit there and hope to hell they love it! I'm sure some of you guys here that have been selling know exactly what I'm talking about!
  13. This week for me has been both a catching up on overdue paint (got three done) and some repair work. Picked up a Jackson Rhoads on wednesday with a broken headstock for $40, repaired it and sold it Thursday for $200. Have a customer coming today to pick up a guitar. He's driving about Ten hours (each way) so I hope he's impressed. The non paint days have been spent resawing, running pieces through the drum sander, waiting for the drum sander to cool down (overheats) and gluing up about ten multi lam neck blanks Add to that more work on my new website www.searlsguitars.com.au and I got called into four eight our shifts at the factory this week.
  14. You can say it's not necessarily accurate as I just googled it. It is not accurate! This will explain: http://www.spaltedma...paltedwood.html HOWEVER: If you google Ambrosia England, you will discover that terminology is used differently there... This is Ambrosia flooring in England. Just looks like B grade Maple. So the guy at the timberyard is correct. The website above is correct. Yet both are different. I guess its a case of where you are located as to the terminology used. ???
  15. I was told by a guy from a Melbourne timber yard that deals with exotics that Ambrosia is just Enlgish grown maple. Same tree. The English decided to rename it. So if thats true (I've never bothered to research it) then this top is spalted maple, grown in England, which because of the climate difference, height above sea level difference etc eta, the timber will appear different. I assume RAD already knows this as he listed "Ambrosia Maple" in the specs, so I'm more commenting towards others that are unaware. For example. Take Australian Blackwood. Tassy, Vic and Qld blackwood are all different. Yet they are the same tree. Different locations/hights and climates turn out different colored timber. Tasmanian is the most sought after, the darkest, grown in more rainforresty locations. Vic is located in the middle of Tassy and QLD and the timber is in the middle of the darker tassy and the lighter more plain QLD blackwood.
  16. A lot of my guitars are thinner than standard. I've tried what you are doing and found the rear carve is needed. The front can be done away with. I've got a similar "tele" build with modern headstock at the moment. Flat top, carved back. Nice looking build you've got going there. Will look great when finished.
  17. Yes, it's his fathers VX number from WWII. Here is a quote from the owner: He is a big part of my life and we have always known and have been very proud of his achievements in WW2.. He is the only living survivor of the Australian Army's only ever parachute jump into battle. 30 other Aussie's jumped with Dad and thousands of US Airborne in New Guinea.
  18. Too late now, it's cleared. To me what doesn't look right is the logo on a lefty headstock. The angle of the script was designed to be on a right handed headstock.
  19. I offered to airbrush a couple bullet holes. Customer didn't want any. Since it's a customer build, the customer gets what he wants. I'm pretty happy with the result though.
  20. Today was an airbrushing day: First time I've done a red logo:
  21. This pic may help explain. Once I cut the angles there is not much left. I have managed to salvage enough under the neck area to make a bolt on blank, but thats about it. The top part might make a few more binding strips.
  22. Yes, usually I'll just pick it up and spin it around. Sometimes though I'll flip pieces over if it's grained/colored timber and in trying to match grain for uniformity.
  23. In a 3 piece neck I always have the middle ice turned backwards. In a 5 piece it's the same rule, middle piece backward, thinner decorational pieces I don't concern myself with too much as long as they are stable
  24. I dont ground anything to the pots like standard. I make a copper plate the size of the cavity and use that as a ground for everything, like old cars use the body. Makes for a very quiet guitar. Requires me to have two soldering irons on the bench at once as the normal soldering requires a small tip and the copper plate requires a large tip.
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