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Posts posted by GuitarGuy

  1. NO NO NO NO NO!!!

    100 watts is too freakin' hot to be soldering ANY electronic component with!!

    I use a touch and go approach and it works for me. To each his own. I just get tired of solder just smearing around and never getting hot enough to pool. (its not the sticking thats the issue)

  2. use a relatively low wattage, or else you could over heat/destroy parts

    The only problem with low wattage is you cant get pots hot enough to get the solder to stick. I have a combo. One the switches between 15and 35 W and another designed for stained glass that is about 100W just for pots. I cant stand waiting for a pot to get hot enough to stick, its a pain.

  3. haha, god, mind washers, come on man, video games are entertainment. If you wanna call video games mind washers, call TV, music, and anything else that people do stricly for entertainment and not productivity mind washers too.

    I didnt say they were not fun and entertaining. I said it was very unproductive, I feel empty and unfullfilled when i've spent the day playing a game. But thats just me. To each his own.

    Thats very true. I diddn't mean that I would rather do other things than build that. I was saying I would rather get a decent peice of wood and do it. I'm all with you with not wasting your time on video games and other such mind wasters.

    The reason im doing this is because people say it doesn't work and yet very few have tried it. Just trying to debunk a myth here. People are very opinionated based on the voodoo they hear from other people. I'm trying to add some concrete fact to their prejudice minds. Wether it works or not its no matter to me. Im still having fun building and I'm not much of a player. So I get the most emjoyment from building.

  4. I agree with godin. You must have the patience of a saint to be putting all of that time and effort into a guitar you're not totally sure won't collapse. You win either way though. It'll either be a great guitar to play, or a very interesting wall ornament.



    If it fails it'll get WOD'd a la Drak. Or maybe it'll become a clock. We'll see.

    I love wood working and if it wasn't this it'd be some other project. Even if it dosn't work I'd rather spend time on this than wasting my life on somthing totally unproductive like a video game.

  5. Thanks for the link and the info. Those are the family pets so I thought I would ask. They're funny little critters none the less.

    Ok, enough of hijacking my own thread, back on topic...

    I did some tap tests on the lumber and all It sounded like I was some crazy guy in the hardware store tappin on wood! :D

    We'll see what the mail brings today. I ordered some digital read outs for the mill last week along with the hardware and strings so theres bound to be somthing. I could go down town and buy a set of strings but I can't bring myself to pay $10 for a set. So ill wait.

    You mentioned erarlier that it would be a shame to lose the neck because of it bending or colapsing later on but really its not that big of a deal. The neck jig i have made for the mill will let me have a hardwood one thats exactly the same in about 5 hrs minus fretting, and honestly I wasn't that careful on the fretting. Its like you said, a bit of fun!

  6. Thanks for the vote of confidence Pete. Now I got another question for ya. This is Starsky and Hutch I undestand they're native to Austrailia. So are they like here where we get tons sparrows, "swarming" for lack of a better term, over trees telephone poles and the like. Or are the like a ground critter that only flies a bit? Im just curious.

    Anyway, not much to report. The polyester resin is not hardening very well on my test piece and I cant figure out why. So im thinking a little z-poxy as grain fill and leave it as that. I'm going to wait till the idea is proven before commiting to putting a finish on it.

    I got the jack plug drilled after a few test holes.


    Recess drilled and drilled for the jack.

    And its not a dog! lol. Its a horse. Bonus points if you can tell me where its from. Triple word score if you've puked on george street.(If you've drank that beer you most likely have been in one of the many bars on george street)

    They have a drive through liquor store there as well.


    !!METAL MATT!! :D

    I cant wait to play it, Im going to weigh this thing when its done, I'm thinking 5 lbs tops. Maybe 6.

    So I got the carve done. I like the look of it and I'm thinking I might make a real wood one at some point.


    I did a fuw other things but im still waitin on the 3-way selector and strings to come in the mail so I can string it up and try it.

    Got the tuners all lined up

    Started the brass nut

    Cut to size

    Nut slots scored

    Installed but not radiused or anything yet

    Side profile, Fits like a glove

  8. Well its update time again. The body is pretty much done minus the carve. I'll probably get at that tomorrow.

    Heres the masonite template laid out on the pine blank. The template was printed full scale and taped all together. Im not sure if the dimensions are correct. I found a picture on the net and traced the outline in CAD. Its my guitar anyway so I could care less if they are correct.


    Mdf sub-template being routed

    Body being routed (outside is already done with template bit)

    Final body route

    The bridge position was laid out on Cad and transfered to the body blank. I made a template on the mill with the exact locations of the posts. The jig has a crosshair at the scale length and the holes are drilled to 1/4 inch. The reason for this is I use a centre drill with a depth collar to mark the locations of the holes. The center drill as you can see below has no flutes on the sides so it rotates in the holes without damaging them or throwing them off. Finally, I drill them on the drill press to size and depth making sure the drill bit is correctly centered.

    Bridge jig

    Centre Drill with collar

    Centre drill dimples

    Finished holes

    Bridge test fit

    Made a humbucker template for future use and also a template for the pickup holes in the top

    Pickup hole template

    The highly figured oak veneer plywood top

    Pickup routes completed (did them on the mill no templates)

    Neck pocket completed, 3 deg(or so) neck angle

    Body Mockup (lets play name that beercap)

    Neck installed

  9. No i meant for knobs, didn't see the stud puller part. You can slide a t shirt under a knob. Wrapp it around itself a few times so the knob is trapped and pull. It'll come right off. As far as studs go I take the threaded part of the stud out and put in a longer bolt of the same pitch. Bottom out the bolt and keep turnin, it'll pop it right out.

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