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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. If she cant do 3finger power chords, just teach her 5th chords, thats what i got taught on my first lesson. I still use them now, i dont like the high octave-ness.
  2. Ahh, how i miss that sensation of these things aint working BAM your out of it for a while, its great.
  3. good point there, tone chambers on a bass? Ive never seen that befor, is there a reson for that?
  4. Hehehe, i thought this was quite funny. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...big20guitar.jpg
  5. Could you not enlarge the body by 25% to avoid having to put an 'extension' off the end for the bridge?
  6. Do you even have enough space on the headstock for 6 more tuners? I love 12 strings, they have a nice deapth of sound to them.
  7. Leg injuries are the worst, i broke my foot a while back, it was one of the worse times of my life. Are you able to walk, i hated not being able to move freely without help, its hell depending on others all the time. Hope you get better, but you can always play that sweet guitar of yours till you do.
  8. Holy crap, i want murder several people with that thing that looks soooooooooo cool. Brain juice!! hehehe 'your a crap player get off the stage' *STAB* 'MY EYE!!!' Sorry...
  9. It should work, theres no reason why it shouldnt, but if balace becomes an issue can you not use some of thoes strap button extenders i saw a while back on ebay? I think it could turn out real sweat ya know.
  10. I have played alot of good shines (well one guitar and 2 bass's) and the quality is good, they play very well, so if they make some of your guitars i may very well purchase one. Im in the UK, any idea of how much shipping would be or where i could get a SD230 from, i really want one it looks soooooo nice.
  11. I cut a 10mm slice of the off cut of my body on the band saw, then cut out the shape on a scoll saw, its not the same grain but it is from the same blank so it will blend in good. Hope that helps.
  12. Godin for me, theres somthing about that natural finish that grabs me every time i see it, good work man!
  13. PADAUK, its buitiful. http://www.bedlam-guitars.co.uk/sgpadauk/index.htm - Nicest SG EVER!! Omg, i love that guitar its so nice it sounds exelent. Dont tell anyone i wanderd around town playing that thing once. Its my ex-girlfriends uncles guitar. Hopfully he'll get e new one and 'loose' that one in my house.
  14. I think that carvin looks ace and i wasnt even alive in the 80's Could you not mock up a 12 a side tele head and see if it looks ok, thats the only way for sure. http://users.skynet.be/thekingofstring/200...en/image008.jpg - its a strat but you get the idea of a 6-aside head by fender.
  15. Dont post in capitals, that is seen as shouting. Sorry i cant help you with that question but it sounds cool non the less.
  16. Am i the only one here that will vote for hair club for men?
  17. It could go teribly wrong and you might fall in love with that guitar, im realy diggin the feel of a cheap-o strat, well i did befor i took it apart. sounds like a cool idea you got there, hope it works for you.
  18. Thanks man! It is very viper-ish but its not an exact copy, i dont like the way they feel, this ones smaller and more contoured. Purfect for my small stature. Did i mention that im only 15? I figure if i work at it i'll be as good as some of the people on here when im 35 (LGM springs to mind, rhodes too) There work is amazing and it was the inspiration i needed for this, without this forum i would not be where i am today, so thanks guys!
  19. The only time a balding man should have long hair is if his name is Bill Bailey. Shave the mop top off i say!!
  20. More 'progress' pics. I have glued my scarf joint, it needs cleaned up but i will have to wait till tomoro to do that. pic- http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...705/Image05.jpg Pics of me holding the body and a premade neck, just to give you an idea of what it will be like. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...705/Image13.jpg And a 'rock n roll' pic http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...705/Image12.jpg Today my fretboard arived, a pre sloted birds eye maple one from Craftsuplies, not too heavily figured it looks good, its sloted to 25.5in scale. I also got my truss rod and a bottle of Behlen bloodred solar lux dye. I will practice finishing my off cuts on the weekend.
  21. Buh, it sounded reasonalble at my school when i did it, i tweak every thing befor it goes in the mix. What input should i be using, i just asumed it should be the mic cause my sound card doesnt have a direct line-in. Im using Acid pro if that helps.
  22. Ok, i see now it is a TOM, but what i meant was a TOM-stopbar setup, it looks cool as it is but i REALY like blue quilt anything to have a TOM as you see more of that lovely grain. I still have to buy a blue guitar tho... And ive bought red stain for my project, ach the next one will be blue.
  23. Ok, im recording some stuff too, i have a marshall mgdfx 15 with a line out, when i take a lead from the line out and plug it in my pc's mic input i get nothing, whats going wrong. Sorry for the Hijack. I think your playing is good, much better that me anyway. The mix now is good i enjoyed listening to it. Walking at night it remids me of the sound track of a play i saw called in to the dark, it fits the discription you gave well.
  24. Some of thoes basses are shine's. Probibly made in the same factory. http://www.winterguitars.com/Catalog/jpg/winter23.html look at the black marks on the bodys besing the neck. If they are the same then there very good, i like them alot. How much for the SD230, the matt black Tele sorta thang? The one with the bigsby-ish trem
  25. Thay are amazing amps!! I love them, they sound soo good! GET IT NOW!! GET IT, you know you want to!
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