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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. LED's with a button battery? That would look cool. Thats a nice guitar you got yourself, looks cool.
  2. Try running your reverb level to full, then you effects level 1/3rd the way round, thats what i use to get a fuller sound out of such a small amp.
  3. Use the line out, ive done it loads of time befor with good results, i then use a programe like sound forge to tweak it the way i want. My amp is the same as yours also.
  4. Looking good so far. Whare abouts in scotland are you, im up north near aberdeen. Anyways, will look good when you finish.
  5. I have orderd from craft suplies, there service is top notch, i havnt orderd a fingerboard yet but i have my neck and body blank, my 'plain' maple has some light flame on the end that will be my head stock .
  6. Ok, what an odd sentence. I like that body shape, looks cool. i hope it works out in the end.
  7. Redo, the 5 and 7 look far too dull and stick out like a sore thumb. Or just play on thoes frets all the time...
  8. 40 quid for a neck, thank you!!!! I could realy do with one of thoes as im probibly(deffinatly) gona screw mine up so a back up plan would be usefull. I'll PM you with my email adress.
  9. At the moment my fav guitar is my Epi LP studio, its got a big dent on the side where it fell on the stares cause i triped , its just got loads of sentimental value, it was my first guitar that i owned, the first guitar i giged the first guitar i wrote a song on. I'll post pics of it later.
  10. Bassman, when you resized the pic in PS did you save it as a jpeg or psd? if its one of the photoshop formats it wont upload to photobucket.
  11. Thanks, but i found the link in another thread a few days ago.
  12. Axes r us have a few strat pre-wired pickgaurd, in a few combos to, SSS, HSS, HH i think. There in the UK, hope it helps.
  13. HAHA, Got it. It was realy simply, im just a bit slow today That design is killer, i love the bottom half, the top half needs a bit of work imo, it allso looks a bit stretched or thin, but that could just be me
  14. You need to go here: Bugmenot There's an extension for firefox that give you right click access, very excellent I like the guitar's design...I'm not so sure of the extreme point at the end though, maybe round that off a bit? Sorry if this sound stupid, but i cant get that to work, im using IE, so i dont know what to do. Im dying to see this drawing!! HELP!!!
  15. It says i have to sign in to veiw the album. Sound cool tho, just want to see the piccy.
  16. It would be cool if it was for a tribute guitar, or one for a display case, thats about it tho
  17. Nearly right, Berret. I get a nice blues sorta tone out of my epi LP studio neck pup and my amp on over drive but the gain just so you can hear it, then i pump up the volume to however loud i want it.
  18. i draw little scetches then scan them in to my pc, put them in photshop blow them up to scale, add whatever details i want (flame top, hardware ect.). I find i ca do do ok with it but im by no means even remotley skiled with that program yet.
  19. That reminds me of an SG. Heres a design i was playing with a while back. I was trying to get the lines to flow as smoothly as possible. Another thing i do when im designing is to do variations of a guitar i like, or mix several guitars into one. See this Tele thing, i like tele's im just not to keen on the controls and scratch plate, so i added a strat elemnt in to the scratch plate, and the floyd is there 'cause it was always somthing ive wanted to see, a tele with a floyd.
  20. That looks like a nice bridge, wish i had the money to get one.
  21. Unless you wat it to look like this then dont do the sparkle finish. I asked this question a few weeks back, you need alot of specialist equipment and skill, im fortunate the body shop owner owes me a favor or two, so i could have it done.
  22. Do you have accses to threading die's, you could make your own
  23. This may sound like a stupid question and i know the answers already been posted but i cant find it, Dan what site was it that you made your design at? Now on topic, it sounds like a realy interesting project, hope it works out well for you.
  24. Im getting all the stuff in for my project im starting in the new year, so i was thinking about getting the Behlen Blood Red stain, has anyone used this product? Is it easy to aply? Im using ash if that helps.
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