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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. one of the hipshot hardtail bridges prehaps, http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Bridges,_tailp...ail_Bridge.html ?
  2. If you want that neck do it, but remember to rout 1/8 of each side other wise your center line on the neck wont match the body.
  3. http://www.conklinguitars.com/facebass/6gallery/6swirl.html Is that the bass?? Wow, amazing, i want that. What is bloodwood anyways?
  4. Cool, so i'll only need to do a bit of moding to the cavity if nessasary, drill the post holes and im pretty much done, i'm sure itl be easyer to figer out what to when the trem arives. Thanks
  5. Ugh, i had to listen to them last night, they suck so much. I kinda like greenday, but only like 4 or 5 songs.
  6. Nice work so far. What type of pencil do you use to mark things on your wood, odd question but it looks a whole lot darker than my lines.
  7. Can i convert a vintage style trem on my strat a wilkinson without to much problem. I know i'd have to drill new stud holes but is that it? Any help is apeciated. The trem i will get if its possible.
  8. Wow, brilliant photos. The first one is my fav. Youl have to build another guitar or bass just to take its picture now.
  9. I realy want to see your work, if you just copy/paste your link in to the replay box, i'll copy it to my own browser.
  10. Click the http:// button in the add reply screen, put the link to your image there, et voila one link.
  11. Link to them, if you dont have a on line sever of your own use www.photobucket.com
  12. i would think that jiter would be the most of your problems, i always need to take the same shot about 5 times to get it right.
  13. Im comparing my LP studio to a SG special, i think my epi beats it anyday.
  14. I think my epi feels better than my mates gibo, but thats just me.
  15. Thank god for that, i was thinking it was somthing bad. I dont think i'll be sanding it down anytime soon, the finish is really good apart from that crack. Id probibly screw up doing a burst anyway.
  16. My Epi LP studio has developed a crack in the laquer at the neck joint, i tryed to photograph it but it never turned out well. The crack goes from the cutaway side (the whole depth of the neck), and around the back of the heel a bit. Is there somthing sinister going on here?
  17. Its normal. dont worry. Like eric said, its so you can adjust your brige properly.
  18. Yeh, id say its safe to say its a washburn, its pretty near. I can beleve you have quality bass at your school, the best we have is a dead encore.
  19. From what i can see they look a bit like stu macs econamy tuners, there just generic strat type tuners. Linky Did you use a web cam for that pic?
  20. Hmm, i like that RG, but it look hideous with the stickers. If you have the time id go with RGGR's sugestion and lam a flame top in there and put binding on, thenit would look sweet.
  21. I use elixer 10's on my LP, never had a problem, i play realy heavy and change tunings alot, you should try the elixers, there nicer than EB's i think.
  22. Damn, i wish i knew about this earlyer, i got sent it by a friend, i didnt know what it was so i acepted, it got picked up by my anti virus a few days later. Did my friend even know he was sending it?
  23. You could do faux binding. Clicky here and scroll down a bit to see how its done, i think that gouldlook cool on your SG
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