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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. I might add when inlaying, when you put the peice of MOP or whatever, put making tape on the fret board, then put the MOP peice on top with a bit of CA and scribe round it, when you lift it up you will have your shape in the remaining masking tape. I cant remember where i saw this mothod, i sure it was in here somware.
  2. The top horn meets the neck to far up, move it down and i think your on to a winner!
  3. Doh, didnt read. Im sure thats possible, PM Lovecraft, im sure he'll be able to help you.
  4. Would you know, i didnt even think of that. Seams reasonable to me.
  5. No. i would never intentionly damage a guitar just cause it looks cool. My guitar is about 2 years old, ive played a hell of alot of other guitars in that time, including the nicest squier ever made IMO. What i was trying to get at is that it aint a big deal non stuctual damage, i was so gutted when i put the first dent in mine but i love it now. Its also a good reminder to not fall on thoes flaming stairs again!! My next guitar is my custom thing nearing compleation, it will be loved in the exact same way as my LP and will no doubt get dings along the way. There just like people, we all take a little damage along the way, more so than others, but were better because of it. Hmm, i have to say i lust over a beat up old strat my mate has, its beutiful!
  6. Isnt that what normal 3way switches do You mean the same as an LP Bridge/both/neck, thats what a 3-way does.
  7. I dont see why it would kill a bass neck to have it scaloped, its not that much wood your tacking off. I dont see why you would need it either, but thats just me.
  8. My Epi LP studio has a huge dent on the side of it where i triped up running up some stairs holding my guitar by the neck, it also has a dent on the back from where i threw it into its stand. I love this guitar better than any guitar ive ever played, you can keep all your gibsons, fenders and ESP's, this is MY guitar and MY sound. Plus a guitar thats beat up is far more 'rock and roll' init?
  9. Nice guitars, i would have loved to see a TOM style setup on the blue one but the bigsby looks cool. On the second pic is that a cut out bit i see under the 22nd fret? it just looks odd
  10. Hyunsu, you are amazing! Those guitars you make are beutiful, if mine turns out 1/8 as good as yours i will be a very happy guy. Keep it up!
  11. CA sounds good to me, if its only a small area itl get in there better than binding glue id imagine.
  12. That kinda makes me worried, i LOVE my Epi LP, i wouldnt trade it even for gibos best custom shop peice (well, maby i would). Id asume thed just send you a replacement. That shop is worthless, i would never do busness with them again if i were you, i snapped one machine head on my LP and my shop gave me 6nice grover units, thats what i call good service Hope you get it all fixed and are happy with it.
  13. Know what sized your pickups are BEFOR routing, i didnt and had to make mine bigger. Know what finish you want, and exactly how you will get it, i got my head ripped by my tech teacher for not knowing what i was doing. And the most important thing i have learnt, second years at high school are pricks, they cost me a nice korean strat knok off.
  14. How deep did you resess the TOM bridge, im doing my guitar this way and would like to know how deep i need.
  15. Yay, high-ish res!! I got 2 on the comp befor the bluetooth died again. Enjoy! Cover on - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...705/Image10.jpg Cover off - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...705/Image08.jpg
  16. Tele Tele everyware *runs* AHHHHHHHHHHH Another here 3 more over there... yes.... Nice lookin tele you got there, i think like hyunsu that it will sound overly bright, but then you might absolutly love the tone you get when its done. Good work so far.
  17. Thats cool man, it took me like 6 month to learn, and i stll have my 'off' days when i cant to them.
  18. Ban his IP adress, he's way outa line. We all made mistakes like your when we joined, we let them go and LEARNED from them, you didnt.
  19. thanks, i got a schematic from Thoughtless 7 via pm, and that info is much apreciated also, im not used to 4 wire p'ups at all.
  20. Sorry about the quality of these, i took them of my phones screen with my webcam. i have no way to up load them as my bluetooth is brocken. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...5/guitar004.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...5/guitar003.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...5/guitar002.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...5/guitar001.jpg
  21. If you dont like Kevan then dont come back, simple as. Jees you have 2 postand you think you know how things are done around here. If you did a full comprehensive search you might have found about 40+ threads atleast on what you want to know. I was reading these forums for months before i signed up. sorry for acting all 'mod' i just think his post is out of order
  22. WOOOOOOW that is seriously cool, i love the sound so much!!! it just sings so well! Great work man! keep it up!
  23. Why not make your own, its not actually as hard as you think. I started making mine on fri, its alot of fun too. then you could have EXACTLY what you want and need. maple/bubinga/maple lam, tasty...
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