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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. Wait a miniute, who voted for hair club for men? Apart from me? Dont be ashamed, the others wanted to vote that aswell, they did, i know it!!
  2. Yes, thats why i said I would hit my finish with a block of wood. Its how would you crack a finish, i said how i would. And i didnt say i didnt like relics either, i relic strat is a beutiful thing, and then i went on to say that i would rather a nice clean, well looked after LP, altho not in thoes words. I thought that head stock looked like machining marks from a planer, not that it was done my machine, yes it probibly is very hard to do, and yes it does look good, but i dont like it. ON TOPIC - I think the heating up and rapid cooling will work, physics has taught me that (bunsen burners and test tubes lol).
  3. I think he meant the cavitys were too big on the bass he was on about, unless hes making a shred-a-bass...
  4. Youl find that thay will take on a radius of sorts, but remember the treble strings will go lower as there thinner. I can get an action of 1-2mm with no buzz on my lp, but i sacrifice huge bends there, youl soon find what works for you.
  5. That just looks like machine marks to me, i dont like it. Relic strats are nice, but pristene Les Pauls are even better. And on topic, i would hit my finish with a big ole block of wood, but im no relic-er. Just my .02 pence
  6. I have played alot of good shines (well one guitar and 2 bass's) and the quality is good, they play very well, so if they make some of your guitars i may very well purchase one. Im in the UK, any idea of how much shipping would be or where i could get a SD230 from, i really want one it looks soooooo nice. ← I wish I could tell you that there was a dealer in the UK right now but there isnt. I am getting $44 for shipping to the UK. ← Ach, thats too steep for me, next time im in the US (might be near xmas, in NewJersey) I'll get one. Thanks for the info tho, can you tell me when you have a UK dealer please.
  7. That seems easy enough, i might do that to my Korean strat thing, ya know, to see if i can.
  8. That looks good, in fact thats very good. How did you go about getting that finish, templates and spray over them?
  9. Ask me in few months when i have it, if my exams go well i get a bit o cash from my mum, and i have about 100 in my bank now.
  10. upload all your pics to photobucket.com and use the img and url tags to post the image, hope that works for ya.
  11. road - atlas windows - linux Single - Humbucker Fat - Fatter Pantera - Rock Nokia - Sony Coke - Pepsi I kinda like the coke - pepsi one. I think i might have a go at changing my Epi LP's one sometime, there just soo cool.
  12. OK, i think i'll get one, and if its crap i can always send it back and get the vox.
  13. I'm thinking about getting one, The LX1 head into a 412 cab. Its a killer deal at £280 but is it good. It must be better than my marshall MG15 DFX. Is it worth buying.
  14. Bolt on is better, it gives you the option of a pre made neck, but if you want to build your own neck (its not that hard, im half way there already) then you could set it in, its realy just a long tennon joint. Its up to you really. Do you have plans for a RR3?
  15. I thought so, it just seemed odd to me
  16. I'll be playing in my room Altho im trying to get a slot at The Loft, its a club with live music most nights, its cool, aparantly, ive never been but my mum knows the guy that owns it. I'll probibly play a few reels, jigs and strathspa's at the ceilidh in 3 weeks, with distortion of course.
  17. The methods should be similar if not the same, only the shape is differant and the RR3 has a FR (i think) witch needs differant routing. Is it a Set in or a bolt on you want to make?
  18. Download the PDF from craftdesigns or PM me and i'll mail it to ya if you cant be botherd finding it. I do have a decent shop, but its the schools, i can use it all the time, its a bit too far away from you tho, about 800miles.
  19. I know that, i was just trying to say there darn easy if you dont add a 3rd finger, i have small hands tho. I was taught to call root+5th a 5th chord and root+5th and octave a 'power' chord, that way i was taught theory with out even knowing it.
  20. But isnt it a bass guitar? Just the same as its a baritone guitar. I think its a good idea aslong as its a stringed intrument.
  21. Hey man, you should move to scotland, we have some good priced music stores here, the one im thinking about doesnt sell BC rich guitars anymore. Craft suplies is on the main site in the suplies bitty, There good and quite cheap, all the wood in my guitar came from there, apart from a strip of mahogany i was given. Sorry about your guitars man, i would die if i couldnt play for one day. Maby we should have a PG-UK Jam in the summer, that would ROCK!!
  22. Youl have to wait 2weeks for that im afraid, its the easter holidays at my school and i forgot to take my guitar home to finish, its locked in the tech room i use at the school, i can even see it through the window!! Anyway, its no biggy cause im consentrating on reading up finishing techniques so i dont screw it all up, and my other passion, freestyle mountain biking!!
  23. That is one nice bass, i like it alot! Sparkle paint, wooo!! Glam rock here we come!
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