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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. A step down transformer, or you could step it up to 110v.... They did that on pimp my ride...
  2. Or a rebate, if your in the UK of course... That stumac dremel thingy looks like it do the job for ya.
  3. im speachless, thats really good. Nice work.
  4. Elixers are great strings, they should help tone down your problem.
  5. That is realy cool, would be nicer with a Tele headstock tho, but thats only my opinion.
  6. Actually, mine probibly would... Little rebel boy...
  7. http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/removal.htm
  8. Hehehe, me and my mates killed my encore POS when i got my epi. Oh that was fun... That was a relic befor we got out way with it too. Ive got an idea, give your guitar to your younger brother or a young cousin or summat for a week and leave them unsupervised with it, i can personaly garantee this will give you the results all relic-ers desire.
  9. Looking good mate, cant wait to see it finished.
  10. lets give him the site then http://www.photobucket.com
  11. Excuse me if im wrong but is the whole point of baritone guitars to tune down in pitch and retain proper string tension?
  12. I think i speak for everyone here when i say '***, mate...'
  13. Dude, thats got 8 hehe. What are baritones normaly tuned to is it B? Im thinking about building one in the summer.
  14. Fender Strat? Nuff said really... You obvously dont really know what your talking about, your trying to convince a forum of builders of some of the best guitars ive ever seen that truss rods arnt nessesary? If they wernt nessesary why do 99% of guitars have them? Oh, and befor you say i dont know what im talking about, im pretty sure most of the members here will back me up on this. ON TOPIC. I like the look of that neck, the laminates really set it of well, you do good clean work.
  15. Nice tat rhodes!! I think i may get one on my B'day, a barcode or summat.
  16. But then it wouldnt work, it has to return to that possistion to switch to bypass. You can turn that screw at the base to make the spring looser almost to the point of not working.
  17. If you draw out a good drawing and email it to me, as long as the pickup and bridge sizes are to scale, i could get some measurments that you could work to. Or is it just a normal strat your wanting. Can you work in CAD atall? http://www.guitarbuild.com may have a strat shape in cad that you could scale up and print.
  18. Hmm, ive been doing Physics for 4years, done a Standard Grade in it. Ive always been taught that the top diagram was correct. Now im really confused.
  19. I like that guitar alot!! I think its cool. the pickgaurd looks very Tele-ish.
  20. OK, im confused, are thoes squigles resistors? I always thought resistors were drawn as a rectangle?
  21. METAL! The faster the better. Metallica are probibly my fave band, altho St.Anger sucked big time.
  22. But when you o get it how you like, you can lock it in to place. What do you use, the footswitch or the autoswitch? The Autoswitch is cool, but i really likethe idea of a seperate footswitch, ya know,so you dont have to stomp on it to put it on bypass mode.
  23. It freakin rocks man!!! I love mine, i have it set up for a more smooth tone, on the 'Low' setting it sounds so goood. You can get virtually any sound you want, but be prepard to spend a few hours tweaking it to get the sound you like. Its better than a CryBaby for less money IMO.
  24. I know, i priced it out at about 180 for the lot, i for got that it was in dollars. its reasonable i guess, but now i have to decide what guitar i want to get, too many to choose from.
  25. http://www.guitarbuild.com has some, and if you donate to this site you get acces to some i belive.
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