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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. Thats the way i play my powerchords, but i normaly end up with a dead note or sore pinky so i cut my losses and just play the 2 strings. I get stick for it at school but i can play a hell of a lot faster rythms than they can, hehe.
  2. I for one ddo not think that abortion is wrong, if you are not ready to bring up a child why try, you COULD do alot more harm than good, but on the other hand you COULD be the most wonderful parent in the world. Its all what ifs and mabys. What is that link between disfunctional familys and homosexuality you talked about in your post, do you have any articles i can read on it? Or can you explane it for me here. I dont beleve homosexuality is a sin, but i know many people who do.
  3. Ok, i seem to be misunderstood, on all of the bolt ons and setnecks ive seen without a TOM, there is about 1-2mm of neck wood proud of the body. thats not high enough not to need to resess a TOM tho.
  4. I wasnt too sure of the design when i just saw the body, but with the neck on i think it looks killer. 2 guitars are much better than 1, good work.
  5. That logo looks fantoosh. What are you wanting to know the shape of the RG body, just go to www.ibanez.com...
  6. Some people do not understand why i feel the way i do about the popes death, as i am not a catholic. I tryed to make them see it in an other way, say if Mr. Satriani died, we would feel quite upset as his music made us happy when we listend to it, I personly look up to him, not as an idol, but as a place i would like to go, to have his skill and what not. The pope did alot for the world, some of witch i wasnt even born to read about at the time, and i think that is something we should all aspire to do, do something that helps the world, im pretty sure most of us here would try and do it through music. Even if myusic only connects to a few people and makes them happy, thats fine with me. Thats probibly made no sense to anyone but meh, i tryed.
  7. Do the v and make a few lap-steels out os the off cuts... or make a boul, or make a MINI V out of it, that would be cool a mando-v.
  8. Greg, if you look at a bolt on neck you can still see some of the neck wood above the face of the body, that is what Godin was meaning. (at least i think) This thing is looking killer, its making me want to build one next instead of the JEM project i have in the works, see ava for more details, coming soon to a thread near you!! Id say go with the figured FB, it add intrest, i personaly hate it when you see a guitar with a flame maple FB and flame maple top, its far too busy.
  9. Yeah man, it took me a while to get used to using the wah, you have to 'feel' it more that use it.
  10. I get taught in the grade style, im currently at grade 5. Its goos at it teaches you techniques you other why wouldnt have thought of. I also will just ask him to teach me a certan song if i get a bit bored doing the grade peices. Learning your scales and getting your picking up to speed will be a good place to start i think. Pinced harmonics can never go a-miss tho. An heres another peice of (useless) advice, when your stumped for a solo, add a wah pedal, lol.
  11. Ahh, so your Stuart in disguise....
  12. zero frets dont compensate intonation! and corrective nuts are a waste of time and money, unless you have perfect pitch, or are **** retentive, then GO AHEAD! ← Huh? perfect pitch? That doesn't exist. I can easily tell when i press an F# that it's sharp, it doesn't take anything but a musicians to detect it - that's why it needs to be corrected. ← Ahha...
  13. What do you mean, you edited your post as i posted.
  14. The one at the top is the best looking one, IMO. It is a waste of a lot of wood but just think you have a lot of wood to practice finishing on, always a good thing. You could make a nice Alder/mahogany door stop if your really worried about waste of wood...
  15. The Pope, John Paul II, died today. Im starting this thread as a mark of respect to the guy. I am in no way religious but i feel strangly upset at his death. Heres an article at msn http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3305285/?GT1=6428 , please read it.
  16. Im looking forward to seeing this one finished. Please tell me your doing a natural finish, cause that wood looks lovely.
  17. Funnily enough the marshal microstacks sound good if you plug a bass into one...
  18. A veneer peice is a very thin peice of wood that you can put on another peice of wood. There normaly exotic wood because its alot cheaper to buy 1mm of quilt than 40mm. In furniture, your wooden desktop is propibly chipboard veneerd in beach or somthing similar.
  19. Meh its on the Ibanez someware. New SOAD cool, i cant wait.
  20. You mean like making a sort of fitted pillow case thing for the guitar? That could look really cool, maby have a zip under the controls. Please do this it sounds sweet. That iceman looks stunning, ive always liked icemen since i saw the guitarist from SOAD (i forget his name) play one in the chop suey vidio and this one is one of the best looking ones iv seen. Good work
  21. That looks like if you touced it youd go into the finish, its sooo cool i really want one, need money first.
  22. Yup, thats exactly what i meant. Spose i should actually read up my notes befor i post.
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