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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. If you stained it it would look horible, paints the only way to go for this kind of burst i think.
  2. That sounds realy cool, im thinkin metallic paints here, with shineysparkly bits in it, that would look great red green then gold, on a Les Paul. Awsome i say. Can someone PLEASE do this!!
  3. Im probibly wrong on this but they have dimensions on Wizard necks on the Ibanez site. Yup http://www.ibanez.co.jp/world/country/frame_uk.html Click on the model you want to know and go to dimensions and your there Edit: Damn sites in flash or somthing.
  4. Thoes Bare Nuckle p'ups looks ace, shame i dont have the 210 to drop on a pair of crawlers, there just what i need, hot but not HOT. Wizzard pickups are like a 30min drive from me, thats cool, i didnt know that.
  5. Is it just me or does that LP have a 9peice Lam top?
  6. Full Scottish for me, Sausages, bacon, eggs, fried bread, black pudding. Oh man. And it has to be with Dilbert, that guy cracks me up, at a Cadet weekend.
  7. Dont try it, my mate killed a neck atemping to do it. I'll get you the pictures if you want to see, as an example of why its a not so good idea.
  8. Hes right, check out fender basses, they dont have a head angle.
  9. Ive done small gigs with my marshall MG15DFX 15w amp, i had it at half volume on the OD chanell, plenty loud i tell you, so no problems there. This was with a drum set not rigged to the PA. 100watts is way overkill for practice as people have already said here. Id be tempted to go with that Vox amp, sounds killer.
  10. What sort of tabs, metal? Any Pantera?
  11. I have also done a rendering of a Leviathan, not as good os thoes ones but i'll show it to you anyway. Leviathan Rendering Its not very good i know, im just a beginer at this stuff.
  12. Wow, i REALY like that top one, it looks brilliant. Nice work man!!
  13. Other people want to win too!! Damn these Levi's are nice.
  14. You dont need to have baritone length for a 7-stringer. Id go with 25.5in.
  15. Yup, thats the one, i also droped my guitar up the stairs, yes, up the stairs.
  16. I love the 'relic' tele you have there, looks gourgous. Welcom to the site.
  17. Yes, i couldnt be botherd doing it on PS. I think it looks 100times better Guitarfrenzy
  18. Ok, please dont take this the wrong way, on the pic the red line is the way i would have cut it, it flows more to my eye, and done a PRS style under the pickup setneck. The green line is were i would carve away fo access to upper frets. Your guitar looks killer but thoes mods to the design would make it perfect IMO. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...guitar4_mod.jpg Good work.
  19. It will look ok ONLY if its rear routed, if its routed from the front (most fenders are) it will look realy stupid if you leave the PG off. You could always get a PG to make the body paint.
  20. LMAO, you look like Till the singer in Rammstein!
  21. Craft suplies have them for a tenner, its quite long altho i can remember exatly what lengt it is. Check the mainsite for the URL
  22. Learn voodoo chile, but play it on a strat, nothing else, ever. Then, just start to listen to other people playing with a wah, you should be able to hear when its 'closed' and 'open' and simply copy whos you like better. Im just passing on what my teacher told me, it worked for me and i may work for you too.
  23. Ask for replacements, drill out and plug the holes and redo it. thats what id do anyway
  24. Westhepope, change your user name to that for an hour, PULEEAAAAAAAAAASE. We can all come to you for guidance with like bread and stuff.
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