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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. As a rule of thum the further towards the 12th fret the warmer it will sound, as the vibrations ar wider at the 12th fret than at any other point.
  2. *Bump* Lol, ive managed to loose my cover plates. I have to make another one now, oh well, back to the bandsaw i go.
  3. Oh i see, that would be why theres white markers not black, actually now you say its not dirt it looks pretty cool. Are you planing to do any work to the FB? If not i say do a relic paint worn to bare wood, but only pain on a littl of the body, wost bare wood. That would look ace.
  4. Under your Ava and info, there the on/offline card and PM buttons, look to the right of them, at the other side of that screen.
  5. After talking to one of my mates, were going to put in a bid for it, but were gona wait till like the last hour, just incase. If you were to lightly sand off that yellow from the back of the head stock you think you might be able to see the serial no.?
  6. Do you have Photoshop? If you re-size them in there they wont loose quality. If you dont have PS you can down load a trial version at adobe.com
  7. Woah, i hope your gona clean that fret board! I kinda like the body, there just stickers on it?
  8. Sweet, that looks awsome, i love the body design, it looks like a firebird/myka singlecut/SG sorta thang (well thats what im getting of it anyway).
  9. Im going to watch this one, would make a nice reading lamp Naa, if i can get the money i'll buy it an restore it, then i can pretend im Hetfeild and play Enter Sandman all day
  10. Looking good, i got to see 3 pics befor geocities monged up again. Photobucket is more reliable.
  11. Thats a joke right? The drummers i know have huge ego's, but then we have amps and there not miced so HA to them.
  12. Got any pics of it, this sounds cool. I nearly got a JS last year, JS1000 it was. Very comfy body.
  13. Thats cool, im getting bribed to do well in my final exams so that should yeild about 2-300, got 100 or so in the bank and burger king (omfg) will provide the rest (5 buk an hour, i aint complaining). I was prety certain i was going to get a half stack but this does look good, always wanted a 7stringer. If you sell it befor its no biggy, i'll just have to build one.
  14. Cool, if you put this up in a month and a bit i would probibly have bought it. You porbbibly dont want to wait to shift it, and i cant ask my folks for more money. Thats the problem when your 15, you cant get work, ANYWHARE. At least anyware that pays good money.
  15. Where about in scotland are you? Im in the north east, near aberdeen.
  16. Is that literaly a bolt holding on the neck? The Brian May one looks good, and the travel guitar looks kick ass, is that juat a proto type made out of MDF, or are you planing to finish that one?
  17. Huzza!! New pics at last! I put my stain on it and its looking good (to me at least). This shows the arm rest quite well, its more rounded over that most guitars and its more comfey to me that way More pics. What it will look like once its done, only with a B/E maple FB, Cliky Here The body by its self, Pic Another body shot I am aware that the P'up 'routs' are shoddy, there were done by hand with a chisel and only cleaned up with a router. i decided i wasnt going to do a resesed TOM after i had resessed 2mm, im just going to use a LPjr type bridge/tail peice with a 3degree neck angle. The stain looks a little dull but it will liven up once the clear has been put on. I am still going to do a black burst.
  18. This sounds like fun, shame i have no money, wont be aloud to fly and have school then
  19. Yeh, how much do you want, it looks nice.
  20. This is what i did on mine, I first marked out the location of the holes on the back of the heel, then drilled them. Now to get the possition of the neck hoes to line up perfectly with your heel holes, place the neck in the pocket and put a long nail trough the heel hole and onto the back of the neck, lightly tap the nail and that should mark your location. As for the depth of the holes that depends on the length of your screw. Good luck with it, take your time.
  21. We have a ton of marple's chisels at our school, like maby 200+. There good to work with, and very comfortable. Some of these chislels are over 10 years old too, and being a school have been very batterd, all they need is a good sharpening and your ready to go again.
  22. Photoshop worked for me. you can get a trial verson at adobe.com
  23. Nice tele! I think it looks really good, and like in your pic if you cant be botherd playing it you can play Chess on it Also, while im here your only aloud text sigs, no picture Rules, just so you dont get in trouble with the mods or admin.
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