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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. Padauk, one of my fav woods. Go with a Paudauk FB, as the Paudauk lam is smaller than the maple, it will be aestheticly better, IMO. Good work so far!
  2. Mini Tele, i like it!! This will end up being like an ornament or somthing right? if it is then you could use fuse wire for strings, the thiker 30amp stuff at the bass thru 3amp wire at the treble. I use fuse wire for making barbed wire fences for models, might look good here. Do you mind if i copy you and build a mini tele for myself, just for kicks?
  3. No, the LP cavity is smaller, theres only the tone and vol pots init, the SG has tone/vol pots 3way switch and the jack in it. I dont want to start a discussion about this as its off topic. Back to batts, yeh, the Zakk Wylde LP has no extra routing, The ESP LP's have a seperate compartment for the batts even tho the cavitys are identical (almost). probibly for ease of changing?
  4. I had my cavity open a few days ago, id say theres enough room. Just tho.
  5. That pic should be pined to stop others from even thinging about it!! Man, at least its all striped of and painted red now doesnt look quite as bad...
  6. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...05/CIMG0148.jpg Dont do it!! Please!! (not my bass btw, its my mates)
  7. Yeh, flip trip paint... Same thing Thats what its called up here, in freezing Scotland. Where the sun shines when your in school and starts to rain at 3.25.
  8. Could it be Flip trip paint you are refering too. On thes cars does the colour change depending on the angle its veiwed at.
  9. Well actually musically speaking vibrato is variation in pitch, whilst tremolo is variation in volume. Thus tremolo has been the wrong name for the trem... It should have been called vibrato. What about call it always whammy bar or wang bar or... ← Errm, no, tremolo is variation in pitch too. I just had my music class like 2 hours ago, we revised that concept today.
  10. Lookin good! Cant wait to see it with all the hardware and strings.
  11. I think ESP would tell you what the guitar is made out of, just dont mention the re-finish! A Veneer IS a thin peice of wood, you didnt mix up your words. My friend has an ESP like that, same colour and hardware, although i think his is the EC1000, its a carved top anyway. Very nice guitar. Erm, yes, you wont know if ESP will give you the info unless you ask them. That seems to be your best bet. (well to me it seems like that)
  12. I beleve you have a ESP Eclipse? Could you not just email ESP and ask them?
  13. That pot looks like somthing i may use on my project, so i can have a 2Vol 2tone set up? These things will work for tone right? Seth, i leave my bridge at 10 but i roll back on the neck to about 6 or 7, cuting the highs of my signal i beleve, it gives me a smoother tone anyway. *Gets out Physics for beginers*
  14. A question, Im currently recording via a boom mic in to AcidPro, im getting really crappy results, but i dont expect great things from this set up. Ive tryed running the line out from my amp in top the mic socket in my PC, i get nothing. This method worked at my school, im doing nothing differant here. Should i be using a PC preamp to go through? As you can probibly tell im a bit confused
  15. http://www.fender.com/products/search.php?partno=0134660580 Er, why does the fact its a squire mean it must only have 21 frets? I know your one does, you get them with 22frets too. That link is to a Standard strat it has a rose wood 21fret board. Squiers arnt bad guitars, we recently got 3 metallic blue affinity squires in our school, im trying to buy one of them cause i like it that much, the necks feel good and the electronics are fair for the price of the guitar. You can always change them aswell. The point im trying to get at here is just because it doesnt have 'Fender' or 'Gibson' on the head stock doesnt mean its a bad guitar. Tokai anyone? Is the paint on it ok, has it got dings or chips? Have you tryed Auto parts stores for paint that matches the fender blue your after? Edit - I was writing my speel as you posted.
  16. LMAO Scott (that was a joke right?) <---- might as well add this now as ive probibly made myself look evenmore stupid
  17. Floyd Rose. Nuff said really. Again a search will yeald alot of info quickly.
  18. For that kind of music id go with a TOM, ive never heard any tremolo use in Rammstein, exept when there live, That would be the easyest to install as its only drilling and pushing studs into place. Do a search for TOM (Tune 'o' Matic) Bridges, youl find lots of info.
  19. I'll have to give that a try. I made pancakes when i came home from school, quick and easy to make and very tasy with maple syrup.
  20. I think you may be thinking of thoes yamaha learner things that pop up on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...7314830767&rd=1
  21. I dont think that does look like plastic, its shiney and nice, is it a JS100?
  22. You know i compleatly forgot about thos small 3mm LED's. They might work.
  23. Ha, it apears mine does to reading back that post. What i was saying was if you were to leave the fretboard (witch no i know your not) you should have painted it a solid colour and 'aged' the paint by sanding off the areas that get most ware and tare (tummy cut, forearm rest ect) but sand of almost all of the paint on the entire body. Its hard for me to explain the vision i have of the finished guitar in my head. If i was good a drawing id draw you a pic but im not.
  24. You would need a fat neck thats for sure. What about the truss? surley the LEDs would get in the way of the truss rod. It sounds like a good idea, i dont think it will work tho.
  25. Well, i left them somewhere and they went walkies. They just vanished.
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