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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. You are a photoshop GOD!! I kinda like the green, a first for me, ive never liked a greed guitar.
  2. Just a small update. I have seald/grain filled with shellac, today i am getting my black (or maby purple) paint for my burst and a few cans of nitro. Another pic can be found here Even tho its not been polished its quite shiney, i cant wait to see what its like with the nitro and burst. Exiting stuff.
  3. Ok, ya got me Godin, theres some flab there, and my actual weight is 137.6lbs
  4. I used shelac on my electric, but only as a grain filler/sealer so i could add my black (or maby purple burst), i intend to use Nitro as the final finish. I can get some pics of the just shelaced guitar if you want.
  5. Why didnt i buy a black strat!! that pickgaurd looks soo coool!! Hehe, i must be the smallest user on here, 5'6'' altho im 140lbs, all muscle tho!!
  6. if your worried about strength, why not do what my bassist did on his several headstock mods, use dowels? There should be no problem aslong as your joint is good, he moded a strat head to a explorer head (looks realy good on a strat body btw) and it hasnt broke, he only used 9's tho. Why not use a plane to prep your joint?
  7. How high are the saddles of this custom bridge going to be off the face of the body? If it helps the Fender J-bass' has the same neck angle (0degree) on the fretless and freted versions, they have the same hardware. Id draw out a full scale plan if i were you, its the only way to know for sure if your using custom made hardware.
  8. Thanks. When chiseling, make thin but dark lines of whatever you want to cut out (in this case a neck pocket). If you have a pillar drill, drill out most of the pocket to the total depth of your pocket, minus one milimeter. That will make it easyer. If you dont, take your chisel to almost the line, just a bit away (like .5mm) and push down, do this round the whole pocket. Now make marks a bit deaper than you just made (if you can) parralel (i know not possible as the sides are taperd but you know what i mean) with the long edges of you pocket 1 chisel width apart. now remove the waste wood between the marks. Repeat untill Final depth is gained. I used a hand router to clean the bottom of my pocket, but you may not have one. Im a bit tierd right now, had a stressful day, so if anything is unclear just say. That guitar was designed so i could have an SG shape that i liked, the top half of an SG is deadly, the bottom half looks like it was destend for good things, but got squashed in prosess, all IMO of course.
  9. I have, the whole shebang, no router touched my neck pocket. Pics in this thread http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...topic=14492&hl= I dont advise cutting a neck pocket with out a jig and/or template, i got lucky with this, i can hold the guitar by the neck with no bolts, it could have easyily gone bad. That guitar was made with no power tools (well a drill press, and i tidyed the bottom of my p'up cavitys abut with a router). It was a lot of fun, but for the next one im using any tool at my disposal. Spokeshaves are fun tools to work with, i prefer my rasps, surforms and files tho.
  10. There was someone on here who had a link to a online store where you could get EMG's for about $60. $100 is way too much for an installation IMO. I dont have that link to hand and i cant remember the thread it was in, sorry, maby someone remembers this thread?
  11. What a cool idea, altho i think that it would be too hard for a first instrument, im having enough trouble with my first and its a simple bolt-on. By all means give it a go, it might turn out exelent.
  12. Ahhh, its working now for me. Very nice V btw. My fav guitar is my Epi Les Paul studio, i'll get some pics of it tomoro.
  13. it says the page isnt available MZI, is it public?
  14. Welcom back Matt, i cant wiat to see the IMPAILER finished, i love that design!! Post some pics of your shop too, id liek to see it.
  15. Wow, that is one hell of a guitar, is it a full build or just a refinish? Any in progress pics? Goood work!!
  16. Well that sucks, you mean you gave them a rectangle template with the p'up holes init, and they made you a mirrord template?? That V is looking nice.
  17. I can only think of one, spray a white base coat, then put your tape horizontaly across the guitar, with 1in gaps between the rows, then do the same verticaly, thatway you wont have any gaps that could happen by cutting out induvidual squares.
  18. Erm, mine measure out at around 8ohm, thers no lack of grunt there. Altho i agree a little hotter wouldnt hurt.
  19. Plates have there useage, with a HUGE gold one like that i would engrave a pretty patern. On my LP i have a small black plate, just big enough to hold the jack and no more.
  20. Youl have to post them on an other site and link to them here. Sorry i dont know any file hosting sites that will host that file, i only know image ones.
  21. I think he means a LP style jack, on the side of the body, not a strat jack. The JEM jacks are beside the strap button so would make it hard to play in the classical sitting position (even though i find playing any electric like that hard, but thats just me).
  22. OH MY GOD!! That stuff looks sooo nice, ive never seen it befor. I agree it would look ace as a top
  23. For my scarf i used a sash clap (from head to heel) to stop it sliding, then just used small G clamps. Hope that helps
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