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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. I think that was the whole point in lowering the nut slots, so you dont have to push down forever to get the note. Im probibly wrong.
  2. Did you lower the nut slot hight at all? Ive read somewhare that fretless basses have lower nut slots that freted, i was just wondering if its the same for guitars and if you did it. Really good work, i might go fretless on my Shine strat thing one day. I like the idea of getting some weird sounds from my guitar, that will really spice up my final Advanced higher music composition im writing (got 2 years to get it amazing ) Good work mate! Keep it up.
  3. I used the poor-mans burst tutorial, you can find it here Link to my finishing screw up, nothing to do with the way i did it, but the product i used. I will re-do it after my exams, there done in 2weeks so anytime after that i should be done, ready to fit hardware and play, then i will build my own neck. I have the neck ready to go in the band saw for profiling.
  4. Wow, i really like that! I have a vision on a 7 or 8 string beast of a thing! Cant wait to see the finished thing! Any ideas on colour, hardware, scale length?
  5. I have a DFX 15, i quite like it, its not great it but it does me. Id suggest going to the music store and trying those amps you mentiond out, find the one you like most.
  6. This thread may help you. God bless the search freature
  7. Sorry, ive never done a swirl befor so i dont know, there a few people on here who have tho.
  8. My sandpaper went from 280 to 400, so i thought the slightly lighter paper would have been better. Im gona give it another try tomoro. Any other tips for surface prep while im here?
  9. Do a search for TOM bridge and ferrules (sp?) All the info you need is there.
  10. Would be no differant than adding a top id presume.
  11. Its an acrylic bassed laquer from halfords and i sanded to 400 grit.
  12. Thats looking good. Make sure you post pics of that swirl, it sounds like it could be very cool.
  13. Damn, and i was gona copy it too, it will go perfect with my idea! Oh well, better get drawing...
  14. I went to look at my guitar today to find that a news paper had been placed on top of it, the laquer was still curing. I went and lifted off the paper to find that it pulled some of my finish of leaving this. Now i have to do the whole thing again, and whats really odd is i could just pull the finish of, it came off easyily. Any tips on how i can get better adheasion of the laquer?
  15. Damn, i love that style headstock so damn much, my next projectjust so happens to be a strat style thing with a ESPish headstock. Im looking forward to the GOTM post!
  16. Removal - http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/removal.htm Atatchment - http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/attach.htm
  17. The routes were done with a chisel, they suck i know. The next one will be done with a router, i wasnt aloud to use one at my school due to saftey regulations. I use them all the time at home too so that kinda sucked. Thanks for the kind words guys, means alot ya know.
  18. I just assumed it was LED's and that the mirror split up the light from them. Lets all to cracked mirror tops, the collective bad luck on here will be so bad, itl, i dont even want to know what will happen...
  19. Whats wrong with pink guitars anyway? Yeh, thats the colour of the purpleheart, and it kicks ass. Pink is a cool colour, all my pics are pink...
  20. Oh my god, this thing looks sooooooooooo good, the pics dont do it justice. I'll get a high resolution camera in the morning. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...05/Image091.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...05/Image090.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...05/Image088.jpg You can really see the shine on the last two. So what you guys think?
  21. Yeh, the sides are sruffy. Its getting the burst put on tonight, im getting realy exited, i'll post some pics later on. Thoes white marks on the side is actually shellac dust and water, it wipes right off. If you want to see the burst, i may have the pics up in 5-6 hours. Untill then... Well anything you want really...
  22. Nice work man!! I love the purpleheart, it looks realy good with this design.
  23. You gotta love the Blue Peter man Is that the Manson with the LED's under the mirror?
  24. Yup, it looks like some weird space alien, its great. (marksound, i was meaning matt, unless you made the pics?) Can someone do a step by step walk through for making a pic like that, i havnt got a clue. Something to do with layering transparant green/red/whatever over?
  25. Join the club, ive got my standard grades (scotish final exams) i can only put in about 1hour work om my guitar a day, as aposed to the 6-8 i was doing 3weeks ago. Im doing a burst using the poormans burst tut on the mainsite, it might even get done today, if i have time to get paint.
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