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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. Ok, today i have been setting up my strats tremolo, i found it too hard to use with the 3 springs in the patern they came in so i took the midle sping out and moved to two springs left to the out side, paralel to the walls of the trem cavity. This was still too hard for me so i took them out and replaced the middle one, so now ive only got 1 spring. Is this a wise idea? will this harm the trem in anyway? I took a pic, cause i didnt explain it very well i dont think, heres how it is now.
  2. Looking very good so far, keep the pics coming, there very helpfull to me at least. Your desriptions of what you are doing are exelent, as are the results your getting.
  3. Serial number? And marks to the guitar that he made, stuff like that i guess.
  4. Yeh sure, why not, its your bass. Your cavity only has to be big enough to fit the electronics your using.
  5. Alright, i did pretty much the same thing as you did, so i'll try and answer your questions. 1. That looks like it was grain filled with black epoxy, so yes, you will need to do the black - sand back technique. 2. Stain before the burst, then seal it, then do the burst. 3. Leave the cutout the exact shape of the guitar, just adjust the angle of spray, near virticle = narrow burst, lower angle = wider burst. I sujest practising bursting on some newspaper with the template on it first, to find out what angle suits you. Good luck!
  6. Thats a pretty cool guitar, i love the colour and the maple. If it was your, id say buy it back. Your pretty lucky to even see the thing again to be honest.
  7. lmao!! Thats great! I say build him that 3stringer !!!
  8. Thats stain looks cool. Im liking it alot. Good work
  9. Actually, im glad you said that, have you got any pics of this epi, i was thinking of doing the same thing to mine. Dont mean to hijack. As, for the LP here, Xlr8, you have givin me the confidence i needed to make a set-neck, i wasnt too sure about macking a tennon, but i see you have just made a mortise and used the full width of the neck. Is there any drawbacks to this method ie: Strenght?
  10. Why not rout your p'up cavitys in the back of the guitar, all the way through the wood, and mount them in the aluminium like a scratch plate, then use any left over aluminium to cover off the holes in the back. That probibly made no sence...
  11. Looks good to me, i think you got it this time, now get of the computer and built it!
  12. Damn thats looking nice, im really liking that heel, looks very classy.
  13. Wich is exacly what it says to do in the tut, joe 'part from that just yanking them off like the kids at my school do to the strats we have there should work a treat.
  14. He's using a compound radius board, i think it would be VERY hard to do a good job with a radius block. What is the compound radius on the board? A search may yeald some good results, i think this has been discused befor.
  15. I used chisels for my first guitar (its in the in progress forums), my neck pocket is tight enough to lift the guitar with the neck not bolted in. Planning is key for any project, remember this quote (dont know who said it on here first) Measure twice, cut one.
  16. Dang, as soon as i get an air brush somthing like that WILL have to be done, its sooooooo cool.
  17. Is it just me or does that wood look like theres someone with there head onfire with there head in there hands, like a flaming skeleton or somthing, its really cool.
  18. Neck Thru Strat (Mahog, Flm/maple, mahog, flm/maple, mahog neck) With mahhogany mody wings capped with 3A Flame maple - For me The G2 model (custom design) - for me Jem Copy - for a mate Maby a Double Fat Tele if i have enough money for the wood - again for me Thats for the summer anyway. Guitars i will build befor i die Les Paul Rhodes V Explorer More of my own designs
  19. Well, if its advice you seek, use the search button at the top right of your screen, all the info you will probibly need is in there. As for making a body, read the tutorial on the main site, its good. Theres really not alot else i can say apart from Welcom to Project Guitar Just noticed this was my 500th post, i need to get out more...
  20. Rustins!! I can get that in Homebase, i will get some tonight maby. I'll shoot Setch a pm anyway. Thanks Maiden
  21. I used cheap crap from halfords (an auto store) but it was there own brand, so im going to try and get some Deft paints, altho im having a hard time trying to get some in the UK.
  22. Tweak the lower cutaway on the last orange one abit, not alot, but make it curve more towards the neck, i think it will look good.
  23. Holy crapola, thats amazing, thank you for this tutorial, i was wandering how you did it ever since i saw that dragster you posted a few days ago. Really good work.
  24. Just use a lower angle to spray the paint, thats what i did, my burst was (its now of for redoing) a good inch or so in. Practice on some newspaper first with the template, its the only way to know for sure the angle you need for your burst width. Practice is the key, i didnt do anything to my body that i didnt practice on scraps.
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