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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. Does this guitar have a forarm rest on it, like a strat, or is it comleatly flat like a tele? Remember your going to have to raise the neck to compensate for the added hight of the top.
  2. You sure bout that? Clicky Lol. Just an example of what happens when its done wrong. Im sure these inlays look infinitly better than that mess of a bass.
  3. Someware inbetween a super skinny c and v, its not quite either of thoes, but i like it!
  4. Update! Neck is carved! 20mm at the 1st fret moving on to 21mm at the 14th fret. More pics http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...05/Image640.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...05/Image639.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...05/Image638.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...05/Image636.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...05/Image635.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...05/Image629.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...05/Image621.jpg Fretwire is coming in on tuesday i hope. now the fun begins...
  5. Do they have a web adress? Phone number? That would be usefull. EDIT: found on google Brandon Guitars thats the link to the neck prices.
  6. You can build a guitar with the tools you have, it just takes time and patience. Is there no where near you that you could use there bandsaw for a small fee near you, that would help you out alot. As for routers, i beleve i have a black and decker 700, but i only used it for my truss rod cavity and neck profiling, i did the roundovers on my body with a rasp and file. I did my control and pick up 'routs' with a drill and chisel, i did it at school so saftey regulations made me 'imrovise' shall we say. Plan everything your going to do, then measure it, then mesure it again, and again and again, then make your cuts carfully. Good luck with the Strat!
  7. Meh, its still a good idea to turn it down. I bet LK will come and wow us with his knowledge right about now... *waits*
  8. I beleve most people dont finish the cavities of a (semi)holow body guitar.
  9. No offence taken, the reason i reacted like that is because i know what people on this board think of him. How he can use that analagy(sp?) to justify using a bolt on over a set neck is beond me really. End of the roman bashing! I really like playing strats, i just prefer the tone i get from my les paul thats all. I learnt to play on a strat. Bolt on's have there advantages tho, my first neck for my guitar may turn out really crap, but i can always srap it and build another one if that happens, with a neck through you may have to scrap the whole guitar. You could always just cut the body wings off it, tho.
  10. Yeh, well there is actually. And i dont apreciate that comment one bit. End of, k? Now on topic, i always find bolt on's to be lacking in somthing, thats why i bought a paul instead of a strat.
  11. Bolt on's only go as far as the neck PU, set necks go underneath it, theres more wood to wood contact. They all sound differant.
  12. Also some hand planes have a slight curve to the blade. If you are going to use them its VERY easy to tilt the plane on the edges, giving you an off-square edge. Thickness sanders are suposedly better, i would agree because when i thicknessed mine in a surface planer i had to belt sand little ripples that were left by the planer out.
  13. Cool, it just sounded like a Kustom i used to have, it was low - mid - high. Low is the bass, mid, thats your mid-range tones and high is your treble. Just dont play it too loud, that might not be the best thing to do as its designed for low tones, the high tones might cause it damage. But thats all physics and not worth discusing really.
  14. You got a buddy that does? Or a digicam you can take a pic of the pic on? Anyways, im sure it looks purdy. I might draw a design of what i think it looks like and post it, just for a bit of fun.
  15. High is Treble. Is it a Kustom amp you have?
  16. Have you actually drawn it out? If so can you post a pic of it, it sounds quite cool to me. i can see it turning out very nice.
  17. It will work, i have to do it some times at school cause we dont have enough guitar amps. Just turn the treble up a bit more and your fine. It will tide you over till you get a guitar amp.
  18. I loved the finish too, Just a shame it went all crap and peeled off. I will do it again soon, soon as in about a month. I didnt manage to install truss and glue the fretboard on, but i will defenatly do it tomoro. I got all to tools for shaping the neck at my house now so i can make some real progress. I think it will be finished and strung up in 2months. That gives me time to re-finish the body, get all the hardware (witch means saving my pennies) and wire it up.
  19. Been a while since i last updated. Had stuff to do with school that was more important (choosing my subjects for 5th year), and i couldnt get into the shop. Anyways, i got the neck profiled today. I did the truss route about a month ago. Next im going to install the truss rod and glue on the fretboard. That may get done today, but most likly will be done tomoro.
  20. How clean is the crack? any pics of it? If its a clean split, ie no splinters of wood missing, i would attempt getting a good woodglue in the crack and clamping it. How did the crack happen in the first place?
  21. I like it, looks very good to me! How bright are we talking here, with all that maple? Any chance of a sound clip? Keep up the good work!
  22. Jees-o, im on the 3rd page, and ive read about 3 posts on guitar building. This sounds like a real nice build, i cant wait to see the pics of it. How deep a carve are you going to put on it. I asume it will be a wrap round TOM, or something simelar seeing as your going for a no frills build?
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