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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. The guitar im playing on at the moment has the neck profile of a 60's LP, its fine, but its a bit too big for me, i have little hands, so my skinny necks feel better. I agree set up is what makes or breaks a neck. Ever tryed to play fast on a suposedly fast wizard thats poorly set up?
  2. http://www.tremol-no.com/ theres the adress.
  3. Scale length, measure from the nut to 12th fret, then from the 12th fret to bridge. These measurments sould be the same. Fav guitarist, well its got to be the satch man!
  4. Yeh, there pretty cool designs. But its 1pic per post, youl have to link to the other pics. I used it to make a few Hot pink bullseye SG's and Les Pauls.
  5. Cool, whats the ballpark figure your lookin at for it anyway?
  6. Naa, i think the non symetrical version is better looking.
  7. I think it looks quite good myself. What style would you put on it? Im intrested. I think a widow headstock would look good on it too.
  8. I dont like Sg either, but that aint no Sg. It looks balanced, an sg looks fat and ugly. Im ordering wood to build one of them tomoro, considering i havent seen one up for sale...
  9. your picking things up pretty fast tho, im sure youl build your own neck pretty soon, there not as hard as you think, i mean if i can build one anyone can.
  10. Wooo! I'll hold you to that ya know! next time im in canada! (well, the first time, i havnt beed there yet, and considering my dads canadian its kinda odd) i'll come over and see how you do things METAL MATT style!
  11. HEY!!, Get in line! I asked first! I really like this guitar! Its made my like V's again. And i used to hate them!
  12. Im really diggin that shap i like it alot! I cant wait to see these twins strung up! I know there gona look killer!
  13. How much and do it now! Thats all ive got to say! It look amazing! Great work!
  14. Black Burst and clearcoat. Not too bad for a novice.
  15. Noooooooice I like it alot! Theres somthing about that headstock that just screams '2 for 1 deal on death by headstock, 1 night only'
  16. That thing is deadly!! i love it! Good work man!
  17. What is it now? a TOM? Im really not familiar with thes guitars at all sorry. Does it have a rounded edge? How do you plan to conceal this if it does? Just trying to make you think abit more befor you go on. Sorry if i make no sense, its realy late here and im tierd.
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