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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. Give it to Drak, the WOD must be hungry by now...
  2. How much we talking here? might comision him if my neck turns out to be utter crap.
  3. You got my vote, its beeeeeeeeeeauutiful. that neck is probibly bigger than me, its huge, but i like the fretboard, its gorgeous.
  4. that isnt so much carved as beveled, its a flat top with big bevels, you could try steaming the top to match the contours, but i doubt that will work very well. i would sugest puting it on, contour (you will go though the maple veneer, i asume its veneer) and cover up where the veneer joins the poplar in the finish, like a nice black burst. I hope that was usefull, im sure some one with more experiance wil come and give you a better option.
  5. i know your busy with jeremy, but the least you can do is read the thread, not just look at the very purdy pictures lol. Just playin with ya.
  6. I love that shape!! Its sooo cool. And at the moment im seriously considering making one of my own, but i wont because its your design The bevels have a certain BCR quality about them, its very nice, the design actually reminds me of a mocking bird crosed with a beast. i cant wait to see these finished.
  7. Welome! Edinburgh is a nice place, if your there right now try and check out few shows at the fringe, one called Ubu and Kevin Tomlinson - unmasked, there great!
  8. ^^^***... It kinda looks like my school tables from thoes pics, thats kinda odd. That is solid wood were looking at right?
  9. That aint no warlock. look at a pic from BCR's site, then look at that.
  10. My mate has a purple squer strat, thats the stock colour too, it looks amazing, but if its green you want, then green it shall be.
  11. If you want to build your set-neck custom body style 27.38" fanned fret monster of a guitar for your first, and you have the willingness to take your time and plan carfully, itl turn out just fine. Its not an ideal build as you cant ask questions about it, as is likley no-one else has done it befor. Baisicly just what everyone esle has said, build what you want to build. My first geet (nearly done, waiting for my fretwire) is a SG based bolt on, i build my own neck, routed with a chisle, monged up the finish the first time round, but now looking pretty sweet. Its like that because i wanted it to be.
  12. Thats sounds like your really having a ace time. Necks are real fun to make, my favorite part was shaping the back of it. I bought a pre-sloted board, how hard is it really to slot?
  13. Oh my sweet jesus! That looks sweeeeet. Thats a really good job youve done there. Great work, or if im going to be a tiger GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAAAAT work!
  14. Please do a search, all the info is already here. Also you have practicly posted the same topic 3 times, you could have just kept all your questions in 1 thread.
  15. No, your thinkin as if it would be a non angled neck, just tilted back. that would leave a gap, bet when you make your own you will be able to design it so it does. dont think of it as angling the heel, more of angling the fretboard, instead of having it parralel to the body, its tilted down 3 or whatever degree.
  16. No, why would it. Thats the sort of things you plan, so it doesnt hapen,
  17. I know it wont be that hard, it just seems a bit, actually i dont know how to put this, er, odd to me. For all the planning of a jig, its about the same planing to cut the angle in the neck, but you never know, you might really enjoy building guitars and you might want too build another. But its really all up to you, its YOUR guitar, you do it your way. Heres a sujestion, why not just resess your bridge? that iliminates the need for an angle.
  18. Yes, you know rougly where the center of your routs are going to be? Just drill a hole large enough to get a flush trim router bit (on with the bearing underneath the bit) and use the routs that are already there as a guide. The veneer should be thin enough that it wont be a problem to do it this way.
  19. I dont know, but if you plan carfully (and i mean check about 20000000 times, then once more just to be sure) you could cut the angle into the neck itself. I dont know if thats a wise way of doing it but i dont see any reason my it shouldnt work. It would be tough to pull off but if you really dont want to build a jig then it seems like a good alternative to me. I personaly would just build the jig, make it with knock down fittings so you can build it, use it, take it apart and find a use for the wood easly. It will save alot of head aches.
  20. YOU LUCKY SON OF A WORD IM NOT ALOUD TO USE HERE!! Seriously thats cool! You must take pics, all the time, no excuses! Have a blast!
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