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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. Remove the neck totaly and build a new one. Thats what id do anyway, and you asked for opinions. If you build a new on you can get it right totaly. Did you make sure your measurments were right befor you cut?
  2. Thats one cool idea!! That defenatly has to be done! DO IT, DO IT NOW!!
  3. TELE! BRIDGE HUMBUCKER! just wait, youl get nothing but greif for that... Seriously tho it looks good
  4. What about a thorn vine going along the FB, thats more metal for ya! Ive always wanted a black rose with one thorn of the stem dripping blood.
  5. i did that the same way beef said, works well but for the next natural cover i will resaw a slice of the back, this guitar is too thick at just shy of 2"...
  6. And its also a good excuse to use flaming arrows shot using a bow from the back of a transit, well mu uncle thought it would be good fun anyway... [/off topic]
  7. I get ya now, its just the way you said youl have to alter your fingering that threw me a bit. I like the idea of big stretched out chords that are not so streched out.
  8. You wont need to alter your fingering atal, as the frets will be placed acording to scale length. Sorta like you dont have to alter your fingering to play on a 27fret jackson.
  9. I have a weeping deamon wah too, takes a while to set it up, but when you do its sweet. Go and try one out. I may go and try a bad horsie wah just to see ya know.
  10. Well, yes and no really, thers no point in making a guitar with a scale length that places your bridge at the bottom of the body, and having the headstock really far away from you. You need to draw out a full scale drawing, actually do this it WILL answer alot of questions, and decide for yourself what scale you want. Go and play some guitars with differant scale lengths, see what you like, i know i find it hard to go back and forth between my LP (24.75" scale) and a strat (25.5") so for my build i tool the one i play most, the 25.5" and designed my guitar around that. I took the body drawing i had made, made a center line on it, decided where i wanted my bridge to be at, i am very picky about this, and drew a lind EXACTLY 25.5" from that point, then i could work out things like where my neck will end, weather or not my design needs moded for upper fret acces issues ect. Then it was time to draw the thing out again, just to make sure it all works.
  11. I think its cool the general scheem going on there, but i think the GT 'f' hole could be slightly cooler, maby a diferant font, i know your trying to keep it tru, but i dont think that font flows very well. Other than that good luck!
  12. Like a hot pink? Like dunlop 500 plec pink? (i only ever play with pink plecs )
  13. Try grounding the bridge, that sounds like the problem to me.
  14. If your in edinburgh there are plenty of guitar stores that will have a soloist and mockingbird and im sure theyl let you draw round/take measurements of them.
  15. Dude, that looks amazing!! Paint it Baby pink with baby blue bevels i say!
  16. Not very, i tried for one of my german essays, got found out in the first line. The best way would to either take night classes in what ever language you want to learn, or buy on of these translator software packages. I'll ask my friends dad what he uses.
  17. Have you got any pics of that guitar face on, i like the way the cutaway is more of a point than a normal Tele, its way cool.
  18. This months GOTM is actually a bolt on. And nice mockinbird!
  19. Do a search, this has beed coverd quite a few times befor, if you still have a question after that feel free to ask.
  20. Melvyn's book is considerd a book you should have, its really good and well worth having.
  21. Ahh, i didnt see that link under the last pic. thanks matt!
  22. The new body looks clean and well done, and i actually like this bass shape. On the origional one, is it just the finish thats cracked and mared or is it dented too?
  23. The finish looks good, but the body style is horrid. I know, look up Idch bocaster thread and do that to it!
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