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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. Im not suprised, its just amazing. Hell i even stayed up just looking at the pictures of it. I love this guitar, i want one lol.
  2. I dyed then grain filled with shelac, i doubt that was a good thing to do but my body is as smooth as they come.
  3. Also tierdness helps with my imagination, i once fell on the ceiling i did...
  4. I stained a ash body a deep red colour with Behlen dye's, and i agree with mikes advice ware gloves, it likes anything it goes on, including floors, and walls... I wiped on mine with a lint-free cloth, that might not work for you tho.
  5. I find i think of good lyrics when im really tierd, but i often cant write anything, im also in a bad period for writing. Tips would be well apreciated.
  6. I second bareknucle pups too. there quality and a few people on this board have them and they love em, do a search and you should find a thread with a few more UK pup manufactuers in it, theres one not to far from me, wizzard pups i think it is.
  7. Matt, Jeremy, please for the love of god get a partnership deal going on, with matts designs, both your skills, and jeremys golden airbrush, you will have some of the most badass guitars ever known!
  8. That is the coolest paintjob EVER created! Nice work jeremy!
  9. Replace the pot if cleaning doesnt work, resolder all the contacts (id do this anyway if you think there bad) and see if that cures it. This seems like a odd problem, are all your leads good too, ive had a few buzzy leads, but not like what your having, a low hum in a certain lead, all the time, not there in my others.
  10. What about at your bridge, you need to ground your bridge. Normaly to the trem claw, TOM post, or botom of the bridge plate, depending on what set up you have. Just normaly when i hear buzz, its a grounding problem.
  11. If i can get wasted at school, you can, its not advisable tho...
  12. I'll have to get to the bank first, to see how much i have to spend, the bank closes in 10min, so i'll go tomorow. To be honest i doubt i have anything, i just spent like 90buk on wood, and as a student... I'll see what i can do, maby the perentals will be kind.
  13. And if you do miss a note or play a wrong note, dont EVER say sorry, ever. You should be proud that you went on there even with the fear, and did it. You have to tell us how you did.
  14. and i hate offering people money with out knowing roughly what they want... lol, i see what i have kickin around an i'll see if i can make an offer.
  15. For the guitar im doing right now, i did it befor, the next guitar i will do it after, using Myka's neck pocket jig.
  16. What inlays are on the ibanez boards? Dots? What wood are they made of? And how much do you want and will you ship to sunny ol' scotland?
  17. Nice work Matt!! necks are fun to build aint they?
  18. Yeh, your right actually, on puttin my contacts in i see a small gap, i'll blame the blurry ness for that one.
  19. I dont know about you but when i play my guitar, my strings touch the fretboard. On my scalopd board, they dont, thats the idea behind the scalop.
  20. Stage fright is a good thing i say, when im doing a drama production, i go over my lines non stop befor i go on, i never forget them. When playin guitar, i have a practice guitar off stage (i leave my guitars on stage) and i play the set/song loads befor i go on, just so i know i know it, even tho i know i know it, if that makes any sense.
  21. You can never really loose stage fright. When im playing live i tend to get really psyked up befor, and force my self on to the stage, 9/10 im comfortable straight away and can play. But as you've never played infront of an auidiance befor, i sugest you play infront of a few people, 20-30, if you can do that youl be fine. Also if your on a stage with lights on you, you wont be able to see much of anything beond the stage anyway. Just remember to have fun with it. And if it helps any, im playing aces high in the talent show at my school in 3 weeks, i have to learn the first solo befor that too.
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