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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. Do a search for 'Relicing' youl find alot of info is already on the board.
  2. Hmm, i was thinkin about padauk, ive played a SG made of padauk, it was nice, but i wanted mahogany for this project. Mahogany is hard to get localy up here, at least ive never seen it (and by god ive looked) and the ash i got from them had some nice grain paterns (it was DAMN heavy tho) and it got deliverd in about a week. Maby a trip to aberdeed is in order, there might be some good wood lurking about there. Also the 90 buk included a truss rod, fretwire and shipping. The wood was fairly cheap. If it has knots itl defenatly go back.
  3. Ahh, thats ok then, i'll just keep moaning at them till they send me my mahogany. 90buk and its still not been sent!
  4. Woo, sounds great man! I got my talent show on wed and thurs, i'm playin the boys are back in town, woo for thin lizzy! Im also doing a solo, but itl be rubbish cause its all improvised and i'll trip up on my notes due to playing tooo fast. I get to play 3 differant guitars tho, thats a plus, and i got a half stack, itl be so loud youl be able to hear me over in the states (well maby not. but i'll damn well try)
  5. Yeh, i love the rain i do... Sambo, whats up with craft suplies mahogany? should i cancel my order and go somwhere else for it?
  6. Im still waiting for my mahogany from craft suplies, i orderd 2 months ago. Im actually just gona call them now. Oh an btw im in bonny ole scotland, its 6buk shiping to me. Id find a US suplier if i were you.
  7. My thoughts, explorer or simelar guitar semi hollow, metalli-star 'f' holes. That would be cool, and if you wanted to be extra fancy you could paint a metalistar underneath the hole so when you look in, well you get the picture.
  8. I like nice flowing tummy cuts, and the body out line has to place me leg inbetween the two humbuckers (like a les paul). string hight of the body is also an issue, i like it high, TOM style, i hit the body with my pic on a floyded (resesed) but thats due to player style.
  9. Place the bridge 25" from the nut. Do a search next time. Actually do it now, scale lenght is fundimental and if you dont know what it is 'in this context' you really shouldt be building guitars.
  10. Carving the neck is the best part, the worst part is worrying if your fretboard is glued on straight. Well for me it is, i did the measurments no less than 300 times too. I think baisicly the the feeling is have a go but if you dont want to, its no biggie, whatever you want to do is what you will do. Idch, i prefer the surforms to spokeshave, it has a better feel to me, even though the end results need alot more sanding than the spokeshave. I use a half round for most of my shaping, for around the head and heel i used a full round, about 1.5cm dia.
  11. DragonForce are the boys! They rock! They were in aberdeen on saturday (i think) i could have went but i got told like as soon as they sold out Anyway, youl do fine, i have lets see, a week and a bit to go till my show, I know half of one of the songs, a bit of the other, and i havnt even heard the last song im doing yet, so yeh. Its gona be fun.
  12. Thats cool! You got a great girl and your doubling your shop space! Good on ya man, and good luck. On of these days im gona buy one of thoes leviathans, ive been promicing myself that since i first saw one! Good luck again man!
  13. Building ANYTHING for the first time is gona be scary, youve never done it befor, you dont know how your gona ba at it. Necks are fairly simple, grated you have the tools and are confident using them. Practice on scrap, use a off cut of the neck wood, it behave like the rest of the board it came from. But most of all have fun, ive nearly finished my first guitar, all it need is frets. If you dont try it, youl never know. Things to watch out for when shaping :- Digging your rasp/spokeshave/surform ect, too far in to a part of the neck. Solution, take shalow/light cuts. Heres my first, but defenatly not last neck (note this pic was taken befor it was finished, its a bit rough at the edges)
  14. Dye black. Sand back. Dye blue. But please practice on scrap, its the only way youl know what ratio to dilute.
  15. I voted for jazzclubs, i love the body shape its way cool. Well, you abviously havnt seen mine
  16. Is this a bolt on were talkin bout here? if it is, build (or buy) a new wider neck, widen neck pocket and play away. If you widen the fretboard on this neck by removing and replacing with a wider one, your gona have to widen the whole neck too.
  17. I have this problem on my epi, oh well looks like im gona have to get new pups, what a shame
  18. Also the search function here works marvels too... <--- just incase someone takes offence, heres a smiley.
  19. Why dont you draw up the body your thinking of, then it will make it easyer for us to help with your design. Also, when i came up with my design, i printed of a full scale pic of an SG and drew alterations around it till it looked like i wanted it to, then i cut it out stuck it on mdf. Why not try and splice a PRS with a Parker, and see is you truly like the aesthetics of it. On a side note i made my guitar in Craft and Design for my final project, got a credit grade
  20. Id go with the second, but you could always do a AANJ.
  21. Matt, im waiting for TK Maxx to get back to me, and if i get the job i very well might buy a board of you, that is if you still have them. It will be 2weeks max. And on a side note i went up town, but then forgot why i was there so went home, i forget things at times...
  22. That is some killer mahogany! And i love that design, but 40 bloomin p, no way! I wish my local wood store did that. Good luck with it man! woo for brits
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