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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. Try continental, me and my uncle took 2 acustics on board with us, we put them in the over head thingys.
  2. Algee was out of order on this one. Your guitar rocked btw, i would have posted in the other thread but i didnt want to get caught up in all the nonsense goin on.
  3. Call the airline up before hand and ask them if if you can carry it on, i bet if you explain the situation they'l let ya.
  4. Opend it with real player instead of media player, that worked. They sound great, good job! Youve just made me about 20million times more exited a bout this project, hehe, thank you.
  5. I think hes on about posting a design you like, but will probibly never build for one reason or another.
  6. Mailman, shove a v after it and be done. sentinel-v, could look like sentenel 5 tho... Or you could be cound dracula, V SENTINEL, VERE ISTH V SENTINEL.
  7. Sure, route the part where the neck snaped off square and level, fill it with a suitable wood (mahogany i think in this case) and route a new cavity.
  8. yes, that is why i am planning for 2 weeks, using plans from the MIMF and my own drawings, i want it to be right. Im going to angle the tennon, that way it will be a bit easyer than a angled pocket. Im using a 3deg angle. I have a LP that im using for referance. I drew out a plan full scale, i'll get a pic of that in the tomoro, itd in the garage, and i dont want to open it up again tonight. Setch's tut is great, i forgot about that, i remember XLR8's thread where he made a LP. Pencil and paper are the tools of the night, but tomoro the jigsaw comes out and i make templates for my router. This is going to be (hopfully) a well done project, im faily confident with carving, and i have all the info i could posibly want/need at the touch of a button, the search button! EDIT: Mattia, the template is right, i made it with plans from the MIMF, drawings taken from my own les paul and a friends. the upper bout does look big but remember theres still a neck going there too.
  9. Its now a true rock guitar, i love my epi so much more now its got dings and dents, i can thrash the living hell out of it and not worry.
  10. Thats cool dude, but your sound files dont seem to want to work on my pc. I have Brazilian mahogany, i doubt there will be much differance tonewise. Im glad you like it, im already in love with it, and its just a pile of wood in front of the cupboard door. But i can see the finished product in my minds eye. hehe.
  11. Small update. Today i made the body template, took about an hour, and it still needs a bit of fine tuning but heres a pic anyway. The material is 18mm MDF, i cut it using a jigsaw. Tomoro i will make the pick-up cavity templates, and maby the control cavity if i have enough time.
  12. One question, wheres the pots? The guitar look great, espeshialy that freatboard, ot looks great!
  13. Thats pretty cool Kevan, im defenatly gona get me one of thoes, first i need a trem guitar... oh well, looks like another project i'll 'have' to do lol. But seriously, i am going to get me one.
  14. Nice work Idch, this will be a good'un for sure!
  15. LOL, knocked down just means there demolishing my school and building a new one, but its all privatised so there getting all the equipment replaced, the said theyl give me the saw for £1 (and yes, i have that in writing) As far as scotish slang goes, i dont understand most of it myself, dads from canada, mums from england, i dont get 'exposed' often. Im getting exited about this project, hehehe, i cant wait to start building tomoro, even if it is only the templates.
  16. Craft suplies sell 2way rods for 12buk, there in the uk. Ive used it once and was pleased with it.
  17. Godin, i have a pre sloted 25.5" board here, i also like the extra room in the upper frets for soloing. Brian D, i just prefer chrome and/or nikle hardware, or black chrome, but i think black chrome wouldnt be at home here. Erik, i know that the wood will be a bit diferant than in the mock-up. I dont know if your familiar with bedlam guitars, he made a SG for my ex-girlfriends uncle, i had it for about 2 months or so, heres a link for you. I liked that guitar alot, the tone was good. I have a full resporater mask, a proper one, at school, where i will be cutting my wood. Heres my saw. Just incase you wanted to know what i was useing, its the schools, but its mine in a few years when it gets knocked down. Tomorow im going to make the body template, using plans from the MIMF. Im glad you all seem to like the idea.
  18. My next project is a Les Paul, mahogany body 1 3/4" thick, carved bookmatched padauk top 5/8" thick, Mahogany neck, Rosewood board 12" radius 25 1/2" scale. Reason for the unusual choise in topwood, 1 - it costs less than figured maple 2, its not often you see a mahogany/padauk guitar, i want to see what it sounds like and 3, i can get 2 tops out of the stock ive bought. Any ideas on how this will actualy sound? Heres a pic i did on kisakae I think it looks quite good. And heres the wood that has arived. wood. Im still waiting on my padauk and hardware. For electronics, standard les paul config (2vol/2tone - 3way), PAF's (dont know what brand yet, im gona use my epi's pickups for now). Hardware, TOM, Grover machines, black speed dial knobs. The next 2 weeks are gona be used for making templates and planing out exactly how im gona tackle it. I cant get any plexi, so MDF will have to do for templates. Hopefully this will turn out well.
  19. WOW. That is sooooo cool dude, nice job! And yeh, GOTM!!
  20. get a good front on pic, the bigger the better, put it in photoshop and scale it up to full size using a dimension you already know ie scale length.
  21. ...and you beleve that voodoo? Godin, this guitar looks brilliant, that peice of scrap with the tiger eye looks ace, i am looking forward to seeing this done.
  22. Just out of curiosity, how much for shipping to the north of scotland? id quite like the les paul template and the jem. Thanks in advance.
  23. Dont worry dude, im using a epi LP studio, but its well set up and i actually like it more than the gibo, well the newer ones anyway. Preforming is when i get the biggest buzz, its awsome.
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