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Everything posted by dpm99

  1. That's an interesting thought. But here's how I see it. For $15 in materials, I got enough to make two truss rods with a little scrap. I can buy one on Ebay for $10 with free shipping that's better than what I can make on my own. So for $2.50, I save a lot of time, and get a better product. DIY truss rods make sense. It's not a complicated device. But this design didn't work for me.
  2. Man, do I understand that. After four years, I still feel dreadfully incompetent.
  3. I'm sorry. You did all this today?? I was proud of myself for thicknessing a headstock, resawing a couple of headstock veneers, and rough cutting a bridge. Clean work too.
  4. These days I'm getting really frugal, so it made sense to try my hand at building a truss rod. I used this video as an instructional guide: My parts looked exactly the same as theirs. I think they went to Lowe's too. Ok, it works. But I'm not gonna put it in a guitar. It tends to fail at the t-nut. In testing, I broke off part of the nut, and the aluminum channel was starting to fail at both ends. It was my first try, and I'm not saying it couldn't work, but with all the other work that goes into building a guitar, I just don't have enough faith in it to use it in a neck. The truss rod is too critical. I should also note that I ground that aluminum channel down to the point that it was almost flush with the rod, so I don't think that was the problem. Just thought others might benefit from my experience.
  5. Doi! That's wood porn, Scott. Nice work too.
  6. The best way is to just keep playing it until it's a complete mess. I've got a bass I'm working on. It'll be done in about fifteen or twenty more years. Alternatively, you could just tie a rope around the neck, tie the other end to your rear fender and go for a drive down a dirt road. Clearly it's bedtime for me... EDIT: Ok, just to be slightly more helpful, try this: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=how+to+relic+a+guitar&aq=f EDIT 2: Also, welcome to the forums. Please enjoy your stay.
  7. Just curious... How are you doing your compound radius fretboards? Are you swinging them over a belt sander or do you have another method?
  8. Mesquite is great for fretboards. Really? Not to hijack the thread, but I thought mesquite required a finish. Am I wrong? EDIT: Just gotta say, Paulie...that's unbelievably lousy.
  9. My bad. Apparently I can't do math that late.
  10. If it's 2 9/16" now, and you're cutting it in half, that's gonna leave you with less than 1 1/4" to work with, right? That's very, very thin.
  11. LOL I think this is the way to go, though. I really need to get a chainsaw. I'm always seeing CL ads for big pecan trees that need to be cut down. I wish I could figure out a reliable source of native Texas woods oily enough to not require a finish.
  12. I had the most ridiculous epiphany today. A long time ago I made a guitar body with nothing but a router and hand tools, and it turned out...less than awesome. Part of the problem is that I was using 12/4 lumber. Don't ask. Anyway, I was looking at it today, and thinking that if I hollowed it out properly, it might make a nice acoustic bass. So I started playing around with it. Now I have a band saw, drum sander, drill press, table saw, and a few other neat toys. And you know what? I saved it! That's when it occurred to me. I'd always thought power tools were for saving time, but I guess I was always too stubborn to admit that you can actually make better things...or at least make nicer things with less skill, by having a bunch of expensive tools. Who woulda thunk it?! Now I want a spindle sander...
  13. Looks great, and I'm anxious to see your progress! But why would you want to put an Ibanez logo on there? Not only is it a copyright violation (as if anyone will care), it's fun to come up with something original and meaningful to you!
  14. Josh - You're gonna have to start giving that spider a cut of what you make on these! Or at least a little sugary water now and then.
  15. Glad to hear that. Congratulations on your new tool.
  16. I have a Strat-type Xaviere that I've done a lot of work on. If I had money to drop on a new guitar right now, it would more likely go toward one of those fancy Agile guitars, which are basically the same sort of deal, but a bit more unconventional. But the guys at Guitar Fetish have always been so kind to me that I'm always glad to promote their business, provided I can continue to remain ignorant regarding their manufacturing processes. *whistles*
  17. Trust your instincts. If you make a mistake, it's not gonna explode or anything. You know what you're doing.
  18. Wes, with deference to your experience, I suggest you tell a bass player that. Saying there's no difference between hex core, round core, flat wound, etc., not even accounting for the myriad alloys on the market...isn't it kind of like saying wood is simply "bright" or "warm?" Even in this post, you described strings as "jangly" and "flat." Just saying.
  19. Is there any way to true that drum? I'm assuming it's rubber or metal or something, right?
  20. Zero posts in the Players' Corner? Here's my contribution. The new Xaviere XV-890 This isn't really a review, as I don't own this guitar, but I do own one other Xaviere that gets a lot of play time. But check this out. It's a set neck drop top with flame maple over poplar, maple neck with bound fretboard and fancy inlay, Genuine Floyd Rose bridge and GFS pickups? $239?! I have no need of this thing, but please people...if there's stuff like this on the market, please leave the Squier Affinities at GC. You don't even have to replace the pickups in this one. Obligatory PS: I am in no way affiliated with GFS or Xaviere Guitars. I am, however, a big fan of the company's products.
  21. I'm a doofus when it comes to finishing, but I will say that this post would get a better response in the Inlay and Finishing Chat forum. Is there a moderator that might move this over there?
  22. Honestly, I think this is a topic we don't consider enough. I mean, we'll debate all day about the tonal differences between ash and alder, and then throw some old barbed wire on for strings. But shouldn't strings influence tone to a far greater degree than wood? I say absolutely yes.
  23. Oh man, that's really cool! I mean, all your airbrushing stuff is great, but I love the Freddy Krueger guitar. What did Robert Englund say about it? Did he like it?
  24. dpm99

    First Day

    +1 on that, particularly if the primary goal is to get a nice guitar.
  25. Does this help? http://www.gibson.com/Service/PUPwiring.pdf Those are some purty pickups!
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