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Everything posted by jer7440

  1. How much $ do you have to spend?
  2. Is 11.25 wide enough for your guitar body or are you going to book match like Bigd suggested?
  3. How wide is that board? It's gorgeous.
  4. Man you really have to jump through the hoops just to read a post on the LP forum I don't have a problem with registering, but then you have to wait for the admin to approve you....c'mon.
  5. Man that is some sick quilt, very cool!
  6. I've seen the HF bandsaw for $225. You will have to buy the riser block for it if you want to resaw and bookmatch. It also does not come with a fence for resawing. You would probably want to upgrade the blade guides to ball bearings also as the saw comes equiped with some sort of friction guide. By the time you upgraded the Harbor Freight saw to do what you wanted to do you could have just bought a saw from grizzly or something.
  7. Hey D, What are the dimesions on those tops?
  8. Ohh man! You guys are really messin' with my mind. I thought I had a finishing plan for my LP project fairly well formulated in my mind and then I read this. Oh well I'll just keep doing this
  9. Man that looks awesome. I love the exposed ebony.
  10. You hear correctly. But really... cheating? It's just a glorified router.
  11. I noticed the same thing Weird thing is I like it (the look of the guitar that is)
  12. Hey I used to have an FCB1010 foot board and now I have a GNX3. I was using the FCB1010 to control a non Behringer product, and while the board is very flexible, I found it cumbersome to program. Then Gnx3 is pretty cool and I think it sounds great. The interface for adjusting the effects parameters is kinda goofy, but once you get used to it, it's not too bad. I know the Gnx4 is out now and I believe it has USB capablility for the recording end of things. This is a big upgrade from the smartmedia card in the gnx3. I'm not at all famililar with the v-amp 2 but I have been very happy with my gnx3, and it is easier to program IMHO than the fcb 1010
  13. Greg, could you make a tiny plug and glue it into that little gouge? If you used a scrap from the edge of the board and made a little plug, glue it in and sand it level, I bet it would be almost invisible.
  14. When you use the steel wool, do hit the frets and every thing?
  15. I think the cutout is centered with the shape of the guitar but the guitar shape as a whole is not perfectly centered with the laminations.
  16. I didn't scratch it, I gouged the crap out of it! But seriously I'm going to move on to cutting my neck while I save up for a new top. Working on a logo inlay as well, so...
  17. The funny thing is, is that we guitarists are the only ones who really care about our tone! The average person in the audience wouldn't know good tone if it came up and bit them in the rear. That being said I think alot has to do with how good you play, technique and such. I play with a couple of guys at my church who are just incredible players. For reasons too numerous to go into we have to play direct into the board. One guy uses a Boss gt-3 and the other guy uses a sans amp something or another with some stomp boxes. They both sound amazing in the house. We cover a wide range of music from heavier stuff like POD to jazz, and they know how to make it all sound great.
  18. I read somewhere on this board that there is a strong blue component in black dye. So when you dye black and sand back then you color over with something like yellow, the blue component of the black dye mixes with the yellow and you get kind of a pukey yellow green color. Instead of a black sand back, try brown to highlight your figure under yellow.
  19. I think it is an excellent idea for students at this level to be exposed to this technology. This is the future of industry in our country. Although our government is trying it's hardest to cripple our industry by letting China undercut us at every turn, some companies are competing through super efficient use of CNC type machinery. The biggest problem is there is very few younger people entering this segment of the work force, and the ones who are have no skill coming in. So if there is a school encouraging this kind of experience for their students I say excellent! As far as teachers being underpaid, well I guess that depends on where you live. Most teachers around me make more in 9 months than i do in 12 working plenty of overtime.
  20. They were taking a shot at Godin SD another memeber on the board. He entered his guitar 2 months in a row.
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