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Everything posted by GregP

  1. I haven't heard one person say that they're crappy. Of course, I don't usually visit Harmony Central's "reviews", instead relying on the word of people on various forums.
  2. What a show-stopper. Absolutely unbelievable. I would give one of my nostrils for that guitar. It'd be worth smelling in mono. Greg
  3. I woulda made two steinberger bodies outta it. I dunno if you actually burnt it or not, but if you did, that's a Drak-tastic move. <chuckle> Not sure if I woulda.
  4. I wasn't going to say anything because since it's already cut there's no point in raining on someone's parade. However, it's not routed or finished yet, so... I'm not a big fan. It seems like the waist isn't narrow enough, and the way you have the neck and the pickup cavities on there it's WAY off-centre. Now, obviously those are things that you've already noticed and you never intended them to be precise anyhow, but I can't visualize what it's going to look like with the picture you have there. I can't help thinking of it as being crooked. Another note about the waist-- it seems like the top and the bottom have significantly different curves to them, where I like to see them more of mirror reflections. Obviously the offset top and bottom horns will mean that the curves can't be absolutely identical, but they should at least marry up in a bit more balanced way. The bottom bout, as a result (the 'hips' I guess?) are also asymmetrical. That's not always a bad thing, but in this case it's just "off" enough to be noticeable, but not quite skewed enough to be visionary and cool. The overall impression is that it was drawn freehand-- that's not inherently bad... but it looks like it's freehand that's MEANT to be symmetrical and just isn't. Sorry for the downer opinion, I just want you to have a kick-ass guitar, because you've always shown yourself to be an enthusiastic builder. Greg
  5. Those Hipshot hardtail bridges look great. Deffo will use one in a future project. HERE's the StewMac page with the Hipshot bridge.
  6. I was definitely one of the commentors in the previous thread-- I think it's a kick-ass guitar. I like solid black, and with the maple neck it looks even better. Maple fingerboard next time, too. Greg
  7. It's possible that your guitar isn't tuned properly. low E string, 5th fret is an "A". That'll fit into the backing track like a glove, and if it doesn't, your guitar needs to be re-tuned. I'll see if I can post something up later. Greg
  8. Curtis, With those notes, you can play over the backing track for the PENTATONIC BLUES SKIRMISH (yes, it always has to be capitalized). It doesn't have the 'blue' notes, but it's a Pentatonic scale in Am. Cheers for the lesson, TTE!! I'll look into it more deeply when I have guitar in hand. Thanks, Greg
  9. "The G-String Driver" That would have limited but effective use.
  10. GregP


    I'm a bit useless, but I could have sworn a potentiometer with a properly-valued cap WAS a tone control, and one without is automatically a volume control...??
  11. classic. Especially this one:
  12. I don't know offhand, but Corel is fairly competetively priced, especially if you go for one of the "Essentials" packs. Of course, there's always... er... demo... versions available if you're desperate, though I DO try to use only legitimate software for everything I do. (Damn conscience... Amplitube is easily available on P2P, and would turn my computer into a POD XT, except better). Greg
  13. Even 30 would be fine. But 50 gives you that extra cushion and brings you up into stackland. 30s are often combos.
  14. You MIGHT find a program like Illustrator or CorelDraw more useful than most CAD programs as a starting point. Get a picture of the bass, then using one of the tracing tools, trace the outline as well as possible-- it'll calculate which curves to use. Then you just grab one or two points on the curve (or create your own points) to adjust for any slips of the mouse. As for scaling it, I guess you'd have to find some sort of accurate measurement out there somewhere for an easily identifiable part of the bass. Greg
  15. Critics of painters are actually quite often painters. Sometimes they happen to be more famous as critics than as painters. Just as, contrary to popular notion, most literature critics are writers (ie. other than their criticisms). They're just not famous ones, due either to talent or chance. However, I don't think the point was that you're not allowed to criticise. I think most people here would grant you that right. It's just that the tone might not have come out right; but that's OK, tomorrow's another day. Greg
  16. Holy shitbars. That's some good work. I live in Ottawa, now. I haven't lived in Cold Lake since I was a wee lad. My dad was posted there with the Air Force. He used to be in a band there called The Third Arm. Why "The Third Arm"...? No idea, but I guess it beats "The Third Leg"! Excellent airbrush work. I can't wait to see the beast completed. As a promotional item, are you going to have the "LGM" logo on it?
  17. I agree that it can be done without the whammy, and it's a great project for you to undertake as you're learning. However, when used the way he's used it, the Whammy really becomes the instrument moreso than the guitar, so it'll be tough to do it convincingly without. I'd love to have a whammy. Bugger it for the expensive piece of gear that it is. Keep it up, though! You'll learn SO much by using your ears to transcribe stuff.
  18. Stunner!!! Gawd I love DCs.... I'm with Drak on the finish idea. That would be badass. Very clean and professional work.
  19. Excellent! I'm with SkiBum... teles are cooler than strats, though that amber-finished G&L Tribute strat that's been in the recent guitar mags has got my imagination fired up. Still... teles are vibe-tastic. I'm also on-board for the colour. Very nice job! Greg
  20. Definitely no doubt about it. As for templates, I made one for my chambers, and even though I'm not 100% sure I'm not going to make them a bit bigger, the end result was still fairly clean. All I did is rough out the shapes using a scroll saw, then used a rasp to bring it out to the line, since I used MDF. It only took a little more time than freehanding with a saw or a router, but didn't introduce the stress or worry of f---ing it up by losing control of the tool. Greg
  21. The boat doesn't look great, anyhow. -A- boat would look interesting since it's a carrie... but that particular boat, not so much. And if it's an F-hole, it won't always be 'black' enough to make its shape obvious. Greg
  22. Super bad-ass. Amazing work! Did I know you're from Alberta? I used to live in Cold Lake. Greg
  23. I agree. Of course, I'll happily sign a confidentiality agreement and be a field-tester for you. And IF you discover that you don't have enough original intellectual material to apply for a patent, for the love of God let us in on the secret. Greg
  24. Bigger pics! But it looks great from what can be seen. Greg
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