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Everything posted by GregP

  1. It looks like Freddy Kreuger's face. I can't say I "like" it, but it's certainly interesting, which makes it better than 98% of the woods out there.
  2. Only if your amp is. There's no live current being fed to a guitar through an audio cable. Greg
  3. This, K-v-R (plugins and other computer-based-recording shenanigans), Guitarist (UK mag forum), and occasionally the CM/FM forums (another UK mag). Since it's only here and K-v-R on a regular basis, I chose "a couple". Greg
  4. Good to see you, Hyunsu! For a week, I keep meaning to post a "where's Hyunsu" thread, but I never get around to it. Very cute kid. With all that wood knocking, she will have better ears for wood than I have, that's for sure. Greg
  5. It's hard to say. They may have learned from past marketing mistakes and have a plan to open up shop to other manufacturers once D'Addario's initial "grab for cash" is over and they all realize that not much cash is being grabbed. I think if they push it hard enough, it'll sell. I'm hoping to build a headless at some point in time, and this system will be a good alternative to 'traditional' (heheh, a bit of a mis-labelling) headless design.
  6. I think the headstock is neato. That's right, I just said "neato". Sue me.
  7. The neck pocket looks crooked. I'm sure it's not, as you've done this sort of thing before , but it sure looks off from that angle. I like the green for the LP project. It's not... 'beautiful'... but it's interesting.
  8. That subtle reverb is really only heard acoustically anyhow, and I never noticed it unless I was playing the springs themselves ... as soon as you're plugged into an amp, I'd challenge anybody to find any 'reverb' qualities to those springs. Greg
  9. Yeah, that's what they do. You can buy a block to fit. Or stick a hunk of wood in there. It's up to you, but I know what MY choice would be.
  10. I'd trade a closet-full of digital tuners for one accurate one with a simple VU meter. I'd rather see a needle going back and forth than some rotten LEDs or a crap-tacular dot-matrix "needle" screen. Greg
  11. Tone is a highly subjective thing. I'm not a big fan of the tone you're getting, but if it inspires you, then go to it!
  12. Thankfully, we all know that as Curtis learns and grows, he will discover a different sound... and that in the end, although he may find his "main" sound, he will not have just one sound. Man... I'm just showing my age here, but to me, CRUNCH sounds way fiercer than scooped distortion. I like to hear at least a wee bit of what the 'clean' tone would sound like, if you know what I mean... I realize that you don't really, but... well, I think some people know what I'm getting at. The Queens of the Stone Age are super badass, and their distortion isn't full on by a long shot. Boost them mids, rather than scoop them. Drop the gain. Keep some treble in there, though; and Bob's your grandfather's other son. Greg
  13. I love the look of most headless guitars. That one, I'm not so keen on. I like the cricket bat ones! Greg
  14. Wow. Goes to show, though-- why bother collecting vintage guitars? Just become famous, and your 'thrown together' guitar will be worth more than a true vintage guitar. Fame. It's the easy route.
  15. All good entries. Classy looking bass, right off the top. However, I'm a DC spam, and Setch's is a work of art. It was either that or the spalt. Pretty much a tie if I ever saw one, but I 'had' to vote for one (either that or cast a null vote--no thanks) so I looked at both a few times before finally going with the DC.
  16. Jeeziz, I never thought to open ANY of those in another window-- as it turns out, a few of them are viewable large-sized!
  17. Fine... I'm not hurt... My self-made (ie. not ripped off from somewhere) avatar of Grimace playing one of the guitars I own (Pacifica 302, though it's too small to tell) while distinctly NOT flipping the bird doesn't even qualify...?? If it was ALL naked chicks, I could understand... it's just a different style... But c'mon!! Grimace rocking out on MY guitar and distinctly NOT giving the finger? You guys have no taste. In the meantime, I've voted for Jehle.
  18. I know nothing about electronics, but a HUGE feature would be the ability to select responsiveness. You could dial in either those nice swells for orchestral effects, or instant-on sustain for seamless sustaining of notes.
  19. Amazing. Sweepalicious! Wish I could bust out some chops like that. <trudges back to his tired old blues cliches> Greg
  20. I can't recall what a Westone looks like, but I certainly LIKE this one! Excellent curves and balance. I DO like the headstock, but I agree that it might not be the right one for this particular guitar. Looking forward to the development. Greg
  21. Looking good. I appreciate the photos, even the ones I've already seen, or am under the illusion that I've already seen. Keeps it nice'n'cohesive. Greg
  22. I could use some in-progress pics on the binding. Excellent guitar, mate! I like how the headstock is still a Tele headstock, but has your own twist to it. A classy twist, I might add. Greg
  23. I think for many of us, the expense was the tools. Not all of us, though, as some people are either very creative, or had the tools for prior needs. JUST for the wood and parts, I spent in the neighborhood of $400 CDN. That's including a pair of Seymour Duncan pickups, which although I bought second-hand, were still $100 CDN for the pair. Once you include router bits and other tools, add a couple more hundred to that bill. I've kept all my invoices, so I'll post an accurate tally at the end of it all.
  24. Heh! I should just scrap the whole post. <laff> The funny thing is, as I said, I wasn't that confident with what I had posted, so I went to research first. One site said "the flat third", so I believed it... And then as I was doing the scale on my guitar, I was 'counting'... going, "what the hell? This isn't the third, it's the fifth?" Then I thought, "I guess I'll just post the information I got, because hell if I can solve this mystery." And now I have the mixed emotions-- gratification that I was right after all, but shame that I posted incorrect information. All I know is that the TAB still reflects the scale I use for Blues.
  25. Heh, you caught me mid-edit, Wes! I had posted that scale, then remembered how pedantic some people are, deleted it while I 'researched' just to be sure, and then re-posted it when I knew it was correct. Curtis was responding to my original post that HAD the scale in it. Sorry about that.
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