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Everything posted by GregP

  1. GregP


    He's saying that he enjoys Primus, but he has no way of quantifying WHY, since their style of musicianship isn't something that would normally appeal to him. You guys need to learn to read between the lines. Holy crap. <laff> Yeah, I don't know about Pork Soda, but I love Sailing the Seas of Cheese. Such good music. It's like the songs scratch a part of the brain that rarely gets scratched. It's simultaneously catchy and yet completely counter-pop. I dunno how they do it, but it's fookin' brilliant. Mostly, I don't know exactly WHY either, but I think this paragraph at least approaches an explanation. Greg
  2. It has to be deep enough to accomodate the trem block and springs. I don't want to give a definitive answer because I'm not experienced enough to do so, but just by looking at the picture, you SHOULD still be able to squeeze'er in if your body's only less than an eighth of an inch thinner. Greg
  3. They're just normal mid-priced humbuckers. I haven't used them myself, but I imagine that due to EMG's reputation for being a popular choice for metal, that they range between mid and high-output. From what I understand, it's not a particularly desirable sounding pickup. Greg
  4. I didn't think it was spam, either, since you didn't even put the eBay link you referred to. Greg
  5. I'm particularly intrigued by the AMF model.
  6. Too...difficult... to tell where the sarcasm ends and the reality begins. I suspect you're actually looking for pao ferro veneer, in which case I couldn't tell ya. Greg
  7. If it's real wood and the neck is straight and playable, you did fine.
  8. Wait a second... You're not new here...
  9. Dude, there are SO MANY alternatives to SD! I don't have any specific recommendations because there are too many. I've not tried his stuff yet, but I'd say at least have a PEEK over at swinesheadpickups.com. Greg
  10. Of course, taste is subjective, but I think it's the front that makes the guitar. Laminated neck-through wood patterns are AWESOME and I love them, but it's not every day you see a piece of wood like the one on the front. Great choice using one pickup to accent that round 'diseased' part. Greg
  11. Awesome work; you should put the GOTM pics in this thread just to close'er up! I love the body shape. It's a lot like the Schecter 006, which is one of my favourite bodies ever. I'm surprised fewer people are doing that style, but it means you get to carve out your own special niche. I forgot to add a 006-like shape to my other thread in which I list guitars I'd like to build. Very classy, very well executed. Greg
  12. GregP


    I refuse to give up that lick. It's not evil, it is heaven. And I'm the only person currently using it, so it's all mine! Just as common, but I have to use it all the time: e-----------12-------- B---12b^14-----14r12-- Pentatonic blues box... that's my home... I sure wish I got out of the house more, though.
  13. I can't speak to Ansil's sustainer, but standing in front of your amp generates sympathetic feedback (physical vibration of your strings), not microphonic, provided your original signal is being produced by magnetic pickups and not a microphone. Greg
  14. Sure wish *I* had done a telecaster for my first project. Then I wouldn't be sitting here staring at my wood all the time thinking, "great, now what the f*** do I do?"
  15. idch: My current project is my own design. It's inspired by a cross between a DC Les Paul (the size) and a Gibson Lucille. It doesn't "look" groundbreaking, but it's an actual original design. The ratio of the horns to the bouts, etc., was custom create by myself. I agree with you to a certain extent, but on the other hand I'm not that interested in re-inventing the wheel in terms of shape. I'm sure each of mine will have very slight and subtle variations on the original, but I'm not as inspired to create new body shapes as some of the folks around here. Totally original designs are cool and all, but for the most part I just want to make my own versions of guitars I already lust after. <laff> Great lists so far. I think it's really cool to see these, because it can give somewhat of an insight into a person's personality or at least taste in guitars. Greg
  16. I don't want a G&L because they're innovative. I want one because I like them better. Saying their bodies are crap is only one person's experience, just as Wes has had a negative experience with a piece of junk Steinberger. That doesn't mean that the entire company is automatically crap. FWIW, for some reason I can't even explain, in some ways I'd rather have a Tribute. Probably because the same part of me that thinks Fender is a rip-off agrees that the G&L guitars are ALSO overpriced. A Tribute is the right price. Maybe that's it. Greg
  17. Sorry, didn't see your original links. It's 5:30am and I haven't gone to bed yet. Concentration is shot. Yup, you're right. Fender have once again proven their worthlessness to me, though. I have no need for them. I'd already decided before this that future tele and strat purchases will be G&L or any other alternative. Greg
  18. I've never heard Fender using "NOS" as a descriptor for replica parts. If they are, that's bullsh** marketing, because New Old Stock is a very common term that is still in widespread use for all kinds of merchandise, guitar-related or otherwise. I admit, I haven't really looked into Fender Custom Shop stuff myself, but I'd find it unlikely that Fender themselves call it "New Old Stock" when it's a new replica. They'd call it a "'62 Strat re-issue/replica neck". They don't have much control over what resellers might call it, but I doubt a new replica neck is shipped from the factory with the term "NOS" on it. The reason this vender is calling it NOS isn't because it's a replica. It's because it's an unused part dating back to 1998. I already agreed that they haven't lied, and that I just didn't read carefully enough. I doubt it's coincidence that the "1962 NOS" is in bold typeface and the "year: 1998" is kinda buried in there, though. It's not a fib, but it IS a marketing tactic. Nothing immoral, but still a touch of shady. Greg
  19. Just goes to show that there's nothing new under the sun. <laff> I respect new designs when they're successful, but in the meantime I'm just as happy with existing designs, too. If you like the Schon, I say do THAT one! Looks sweet, and you can probably do a few gentle modifications so that it's not a complete rip. I think the Schon's lower horn could use a bit more curve, too, though! They're both a bit spam-like as it stands. Greg
  20. GregP


    My vote is that Curtis can use his riff, but Mr. Churchyard is henceforth banned from Chuck Berry licks. After all, if EVERYONE was doing that lick, it wouldn't be MY signature rip-off lick anymore. I mean... none of you are doing that lick, right? (except Churchyard) Greg
  21. Nothing you all haven't experienced before: So I'm still very very very slowly working on my first project. Actually "not working" which is why it's taking so long. Doesn't mean that I don't think about guitars and plan them, though. While there's an infinite list of guitars I could build for the rest of my life, here's my current list of ones that I actually WILL (or intend to for real) built within the next hopefully 5 years: - Les Paul style (flat top, though) for my dad - Steinberger L-type for myself - EBMM Axis for myself - Godin Flat Five for myself - PRS or LP for my best buddy - Acoustic from a kit (dunno if I'll have the time or energy for from-scratch though it's firing up my imagination lately) - Thumb-ish bass Some of them I may get premade necks for. It sort of feels like 'cheating', but I sort of want to get these guitars made in my lifetime. What do your "actual" lists look like? (ie. not just fantasy, but ones that you at least truly intend to build) [edit: apologies for the weird double-post, some sort of weird server 'barf' happened. Mods kindly delete the duplicate?] Greg
  22. javacody, I don't want to muck up a perfectly good thread, so I'll reply to your rhetorical question in another thread. Greg
  23. Just visualize it without a new saddle. How do you visualize the strings as they span the fingerboard? That will give you your answer. Greg
  24. Supposedly still by the end of June. They lived up to their first quarter promise for the SansAmp copies, so it seems likely this'll hold true, too. Greg
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