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Everything posted by avengers63

  1. I've been wanting to try the "melted tops" that Conklin uses. It wouldn't be that hard to do with a scroll saw. Now, if you did it with a fretboard, wouldn't there be issues with the pressure from the truss rod against the joint?
  2. FWIW: Duncan's website has a bunch of P-rail wiring diagrams available. Aside from the series/parallel issues, I'd think it'd be easiest to have a 3-way mini toggle for each pup and a separate phase switch. Then again, I hate doing the wiring, so the fewer things to mess with the better.
  3. I've been thinking the exact same thing, especially with all the salesman-like hype. Seriously Momo, stop being an infomercial announcer and just be a guy who's working with some other guys to build a guitar. You'll catch a lot less flack, and probably start to get some honest enthusiasm, maybe even some productive input.
  4. This is not only a good point, but the V design itself is usually played with music that bends a lot. Good luck with re-frets. That was the first thing I thought of when I first saw the True Temperament system advertised in one of my guitar mags.
  5. I pulled them off the camera, edited them, and probably uploaded them Tuesday. Perhaps one of them reset the date-stamp. Regardless, I'm stuck here until Monday at the soonest. The pictures & slooooooooow posting finally caught up to the work.
  6. Uh... no. Tuesday was the 9th. What are you talking about?
  7. polishing up the frets taped off the complex machinery buffed mung wiped off with alcohol & tape removed natural light shot This is where I was about a week and a half ago. The finish on the top had an odd reaction and developed some dark patches, so I had to strip it off completely and start over. That threw me behind by about a week. I put my last coat of finish on the top this past Monday. I'm letting it sit and cure until this upcoming Monday, primarily because I'm keeping the basement clean for my daughter's birthday party/sleepover this weekend. So.... Monday I should start buffing out the finish and begin the assembly. Since the wiring has NEVER gone off right the first time for me, expect some wiring troubleshooting by Tuesday or Wednesday.
  8. Gotcha. I think I know what you're seeing. Remember that I don't have a spray setup, so everything I do either comes from a rattle can or is brushed on? After taping off the f/b and spraying the black paint, I brushed on water-based poly. Instead of hanging the neck, I laid it on some riser blocks, f/b down. With the neck being curved, the finish tended to run a bit and gather at the edge of the f/b. It's currently thick & a bit gummy at the edge of the f/b in places. I haven't looked at those exact spots, but I'll bet that's what it is. But hey... thanks for trying to look out for an issue I might have missed. I really appreciate it.
  9. It's actually my 2nd fret job. The 1st was on the LPjr. This one went better than the other, but I clearly still have a lot to learn. I'm not following what you're meaning here. PLEASE elaborate, and then make suggestions on how to address what you're seeing.
  10. frets beveled, leveled, and dressed I know it LOOKS like there's a twist, but I swear it's a trick of the eye. I saw it a few weeks ago and THOROUGHLY investigated everything about the neck. Everything's level, even, and flat. Bizarre as he11, but it's really not there.
  11. The 50K is not a typo. I'll give that a whirl.
  12. Fiddeling around with it a little more, I can get SOME output, but only when the pup is so close to the string that it's almost touching.
  13. single P-100 in the bridge 250K volume pot 50K tone pot with .22 cap I get plenty of sound when a distortion pedal is on, but almost nothing without one. Plugged directly into the amp (no pedals) I get virtually nothing even when the gain is maxed. Thoughts?
  14. I'll hook ya up tomorrow morning.
  15. Now let's fret this SOB. Here's my highly advanced, precision tools & setup for cutting the frets and nipping the tangs.
  16. That's a really pretty top. Are you going to go for a satin or gloss finish?
  17. 1) Be aware of a couple of padouk's characteristics. A) It works pretty easily, but creates an obscene volume of dust. As it ages, it WILL turn from a vibrant orange to a darker brown with hints of orange. If it's the pretty color you're agter, don't get too used to it. C) VERY open grained, so filling will be necessary for a glass-like finish. None of these traits are necessarily bad or a reason NOT to use it. 2) I'm NOT an expert - this is just my observations and should be taken as such. There seems to be a correlation between the open-ness of the grain and the tone. The more closed the grain, the brighter the tone seems to be. I can't say that there's any validity to this, but that seems to be what I've noticed.
  18. Weekend's over, new black pup rings made, painted, and finished... let's get back on track. Time to show off some WIP on the neck. I took the tape off, wiped it thoroughly with mineral spirits, and gave the F/B a coat of teak oil. This is really more for the bloodwood than the rosewood. Unfortunately, the pics are poorly lit so it's not showing up very well.
  19. You can get it in a can, clear & de-waxed. Flexner suggested Zisser, even noting that that brand has a pretty good shelf life (for shellac).
  20. And we're easily distracted by... Ooh, look! Something shiny! First, I really don't care for mixing the motifs like that - the Christian Triqueta and Thor's Hammer from Norse mythology. I re-read your posts, but I didn't see anything about a paint scheme. I don't think that gold hardware will limit your palate. With what looks to be a mahogany body, a red/yellow dye on the top with a red "heritage cherry" dye on the mahogany would look gorgeous with the gold HW. I like the HSS combo you have outlined. I don't recall ever seeing it on an Explorer, so I say go for it and save the P-90s for another guitar.
  21. sealing over knots... shellac Don't believe me? Go re-read what Flexner has to say about it. And it would be a lot easier & cheaper than CA or epoxy.
  22. Fair enough. And I actually just assumed that BL made a P-90. I'm shocked that he doesn't.
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