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Everything posted by avengers63

  1. Unless this is being made for sale/commission, I fear your priorities are misplaced. You have a Corvus to build.
  2. I can see it to even out the color of the walnut. I have a thing for the natural tones of some woods. When I see them covered up, it hurts my soul. In my mind, I think "Why would you choose that beautiful of a wood if you just wanted to cover it all up?" It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. You're right though - it's the way you want it, and that's good enough. I don't have to like it. We all have different aesthetic sensibilities, and yours is not mine.
  3. links require account creation and login
  4. I have to ask you something: Why in the he11 are you staining the wood?!?!?!?!?!?! Is there some unevenness in the color of the walnut? Do you not like the color of paduk? Do you not like the dark brown color the paduk will eventually turn to? My goodness man, these woods are beautiful in their natural state. I can't comprehend a reason to hide it behind stain.
  5. One of the few benefits of being out of work: plenty of time to work on these things.
  6. PERFECT!!! Thanks buddy. I love this board. Everyone is so open, helpful, and generous with guitar-related stuff.
  7. I incorrectly named it. You're right - it's to be an LP jr. I decided to make it a 2-piece walnut body. I'll probably be beveling one edge like PRS does.
  8. Yes... frequently. You tell me all the time that Democrats are good to lead our country. Pete: I've actually given serious consideration to making it my Avenger shape. The Explorer headstock would match up well with it.
  9. Yes. Maybe not about this, but yes.
  10. One of the few benefits of being out of work - LOTS of time to work on stuff. I'm home alone from 8AM-3:15PM, so I can work like a rented mule with no interruptions. We're cool.
  11. PRS's secret and working girls That one took me a second. DANG! Good one.
  12. Not being rude... You're new, so you don't know. I've had this discussion many times, and I'm not interested in having it again right now. Do an advanced search with my username and a couple of key words if you're really all that interested. Everything is darker than maple. I hear what you're saying, though - thanks. FWIW: This is the style of PG I'm looking for...
  13. Does anyone have a full size outline/tracing of a Melody Maker pickguard I can get ahold of?
  14. maple/maple Epiphone neck with explorer headstock chrome hardware wraparound bridge Gibson P-100 bridge pup 1 1/2" LP shape slab body 1 volume thin poly finish buffed matte with steel wool I have the option of using either walnut or goncalo alves for the body. I'm leaning towards walnut, but I'm not sure. What are the tonal characteristics of goncalo alves?
  15. Yep. It's really John. The long heel is because on Danos, the neck usually meets with the body around the 14th fret or so, despite having a 21 fret neck and in some cases almost no cutaway. It doesn't feel odd or get in the way at all, so aside from looks, there's no need for me to re-shape the heel. Maybe some day when I get a wild hair I'll take it apart and smooth it out some.
  16. You'll be fine once you stop vomiting up blood.
  17. ALL DONE!!!!!! The guitar is BRIGHT. The Gretsch pups are on the high end anyway, so combine them with an ash body and it just twangs like there's no tomorrow. It's a tad neck-heavy, but not to the point of fighting it. Go figure though - look at where the strap is. The Dano neck plays very well. For a Chinese made piece (it even says so on the back of the headstock), I'm very surprised at how nice it is.
  18. I've used it for a top. Others have probably used it for a fretboard. It's a Mexican rosewood. Personally, I love the looks of it, but I can't comment on the tone for a body.
  19. I was watching one that the seller ended at $600 instead of letting it ride out to the end.
  20. You have GOT to be f'ing kidding me. The pup height screws that came with them don't fit the dang bracket holes. Now I have to go hunting for them tomorrow.
  21. He'd love it, but he's never admit it.
  22. This is working out extremely well. I wet-leveled it all out, then hit it with some matte finish. It's PERFECT! After I empty the can on the back/sides, it's on to assembly & wiring.
  23. Besides... it's not THAT bad. It is more yellow than I originally wanted. The can showed it to be more mustard than this. I like it though, so I'll stick with it.
  24. The Browns haven't been worth a darn since Pal Brown left the team back in the early 60's. If only the team would have stayed put instead of moving to Baltimore, they'd have had an SB trophy now.
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