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Everything posted by avengers63

  1. Here's my stash.... Some of them are only pressed into the cover, some of them are glued. None of them are soldered. My eventual want is to have 4 of them on one guitar wired up with something similar to this. I'm wanting to figure out how/if I can wire two of them together and have them act like a humbucker. The obvious issue is that I'm sure none of them are reverse-wound. Even if they were, I'd not know how to find this out. So unless one of you know how to determine the polarity with a multi-meter, let's presume they're all wound 'forward'. My only idea, and I'm sure this will display my extremely limited understanding of electronics, is to take one of the coils out of the cover and flip it over. My gut says that won't do anything, but that's all I have.
  2. My insert in a block of wood worked beautifully.
  3. That's a REALLY good price. My question for it is why would you do the skunk stripe when you have a separate fretboard? That one makes no sense to me.
  4. Gluing on the bass fretboard. Guitar fretboard radiused to 220 grit. As of right now, both necks are tapered. Next time I can work on them, I'll be doing the neck pockets.
  5. Gluing on the mirrored face for the headstock today. Next up is the headstock binding.
  6. I got to this point today. Then I realized that I don't have a neck plate. Hi. My name's John, and I'm a dumba$$.
  7. Stan has been, is, and will continue to be the public face for Marvel. He's really good at it. As for him putting his mane on their work, I have no proof other than observation and what I've been able to pick up in interviews. Nobody would ever admit it much less ask the questions. Except for Jack Kirby, who openly called Stan a no-talent hack who only ever had a job in the industry because his uncle gave it to him. Jack was pretty bitter after he left Marvel, and his stories weren't always the most accurate, so maybe it's true, maybe not.
  8. I've certainly done that on more than one occasion. Not only to you but to others. I think it's absolutely HILARIOUS when someone gets offended and on their high-horse when you don't do what they say. It's like they think there's only ONE way to do a thing - theirs - and that's it. I'm really glad you get it!
  9. WOW!!!! To date, wenge is by FAR the easiest fretboard to radius. I expected it to be a LOT harder than it is. Yes, I have some pics. I just don't have them up yet.
  10. There's no way in he11 I could nail down just one. Some of my favorites: Mark Knopfler / Sultans Of Swing Duane Eddy / Rabble Rouser Alex Liefson / 2112 (various parts) (dude from Faster Pussycat) / Bathroom Wall Tony Iommi / War Pigs Scott Ian / Time Angus & Malcom Young / Let There Be Rock Eric Clapton / Crossroads (live) I've found that I really love the sound of a HB in parallel. Twang has so much more character than power to me. It's the ideal blend of crunch and bite. If only you could bottle a P90 without the s/c hum.
  11. You openly state your intention to start a flame war, then try to pass it off as a joke when you get one? Pick a side and go with it. Changing your stance when you meet opposition can justifiably be called hypocrisy.
  12. When you've read Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, and Anthem AND can discuss with me their philosophical basis, the ideas they're conveying, and why they're some of the greatest literary achievements of the 20th century, you can ATTEMPT to condescend to me about my chosen escapism vehicle. Until then, you should visit the book store and do your homework. Go read Spiegelman's Maus. Go read Moore's Watchmen. Go read Gerber's Foolkiller. Maybe then you'll understand the literary form. Better yet, understand that other's loves not only do not need to be yours, but they need not be understood by you. To argue against something you don't understand is arrogance and ignorance rolled into one pitifully self-important package. Are we through?
  13. I respectfully disagree. Stan Lee was given the job my his uncle and put his name on others work as the writer. Note that with the exception of the Silver Surfer series (which was horribly written), he didn't "write" anything without using an artist who could write as well, thus allowing him to abuse his position to hijack their work. What Stan IS is a great huckster and salesman. He's very charismatic and a terrific face for the company. JACK KIRBY was the man. Without Jack, we wouldn't have Marvel, period. The one positive I can say about Stan's "work" on the books he did with Jack is he gave them some focus. Kirby was overflowing with ideas & stories, but didn't have focus enough to tell them in a sensible way. Just look at his work at DC. He was given a free hand and created some great things, but frankly the stories weren't that good.
  14. For a bass neck, do you follow the same basic guidelines as with a guitar neck for thickness? That is: 3/16"-1/4" under the truss rod at the 1st fret tapering slightly thicker as you go up. OR would you make it a little thicker because of higher tension/thicker strings?
  15. NOT BEING AN A$$ HERE..... but if you can't figure that one out, then you shouldn't be doing it yet. And that's why nobody here is going to step up and do it for that price. Combine these two and it's another reason to suggest a bolt-on for your first one. Nobody is saying you can't do it. I'm just trying to suggest that you're probably not ready for it yet. Diving into the deep end of the pool right away doesn't make you a better swimmer. Ramp up to it.
  16. And of course the obligatory "every clamp I could fit on there to glue on the fretboard" shot.
  17. Then I guess I'll give the headpieces a thorough examination for burrs. Where did you get yours? I came up with a pretty simple jig for doing the end-holes. I call it "Block of wood with a hole in it clamped into place." It seems to have worked out pretty well.
  18. Truss rod channels routed on both. I added a 1/8" white limba pinstripe into the mix. I wanted to add just a little bit of decoration while staying with the minimalistic themes.
  19. I have two Kahlers. They need everything to be pretty tall.
  20. Something tells me the MDF wouldn't hold up under the string tension. I remember a couple years ago someone here doing a test with bodies made from traditional wood, MDF, chipboard, and maybe something else. Sound clips and everything were posted. IIRC, there was no accuracy in guessing which was the solid wood and which was junk.
  21. I have no idea. I suppose it'd depend on the levels of tanic acids in the ebony. I've experimented on scraps and found out that every piece of wood has some tanic acids in them. Some have a lot, some don't have very much at all, but every single piece of wood I've tried it on darkens some.
  22. I've had wood IN my pants on more than one occasion, but I've never had wood AS my pants.
  23. Eden necks are playable. They're all over eBay for $40 shipped. And you probably don't want to do a neck-through for your first one. Too many little things to be aware of that you might not be aware of. Ramp up to it on a future build. Seriously - cut your teeth on a bolt-on first.
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