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Everything posted by avengers63

  1. Bookmatched canarywood. It has some resemblance to some.... feminine features.
  2. Man, I am just lovin' all o' y'alll. You're killin' me with these comments. I did a little more tweaking of the template today. Most of my time was spent on the walnut nightstand/cabinet. I don't know if I'll be able to do anything at all tomorrow, and we're going on an anniversary trip this weekend, so this might be the last bit of Corvus love y'all get 'till Monday.
  3. Staining it red might fight with the fretboard - different shades of red. Don't paint it white, do off-white or bone-white - just a hint of tan. It'll go GREAT with the bloodwood.
  4. Honestly? It doesn't strike me as anything out of the ordinary. Don't get me wrong - it looks nice. The mods and variations to the basic S/C are appealing. I've just seen a lot of them around here that are similar, so this doesn't jump out at me.
  5. I agree with the others - this needs paint. A metal ax just doesn't seem right in my head as natural wood. Do the face of the headstock to match the body.
  6. I've heard that from a LOT of experienced players. That's one of the two reasons I'll not touch it. The other is the way Hasbro handled the whole thing and treated their customer base. Right now I'm trying to get a regular game of Marvel Super-Heroes going. We'll see what happens.
  7. He may have done it, but I had no knowledge of it at all. I modified the principle that Dano used and did the rest on my own.
  8. I actually gave SERIOUS consideration to using construction-grade pine from the lumber yard. The whole thing is ridiculous anyway, so I thought "This'd really set 'em off... let's do it using the cheapest crap possible!" Then I reconsidered and came back to my senses. BUT... if I had some nice clear 8/4 pine, I might go for it. The only real reason pine isn't used is because it's too soft. Hmmmm. Maybe a call to the lumber yard is in order.
  9. Well, I have one design down - the Avenger. I'd probably get sued over the Retrotron since it's just a scaled down Dano. I'll claim credit for Formica tops, though. You need to come up with a shape or two. Maybe today I'll start up the body blank, just to keep you going. I might have enough ash to piece together a laminated center. If not, I have a good mahogany piece. I think the wings will be poplar. Maybe a poplar/maple combo.
  10. Dude.... I haven't played for over a year. When 4th edition came out, all of the 3.5 groups dried up. I just can't get a regular game together. It's killin' me! OK, I'll bite. What are you guys talking about? It sounds like some of the Saturday morning cartoons my 7y.o son watches. Dungeons & Dragons. A REAL role playing game, not World Of Warcraft. Or at least it used to be one.
  11. Holy poopers! This build is worth it just to get your posts. Dude, these are the funniest posts I've seen in a coon's age. Seriously funny stuff there, Pete.
  12. Looks like a Jackson Kelly, but with a longer treble horn. Hey, don't you make anything with 6 strings?
  13. Ohhhh, baby! I'm excited about this one. I'm figuring on an AANJ (my first). I'm not liking the original treble horn ares too much. It feels like it should have SOME amount of swoop towards the front, but it just doesn't. Good thing I'm leaving that bit for last. I gotta wrap my head around it a little more.
  14. Then I guess I won't get your votes when I put this in GOTM.
  15. Rough cut out f-hole. Have I mentioned that I LOVE my scroll saw? And after a few minutes with my Dremel. I figure now I sand it up to 100-150, then glue it on. The edges will still be able to be finessed without any signifivany ammount of dust getting into the chamber. If nothing else, I can tape it off.
  16. So here's the carve sanded to 60 grit...
  17. Dude.... I haven't played for over a year. When 4th edition came out, all of the 3.5 groups dried up. I just can't get a regular game together. It's killin' me!
  18. We're talking about the same company that marketed the Firebird, Thunderbird, and SG right? OK, you win that round. Although I owned an SG years back, and I never had a problem with balance.
  19. This is very encouraging... to hear that something similar has been done and the results that I was hoping for were achieved. Thank you very much for the input. It would seem that bending the sides and putting it on a frame are un-necessary. Of course, doing that would most likely enhance the effect, but would most likely be purely cosmetic. Ya know - being unemployed is really such a tease. I have all the time in the world now to put in a ton of time on a project like this, but I don't have the disposable income for raw materials. Maybe if an extremely generous fellow PGer were to offer me a back & side set at a really great price, I could run with this idea.
  20. The neck will be dark, the top will be dark. You're already tinking walnut, so the body will be dark. From an aesthetic viewpoint, I think that'd be really dark. No contrast or interest visually. But then again, I'm a big fan of high contrast. My art teacher pounded it into our heads: variety creates interest. All dark = no variety. Think about some white limba for the body. The tone is similar to mahogany and it'd create a visual difference. Maybe some cream binding around the body. If it's a dark f/b, maybe cream binding on it as well. Of course, if they're both bound, you have to do the headstock as well, just for continuity.
  21. I can't really add to the balance issue. Making the body heavier will compensate some, but then you're making the guitar heavier. We usually try to avoid that. But... if you want heavy woods: Jatoba - 56 lbs/cu ft Ipe - 62 lbs/cu ft Zebrawood - 46 lbs/cu ft Hickory - 50 lbs/cu ft Bocote - 56 lbs/cu ft Cocobolo - 68 lbs/cu ft If you want straight tuners, the Steinberger gearless tuners are great. They come in at about $100/set. BUT - do NOT use them if you're going to have the Bigsby. I have that combo on my Tele, and the whole thing is a royal PIA to string up. Do one ot the other, but not both.
  22. I remembered the shape from when I started playing in 1987. I always thought it looked silly, but a great kind of silly. Like blue countertop formica as a drop top. I didn't know it was a reward on Guitar Hero until I started looking for reference shots. I looked at the Moderne, but decided it was crap. Right... the Moderne is crap but the Corvus is great. Since the shape is.... out there, I definitely didn't want an ordinary color. If I could find some kind of holo-flash sparkly color rattle can locally without spending more than $5/can, I'd probably go for it. I was actually wondering about the balance. I'm hoping that there's enough meat on the bottom end to help it balance out. I honestly can't imagine Gibson putting it our there if it didn't at least balance out.
  23. This is the first guitar I made from scratch. It pretty much blows, so it's being stripped and the hardware re-purposed. My second came out much better...
  24. It all started in this thread... And now I've made the decision - it's going to be a can opener. I'll be spending some serious time tweaking the pine template until I have it feeling & looking good. I haven't decided on the wood yet. It all kinda depends on what I have on hand. The leaders at this point seem to be goncalo alves, mahogany, maple, or walnut. Since it's going to be painted orange, I'm not fond of using goncalo alves or walnut. Maybe I'll layer up some wood. I have some poplar, maple, and mahogany I could glue together. Maybe a poplar/jatoba sandwich. Bring it on!
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