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Everything posted by Biohazard

  1. About those gibson 3-way toggle switches. When the toggle bit, pushes away one of the metal plates from the midde. Is that disconnecting that pushed away plate from the middle connection (as in deselecting whatever pickup is connected to that end of the switch)? Or is it the other way around. Example, I have wired mine, bridge pickup on the right and neck on the left. If the pickup switch is pointing towards the bridge (as in it is pushing away the little metal plate the neck pickup is connected to, does this leave the middle and bridge plate connected or is it the other way around and therefore I have wired my switch in reverse?
  2. How come the boss schematics are so much more complicated than the schematics of other great distortion effects.
  3. You definately need to do the back and sides in mirror too.
  4. Set neck has more sustain that bolt on. Neck through has more sustain than set neck. As far as I am aware, bolt on is easiets to make.
  5. If you put it in a hard case, shove lots of protective material in the case with the guitar. Then tell the airline its fragile and stick a load of 'fragile' stickers over the case, then it should be ok.
  6. Hey psw, I wonder if you could send me over some information (email or private message) on how to build hex pickups as in my spare time I was going to have a go at making my own hex midi pickup. Thanks for any information you're able to send.
  7. Well thats also a possibility. But kill switches are not hard to do, and the wiring I gave above is suitable for a toggle kill switch.
  8. Yeah, only one needs grounded.
  9. Wire from volume pot to kill switch lug. Then one wire from there going to output jack. Then another wire from the other spare leg of kill switch, to either ground on the volume pot, or the ground lug of the jack socket. If you connect it to ground of the volume pot, make sure the volume pot then goes to ground of the jack socket.
  10. Its ok, thanks, I got the email address now.
  11. Hi guys, I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, so sorry if it isn't. Has anyone checked out 4ms pedals? They look cool but I was wanting to ask a question to Dan, the maker of them. Problem is, I don't know his email address and got no reply after sending an email to the address they give on the website. Can anyone help me out here?
  12. I would presume that if you buy a piezo system, it would be better than a self built one. But a self built one would give you a lot of pride so it's up to you really.
  13. There is actually a suprising amount of interestng threads archived away.
  14. What exactly are the piezo's that are picking up the string vibration, cause knowing that would mean you can make you own piezo system.
  15. you definately have to put some coats over the top? How come?
  16. Hi guys, just a quick question here. If I wanted to apply a custom decal to the face of my headstock, do I have to apply it to an unfinished headstock or can i apply it to a finished headstock and not worry about anything getting ruined? Thanks.
  17. Good to see you back psw, wondered if this thread would ever return.
  18. Just so you know, £28 is in the region of 73AUD.
  19. Yeah, I agree with Lovekraft. Can't wait to see the tutorial too.
  20. Cheers, thanks very much for your help there Drak.
  21. Hey guys, I'm comming accross these lace sensor pickups as I read more threads on forums and was just wondering what exactly they are? Are they regular pickups or something different? Thanks to anyone who can help clear this up for me.
  22. That looks cool Ansil. Yeah, a bit of Z-Vex inspiration there. But I think those boxes look cool, very practical.
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