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Everything posted by Biohazard

  1. Ok thanks, and what modifications would need to be made to that schematic for using a stereo jack rather than a mono? Thanks.
  2. Hi, thanks for that input, I haven't made progress with this unfortunately, I wasn't actually intending to use the Roland midi pickup. Just make a controller that goes into a micro processor that does the MIDI conversion or whatever needs done. Would it be possible to convert the normal magnetic pickups to midi or would you have to use a midi pickup to use a controller. It's proving a hard task to do and i'm struggling as to where to start and where to go.
  3. What? was that wrong advice? Can anyone help me out?
  4. Hi, I have been looking over the net for basic guitar wiring diagrams but they all seem to be specific to either brand of guitars, e.g. gibson, ibanez etc, or to guitara using seymour pickups etc. I am going to do the electronics for my guitar myself, I am going to be using Kent Armstrong Motherbucker and Rio Grande Punchbox, where can I get a wiring diagram for two humbuckers, 1 volume pot and 1 tone pot, and 3-way switch, then I can modify it fir the 8 wires of the motherbucker? Thanks for any help.
  5. Thanks very much, this clears DPDT switches up for me. thanks very much to all who have posted. The reason I wanted to know about thiese switches is because I am using it as an on/off swith for a fuzz circuit i am installing into my guitar.
  6. So if I want a true DPDT switch, go for the on/on type DPDT switch? Matt, when you do get a free mintue, I would be very grateful for a diagram, could you email it to me if possible. Thanks to all who have posted.
  7. Thanks Matt and everyone else who posted. Yes a diagram would be benifitial thanks. Yeah thats been puzzling me, whats the difference between the on/off/on, on/on/on and on/on DPDT switches? Thanks.
  8. Hi, i'm needing some help with a DPDT switch. They have two rows of three legs. So thats siz in total. How are the legs of the switch connected? Could anyone give me information on this please. Thanks.
  9. Alpha pots are the ones the fuzz factory uses. They are linear taper pots or something like that, from mouser, alpha pots. All 10k or 5k in value. But in not going to use different pots anymore. Just going to use the ones the fuzz factory comes with.
  10. Manson's, they said that the reason Z-Vex uses those pots is because others wont work, they said that you would have thought using linear 10/5k pots from other manufactures would work, but its such a wierd circuit that it doesn't.
  11. Hi, just thought i'd let everyne know that I cannot change the pots at all because for some reason it wont work. The pots the board comes with are the only pots that can be used with this particular circuit. Just thought i'd let everyone know.
  12. yes ansil thats correct. the pots are from mouser, they are PC mount linear taper pots. So as long as I use 5k or 10k linear pots, whether that be push/pull linear pots, or linear trim pots from any company. Thanks.
  13. Ok thanks very much for that. Should I go as far as sitcking with the same company that makes the pots? Or would I be ok with using the same value linear trim pots of any kind. Thanks for your help.
  14. Ok thanks, should I also stick with linear, if I stick with linear pots, all of the same value, it doesnt matter whether they are trim pots, push/pull pots or whatever? If anyone else has anything to add about this then I would be grateful. Thanks.
  15. There are lots of posibilities here, however what I am wanting to know is the difference between pots. If I use trim pots to mount one or two or three of the controls in the back of my guitar, what trim pots do I need to use. The pots on the Fuzz are linear I think. If I use a certain trim pot, will the sound produced be different from someone using the original pots that were on the board? Thanks for any help, and thanks ansil for the push/pull pot ideas. But the same question about the trim pot remails for the push pull pot, will different types of pots change the sound from the effect? Thanks for anymore help.
  16. Ok, I think the three recessed in the back of the guitar, in the cavity cover are trim pots adjustable with a screwdriver. So this leadsme to another question. What effect would it have on the Z-Vex Fuzz Factory if I took of three of the pots it came with, and replaced them with trim pots? What is the difference between all the hundreds of different pots out there? Thanks.
  17. No, but in the back of Matts guitar, there are the other three pots. Not sticking out like the two on the front, but ajustable from the back, and its something to do with turning the pots the other way or somehting like that. I know the link to Manson's but they only sell the circuit board as it is in the casing, not with their Matt modifications. Any ideas?
  18. Biohazard


    Hmmm, good question there, i don't have an answer. Can anyone shed some light on this?
  19. Hi, I am going to be building in a Z-Vex Fuzz Factory to my guitar, and was thinking of having it like Matt Bellamy from Muse with two knobs in the front and the other three recessed in the back of the cavity cover on the back of the guitar. Does anyone knobw how they recessed the pots and how I would go about doing this. I am very puzzled as to how this would be done, as far is i know, all they do is do something with the original pots the board came with, no preset pots used or anything like that. Any ideas and information would be greatly appreciated. Also, if I have posted this in the wrong part of the forum I am sorry. Thanks.
  20. Make Your Own Electric Guitar by Melvin Hiscock is meant to be a very good book and well recommended too. Whats the book you already own like? Is it good?
  21. Cool, and somewhere I will find information directly linked to what I am wanting to do? Thanks for that.
  22. Cool, thanks very much VanKirk, could you email me and give me more details and where to research, and maybe send the schematics. There are some parts of what you just posted I might need you to re explain but I will tell you what they are in a reply to the email you send me. Thanks again.
  23. Yeah it would be very cool. Any ideas how I would go obout doin this, I still need more detailed information. I know its basically a case of having a pot, which would be the strip, into a micro controller, but thats all i've worked out so far. Thanks.
  24. Thats why i'm wanting to try and do it myself. I think it would be a really cool project, to be able to have control of a Whammy pedal, or anything with MIDI capabilities, all from a strip on your guitar.
  25. It includes all the hardware that I will need. Its a good price compared to others I was getting. Apart from the aluminium to go on the body and the electronics, it will be a complete guitar.
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