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Everything posted by Biohazard

  1. Hey Ansil, I have a friend who has a 30W iron, I would use this but was aware about the maximum wattage that should be used in guitars. How do you drop it down to 15W?
  2. Hi, I have a line 6 DM4 that I am selling to anyone in the UK, or US even if you are willing to pay the shipping fees from UK to US. If anyone is interested then email me or post a reply to this thread. Price would be around £120, it retails for about £190 cheapest i've seen.
  3. Thanks for that information, i'll make a decision from that information as to whether my guitar is made from mahogany or walnut. Thanks.
  4. Yeah I know about them By the way, which wood is: more lighter, more darker sounding, cheaper walnut or mahogany
  5. lol, he says he doesn't want to do them because they have been done too many times before, and he's right, theres loads round. But i'm sure he could come up with something extreme. I just feel that a phase pedal would finish off his collection of designs. Although obviously he will constantly be building pedals.
  6. Definately. The only thing I can think of that he should have, that he doesn't have and said he won't build because its been done too many times before, is a phase pedal. But surely he could think of some out of this world phase pedal.
  7. Yep, two humbuckers rolled into one, for whats probably the most versatile pickup around. with 8 wires instead of four you can wire this anyway you want. Yeah i'm a part of that forum too. I also think the other pedals are genius. His probe pedals are ace. I think that octane pedal sounds great and the mamoth is really bassy and amazing. The ooh and seek wahs sound cool too.
  8. Omg, sorry about posting that twice, my browser failed so I wasn't sure whether it posted first then failed, sorry.
  9. I've got some of the inspiration from Matt. The punchbox pickup is going from the fact that Matt has one and it seems to sound good in the guitar hes got it in and from the Rio Grande description. But all i'm saying is that he's not the only guy with those pickups. The motherbucker, I emailed various people and they say its such a versatile pickup and can sound amazing, plus a friend has one and the harmonics scream from it. The metal was slightly inspired from Matt but also to the fact that I like wierd/shiny things, and since I can't afford chrome, aluminium seemed cool. Not many people have as many effects built in. But Matt didn't pioneer any of the in built effects stuff. Built in sustainer pickups have been going for a while. I'm also sure that radiohead guitarist had something built in, and Matt just probably expanded from this. I'm getting a Z-Vex fuzz factory which matt uses, but again this isnt just because he uses one. Have you heard a sound sample, bloody hell those things sound amazing. And I can understand why building it in is necessary (which is what i will do), because if not then you cant get the full potential out of it.
  10. I've got some of the inspiration from Matt. The punchbox pickup is going from the fact that Matt has one and it seems to sound good in the guitar hes got it in and from the Rio Grande description. But all i'm saying is that he's not the only guy with those pickups. The motherbucker, I emailed various people and they say its such a versatile pickup and can sound amazing, plus a friend has one and the harmonics scream from it. The metal was slightly inspired from Matt but also to the fact that I like wierd/shiny things, and since I can't afford chrome, aluminium seemed cool. Not many people have as many effects built in. But Matt didn't pioneer any of the in built effects stuff. Built in sustainer pickups have been going for a while. I'm also sure that radiohead guitarist had something built in, and Matt just probably expanded from this. I'm getting a Z-Vex fuzz factory which matt uses, but again this isnt just because he uses one. Have you heard a sound sample, bloody hell those things sound amazing. And I can understand why building it in is necessary (which is what i will do), because if not then you cant get the full potential out of it.
  11. I've got some of the inspiration from Matt. The punchbox pickup is going from the fact that Matt has one and it seems to sound good in the guitar hes got it in and from the Rio Grande description. But all i'm saying is that he's not the only guy with those pickups. The motherbucker, I emailed various people and they say its such a versatile pickup and can sound amazing, plus a friend has one and the harmonics scream from it. The metal was slightly inspired from Matt but also to the fact that I like wierd/shiny things, and since I can't afford chrome, aluminium seemed cool. Not many people have as many effects built in. But Matt didn't pioneer any of the in built effects stuff. Built in sustainer pickups have been going for a while. I'm also sure that radiohead guitarist had something built in, and Matt just probably expanded from this. I'm getting a Z-Vex fuzz factory which matt uses, but again this isnt just because he uses one. Have you heard a sound sample, bloody hell those things sound amazing. And I can understand why building it in is necessary (which is what i will do), because if not then you cant get the full potential out of it.
  12. No, it's ok, don't mean to sound big or anything but i've researched all his guitars so i know everything needed, they are my fav band so i'm no stranger to his guitars. I't doesnt kill the tone on his. It's not a matt tribute guitar as such. More people than him have aluminium. I think Vai has one, although he admited it was enspired by Matt's. Have you seen the new offspring music video, metal guitar in that. And i'm sure metallica have used one on an ocasion. Not sure, ok, Mahogany or Walnut then. Thanks.
  13. Ok, before I start, I don't want to cause any arguments/heated discussions/huge conversations between wood types, but I thought i'd ask this question. I'm getting a guitar made for me, well i'll be doing electronics etc but thats besides the point. Anyway, this body, on the front, back and sides, is going to have sheet aluminium glued to it. I've seen guitarists with metal finished guitars and I thinkg they look good (Matt Bellamy - Muse, Steve Vai, Satriani - although not aluminium, offsprings, a few others). I want a darkish sounding tone, and I thought that the aluminium will really brighten up the tone bringing lots of trebles out. So i've chosen a Kent Armstrong Motherbucker bridge p/up and a Rio Grande Punchbox p/up for neck. For the body wood, I chose mahogany (warm, dark sounding) because I thought that if I chose anything else, the aluminium would make it too trebly and not much bass/mids. Have I made a good decision or are there other options i've overseen? Thanks for any advice, sorry for the long post.
  14. Has ayone checked out Rio Grande pickups? I've only heared them in Muse songs (because Matt Bellamy has two in his mirror and chrome custom guitars). But the descriptions of the pickups on their site are very convincing. Their bass pickups don't sound too bad.
  15. LOL i'm british and never come accross screened as a term for shielded. Although I tend to use the American term of ground rather than the british term of earth. They mean the same thing but I find myself saying ground rather than earth lol.
  16. A lot of people use the back of a pot as their ground point. So yeah you can use the back of one of your guitars pots as ground. Then to the jack, I don't see a problem with it.
  17. Incredible guitar, really impressive. Well done!
  18. No, it's Hugh Manson, Ron Joyce is a friend og Hugh's who does his wacky electronics, I know this because im obsessed with Matt Bellamy, Muse, and his guitars. It's not a whammy pedal he has built in there, its a MIDI strip controller which controls the whammy pedal (because the whammy that Matt uses is a WH-4 with MIDI input). That picture with the electronics only looks daunting because there are about 7 other effects built in there, so its not all the whammy stuff. The MIDI strip is a linear pot which acts as a MIDI controller pad, it goes into a microprocessor and this controls the whammy. I have no idea what the program the wrote for the microprocessor would be. I've not done anything like that before so have no idea. I wanted to do this at one point but when I found out just how complicated it is, I decided to leave it until I felt I was capable to come back and give it a good go. Oh and Manson's charge something in the region of £500-£600 for this, i think.
  19. Thanks for all the advice, I appreciate it. I'll try these techniques over the weekend.
  20. Unfortunately, I fully agree with Lovekraft. It would be incredibally difficult, plus that circuit board is huge. How would you fit it in? I think it would be very difficult to do yourself and as Lovekraft said, getting someone to do the job would be expensive.
  21. Are we talking about guitars made from aluminium or guitars made from wood but with aluminium sheets stuck on the front back and sides. I'll have an aluminium plated guitar eventually, its going to have aluminium sheets on the front back and sides. I can't think of any sites right now of the top of my head that make the guitar body itself out of aluminium but i know i've seen one.
  22. Thanks guys I appreciate the help and support.
  23. In my opinion I would say the zoom multi effects pedals would be great to get you started. Then you could always buy pedals for specific effects once you get experienced and know what sounds you like best and which effects you don't want/need. But this is just my opinion. Some other people may agree or disagree with me.
  24. Hi, I'm having trouble writing my own songs so I thought i'd ask you guys how you write. what techniques and methods do you use. How do you write, what part of songs do you write first. I'm mostly concerned with the music part of writing rather than lyrics. Any advice or tips would be appreciated.
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