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Everything posted by Biohazard

  1. Your doing AS level electronics JohnnyG? I'm doing systems and control at AS. Just had exams today and i don't think they went too well . Oh well, just have to wait till results day. Although we did nothing like what you've just described with op amps and sound stuff etc.
  2. Your doing AS level electronics JohnnyG? I'm doing systems and control at AS. Just had exams today and i don't think they went too well . Oh well, just have to wait till results day. Although we did nothing like what you've just described with op amps and sound stuff etc.
  3. Wow Ansil, I was just looking at that schematic about half an hour ago lol.
  4. Yeah WDmusicproducts sell the realy Kent Armstrong pickups.
  5. Wow that seems like a cool little mod.
  6. This is amazing, i'm really enjoying reading this topic even though some of it is quite over my head. Good work.
  7. Good point, I forgot to mention that he'd need multi-strand rather than solid core wire as well as it being shielded.
  8. As far as I know, any good quality shielded wire will do.
  9. Yeah, pretty much, but I don't know if he can choose the whammy setting from his guitar, or only control the foot pedal via his pot. I would like both,if it's possible.
  10. Lol, ok i'll just put both names on a iece of paper, put them in a hat and randomly choose one lol.
  11. So I need to try out both and see what sounds best. Ok thans for the help then.
  12. Hmmm, would I have to use the LCD? I was hoping for just a pot to control whatever setting was selected on the whammy. Or even, if possible, have a rotary type switch to select the setting on the whammy, then control that setting via the pot.
  13. I'm still a bit confused as to whether linear or audio would be best.
  14. One more point though. Why are ldr's always used in this sort of thing? I understand an ldr to be a light dependant resistor, where does the light dependant stuff come into this circuit?
  15. Cool work Ansil, let us know how that experiment on guitar goes, if it works, I might be interested in a schematic.
  16. Which one of those could be used to control a whammy pedal via it's midi input from a guitar (through a midi cable)? How would this be done? I know I've asked this before but never noticed this link.
  17. So it wouldn't matter what I chose? Ok thanks for that information.
  18. YMMV? Sorry to maybe tick you guys off, but i have another question. Whats the difference between audio taper pots and linear? Which ones are usually used and what sound would the two give you? Thanks for any information.
  19. So 500K gives me the standard humbucker sound, but if I used 1M pots, I would have less high-end sounds and more noise? That right?
  20. Ok thanks. But what about chooseing the pot value (500k/1M), whats the shound difference between the two pots etc.
  21. Hey that actually looks quite impressive. cool.
  22. Hi, I'm going to be installing two humbuckers, one in the neck and one in the bridge of my new guitar when it arrives. For pot values I was planning on using the standard 500K for tone and volume. What sound will this give compared to two 1M pots? Thanks for any information. Also if I use 1M what capacitor on the tone pot should I go to, or will this not change even though the pot value is not 500K?Hope that made sense.
  23. What do you do with the diode?
  24. I love the headstock finish. Great looking guitar.
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