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Everything posted by Biohazard

  1. Thanks for that advice. It's really helped a great deal. When I was searching on my own before your advice, I didn't even find that first site with the quick search and advanced search options lol.
  2. I've only ever known brazillian rosewood to be used for fretboards.
  3. Shouldn't it be an SPDT? or am i wrong?
  4. Ok basically, before you want to do any modifications to your guitar, I would suggest you familiarize yourself with the wiring inside a guitar. Now onto the kill switch. Basically you need a SPDT switch. Then, the output wire (the wire that is connected to the output lug of the jack socket) gets soldered to the middle leg of the switch. One of the outer switch legs then gets soldered to where you just disconnected the output wire from. The other switch leg then gets soldered to ground. This way when the switch is in the "kill" position, it is grounding the guitar signal. When the switch is not in the "kill" position, the signal just goes to the output jack as normal. Hope that all makes sense.
  5. No this won't work because you don't have each pot connected to each humbucker. I would say you will want to be following a diagram similar to this one: http://guitarelectronics.zoovy.com/product/WDUHH3T2101 It is for 2 humbuckers with two volume knobs and one 3 way switch. It also has a tone knob but I would say you'd be able to just simply ignore the tone knob from the diagram and follow the rest. So basically when that middle wire goes from the pickup switch to the tone knob then the jack. Just have it going to the jack and miss of the tone knob. I'm guessing that would work.
  6. Hi gus, this is probably not the most appropriate place for this thread but I though I might get a few replies on here. My question is regarding searching the US Patents and Trademarks Office site. I am having real difficulty getting any successful search results. How did psw do it when he got loads of documents for his sustainer stuff? I've been searching for information on the hex pickup systems for guitars but also other stuff and I just can't get the search to give any good results. Anyone got any tips on how to search it? Thanks.
  7. Hey guys, sorry to post this again, but has anyone got an answer for my question? 'Wow, just checked out a description of the TC Electronics G-Major unit and bloody hell. It has everything. Does all the effects sound as good as their stand alone counterparts or do they sound a little fake?' Thanks.
  8. Wow, just checked out a description of the TC Electronics G-Major unit and bloody hell. It has everything. Does all the effects sound as good as their stand alone counterparts or do they sound a little fake?
  9. It's ok, the rest of my cavity is going to be foil anyway so foil will jut be used for that again. Thanks.
  10. Do you also shield the underside of the control cavity plastic cover?
  11. Cool, I actually got something right for once.
  12. I think what you need to do is to get a SPDT switch, its volume to the main switch leg. Then the two poles the switch "throws" two will be the guitar output jack and the other (the kill leg) will be the ground.
  13. Oh god, that looks complicated. Probably too complicated. Not sure. Lovekraft, could you email me and briefly explain both project ideas a bit more, the switch board thing and the sustainer thing? Thanks if you could, i'd really appreciate it.
  14. LOL, no metal parts. OMG, i'm buggered then with my new guitar's aluminium finish. Aluminium on the front back and sides of the body. Well, I think I won't last long out there. Although, it's rare that these fatal accidents happen though isn't it.
  15. Cool, another idea that came to mind was based on Ansil's idea. How about a sustainer/compressor circuit that sustains without a driver? Just pure electronics?
  16. Hmmm, that doesn't seem like it has enough to it. I'm looking for something more. Any ideas?
  17. Good advice Black Mariah, but for those using passives, the bridge earth connection is what should be done, right?
  18. Lol, that is a damn good point. But if you are on a buget, either will do, my guitar is having foil. They are both as effective as each other.
  19. I'm only quoting advice by everyone else. You can choose not to put that wire in if you want to. It's up to you. I personally am putting in a bridge earth connection on my new guitar when it arrives. But it's up to you what you want to do with yours.
  20. Hi guys, i'm in the UK studying Systems and Control at A-level. I am currently starting my second year of the course and I need to decide on a project to do for the main project unit of the course. I was trying to think of something to do but have not had much luck. Do any of you guys have any ideas? The project has to be reasonable difficulty but not too difficult. It must be able to be completed withing about 4 months plus/minus a month and a bit. It obviously can't be making an effect from a shcematic. It should be something I can justify doing. For example, if I did a distortion pedal, I could maybe justify it by saying it would be cheaper for starters etc. Or something like that. Anyway, any ideas at all? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Yeah thats right. Control cavities are either lined with conductive paint or copper foil.
  22. Connecting the bridge to earth does not mean that it gives a greater risk. Earth means that any current will take the earth wire to earth rather than through you. Or something like that. Basically, put the bridge earth wire in.
  23. It is also a safety device. So I would not consider missing out this wire.
  24. Do i have to put it through a digital effects processor first then?
  25. One song is 100+MB??? Can you have a guitar going through a normal stand alone effect then into the computer? How much will it cost to do all that? Or is the software downloadable for free?
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